Trump Deja Vu


Active member
The article makes a decent point that I was going to post on before I even read it: Instead of grabbing terrorists, travel ban 1.0 caught multiple doctors, a 5 year old child, some people not even from the banned list, a physicist, Muhammed Ali's son, etc. It was also rushed, with little to no communication to the agencies actually tasked with carrying out. This was painfully when you had federal marshals and TSA agents arguing with each other over what should be going on.

As despicable as the concept is, if it's going to be executed, execute it well. The last thing we need is two armed government agencies beefing in crowded airports again.


Active member
Nothing, absolutely nothing, can be as bad for your health as Obamacare!

Unless you have a pre existing condition. In fact, there are 10s of millions of people who got insurance when they previously couldn't. Health care has no place in the private market. The goals of keeping Americans healthy and alive and the goal of massive profits are mutually exclusive, it is from the get go a massive conflict of interest that literally kills people in our country.


Unless you have a pre existing condition. In fact, there are 10s of millions of people who got insurance when they previously couldn't. Health care has no place in the private market. The goals of keeping Americans healthy and alive and the goal of massive profits are mutually exclusive, it is from the get go a massive conflict of interest that literally kills people in our country.

You may have the crux of the issue right there. Money.


Well-known member
Keeping out people with TB and other diseases that had been eradicated in this country, is bad for people's health? Stupid leftist fake news click bait.


like marbles on glass


New member
I don't think you read the article...

Or as read by such - through their extremist lens...

The thing about the Trumper - that Trump himself has actually helped expose for all the world to see - is that their views - as with Trump's - are not only as extreme as that of the extreme Left - but worse - the extremes of the Old South's bigoted "good Christian."

And as then, so now - there is no reasoning with such.


The very point...of that article...missed on such...once more.

And even attempt to reason with such, only sets off the very lens they look at things from, so distortedly to begin with...actually only further strengthening its' distorted view...

Look at Trump and his robots: Kellyannne and company - that zombie like stoned glaze that arises over them as if from out of the very darkness of their lies in their self-deception; whenever they are confronted with their endless distortions.

Talk about "a zombie apocalypse" - lol

The night of the living dead...caught dead in their tracks...

And you know how the song goes, but for the extremist - "yuh just can't hide your lyin eyes..."


When I look at these sources, I don't even think liberals know what Trump's is doing with immigration. They've made their narrative up and just go with it :chuckle:

Just more fake news, with fake concerns and a deceptive agenda underneath.