Trump Campaign Sues CNN Over Election Interference Coverage

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
Trump Campaign Sues CNN Over Election Interference Coverage

President Donald Trump's campaign has filed a libel lawsuit against cable network CNN relating to its coverage of Russian interference ahead of the Nov. 3 presidential election, Fox News said on Friday, citing comments by a senior legal adviser for the campaign.

Representatives for CNN, which is owned by a unit of AT&T's WarnerMedia division, could not be immediately reached for comment on the lawsuit, which follows other recent lawsuits filed by Trump's campaign against The New York Times and The Washington Post.

This might not work, but on the other hand, CNN has last a rash of cases over their coverage lately, so who knows.

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
Trump campaign sues CNN over ‘false and defamatory’ statements, seeks millions in damages

EXCLUSIVE: President Trump’s re-election campaign filed a libel lawsuit against CNN on Friday for publishing “false and defamatory” statements about seeking Russia’s help in the 2020 election.

"The complaint alleges CNN was aware of the falsity at the time it published them but did so for the intentional purpose of hurting the campaign while misleading its own readers in the process... the campaign filed this lawsuit against CNN and the preceding suits against The New York Times and The Washington Post to hold the publishers accountable for their reckless false reporting and also to establish the truth,” Senior Legal Adviser to Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. Jenna Ellis told Fox News.

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
Trump 2020 legal adviser breaks down lawsuit against CNN

Jenna Ellis, Trump 2020 senior legal adviser, says the campaign was left with no choice but to file lawsuits to fight 'false and defamatory statements' by the press.


Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
Trump steps up intensity in battle with media

The Trump 2020 campaign apparatus has filed defamation lawsuits against three major news organizations. The outlets — CNN, New York Times, and Washington Post — are being sued over commentaries published in the last year. Each of the commentary topics, as one might have guessed, dealt with Russian interference in the 2016 election and the Trump campaign’s supposed connection to it.


No one. This is simply another frivolous lawsuit. Once he and his personal fixer are out of office, these types of abuse of power can be dealt with.

Oh, no, not a frivolous law suit by the Trump campaign?
How can that be?

Actually the question was a valid one. Who was libeled? Trump, if so then perhaps they have the wrong plaintiff. If the campaign, that raises some interesting legal issues, the first is whether you can libel a campaign. If you can libel a campaign, what are its damages? I think for a corporation to prevail in a libel action it needs to show actual $ damages. How does the campaign do that?
Truth is a defense to libel, isn't it? The defendants should be able to obtain info through discovery that perhaps show they were correct and then bring that info to the American people. Is that really what the campaign wants, and to keep the Russian interference on the front pages through November. These people seem to lack any foresight and planning. The apple does not fall far from the tree.

Trump Gurl sits right under that tree.


And you still have not read the suit so as usual you speak from pure ignorance, and stupidity.

The tree of knowledge. Cheaah. . That is something you will never have.

Have you actually read the complaint? If so can you provide a citation so I can. As a lawyer I have some interest.

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
Have you actually read the complaint?

I am not the one crying and complaining about it. You are, so you are the one that needs to read it.

As far as I am concerned the whole CNN hierarchy belongs in prison for willingly taking part in the attempted overthrow of the government by pumping LIES about Russian Collusion into televisions for three years.


I am not the one crying and complaining about it. You are, so you are the one that needs to read it.

As far as I am concerned the whole CNN hierarchy belongs in prison for willingly taking part in the attempted overthrow of the government by pumping LIES about Russian Collusion into televisions for three years.

Tell me where to find the complaint, your posts did not include that information. I take it you have not read the actual complaint, correct?

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
Tell me where to find the complaint, your posts did not include that information. I take it you have not read the actual complaint, correct?

If you are as smart as you think you are then I am sure you can find the complaint. I don't do other peoples homework for them.


If you are as smart as you think you are then I am sure you can find the complaint. I don't do other peoples homework for them.

Wow, guess I am as smart as I think I am. You can get to it through a Politico article. I'm sure you can do that if you have any real interest. I would give you the link but I am sure you would much rather do your own homework.

I will point out that the complaint is based on an op-ed, not a news report. If one can claim damages for libel based on an op-ed much of Fox "news" is in trouble.
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