Torah Discussion


Discuss the Torah. All things pertaining to the Torah. What do YOU want to talk about ABOUT THE TORAH?


Discuss the Torah. All things pertaining to the Torah. What do YOU want to talk about ABOUT THE TORAH?

Isaiah 19:25
Whom the LORD of hosts shall bless, saying,
Blessed be Egypt my people,
and Assyria the work of my hands, and Israel mine inheritance.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I do not know. Do YOU yourself know why?

Are you okay with Christians and the Torah?

I am.
Has there been a Catholic or Orthodox altar in Egypt already? That's what the prophecy's about.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Interesting. Why do you say that?
Easy. Because that prophecy talks about an altar to Yahweh in Egypt. How could that be, when the only altar to Yahweh is in the Temple in Jerusalem? It is a prophecy about the future, when somehow, someway, there will be an altar to Yahweh in Egypt. Does this mean the one altar moves, or does it mean there are more than just one valid altar to Yahweh, in this prophetic future?
I am Jewish.
I believe Moses and the Prophets too.


Easy. Because that prophecy talks about an altar to Yahweh in Egypt. How could that be, when the only altar to Yahweh is in the Temple in Jerusalem? It is a prophecy about the future, when somehow, someway, there will be an altar to Yahweh in Egypt. Does this mean the one altar moves, or does it mean there are more than just one valid altar to Yahweh, in this prophetic future?
We should look at this, because of what you are saying.

I do not yet see what you are talking about.

Yahveh is my God.
I believe Moses and the Prophets too.
This is encouraging.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
We should look at this, because of what you are saying.

I do not yet see what you are talking about.
Well, look at Isaiah 19:19 KJV & Isaiah 19:21 KJV. In what way could this ever come true? Isn't there just one valid altar to Yahveh? Isn't it just the altar in the Temple in Jerusalem?
Yahveh is my God.
And you believe that Christ Jesus is risen from the dead. :thumb:
This is encouraging.
Moses and the Prophets spoke of Jesus. :)


Well, look at Isaiah 19:19 KJV & Isaiah 19:21 KJV. In what way could this ever come true? Isn't there just one valid altar to Yahveh? Isn't it just the altar in the Temple in Jerusalem?
And you believe that Christ Jesus is risen from the dead. :thumb:
Moses and the Prophets spoke of Jesus. :)
I do believe what we see here in Isaiah. Thank you.