ECT Too harsh or justified?


Well-known member
Some years ago a friend of mine was preaching in a certain place, and somebody came to him one day and said, "Could you come and see a woman who is very sick? We are afraid she is dying. She is troubled about her soul and doesn't seem to understand the way." Of course he gladly went as any of us would under such circumstances.

As he entered the room and sat down beside the bed, the woman said, "Tell me what is necessary in order that my soul may be saved and my sins forgiven."

He told her the old, old story, the story of the Cross. He told her how "God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8). He told her how, hanging on that cross in those awful hours of darkness, our blessed Lord Jesus, as the substitute for sinners, drank the cup of wrath that we deserved and made full satisfaction for iniquity; and now God can justify everyone who believes in Him, whom He raised from the dead.

When he finished, she said, "Oh yes, I know, I understand all that, but I don't see how I can know that my sins are forgiven." So again, very patiently, he went over the same story, but tried to present it in a little different light. He told her that the Lord Jesus was the one great sacrifice for sin, that He offered Himself for our sins, that He was made sin for us, He who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him.

And when he finished, she said, "Yes, I understand that, but is that all that is required?"

The evangelist sprang from his seat. He was a very fiery man by nature, and sometimes the fire came out even after he became a Christian. He said in a tone that shook the room, "You wicked woman!"

And she, lying there so sick, was almost terrified and said to him, "Oh, sir, why do you talk to me like that?"

"You wicked woman, you vile woman! You ask me what is necessary in order that you may be saved. I tell you how God has bankrupted Heaven to save your guilty soul. I tell you how He has sent His own blessed Son to give His life for you. I tell you how He was forsaken of God upon that Tree, and you have the insolence to look up into the very face of God and say, 'Is that all?' What more would you want? It is all that God Himself could do."

She burst into tears and exclaimed, "Oh, sir, I understand. I did not realize what I was saying. Oh, I thank God for what He has done. It is enough! If it is enough for God, it surely is enough for me!"

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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OP excerpted from “What Does It Mean to Be Justified” by God by Harry A. Ironside.



Well-known member
Well, looks to me like it was exactly what she needed to hear at that moment in her life. You can't really know until the results come they seemed to in this case.


New member
I’m not familiar with them. I like fables but I wouldn’t trust things written by men to find comfort or reassurance for what I believe.

Cross Reference

New member
Many may reject the doctrine but none seem to break fellowship. I believe those are the ones too lazy to investigate what it is they really do believe and the reason why it is not complicated for them.


Well-known member
You find comfort in quotes and stories by men.

A lot of people do. Stories have been passed down by men from the beginning. Then they were written down and we read them to this day. Not all "stories" are told by guys like Walt Disney. :chuckle:


Well-known member
I’m not familiar with them. I like fables but I wouldn’t trust things written by men to find comfort or reassurance for what I believe.

2 Chronicles 24:2KJV
Now concerning his sons, and the greatness of the burdens laid upon him, and the repairing of the house of God, behold, they are written in the story of the book of the kings. And Amaziah his son reigned in his stead.




Many Calvinists reject both lapsarian views for various reasons. Herman Bavinck rejected both because he sees the entire system of God's plan of salvation as ...

***wow, what a world... so complicated. Just amazing.
It's what happens when you look so intently and closely at the image in the mirror that you lose the ability to discern between the reflection and the mirror itself.

patrick jane

Many may reject the doctrine but none seem to break fellowship. I believe those are the ones too lazy to investigate what it is they really do believe and the reason why it is not complicated for them.
Speak for yourself. When I hear a statement like that I know that author is simply talking about themselves.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
You wicked woman, you vile woman! You ask me what is necessary in order that you may be saved. I tell you how God has bankrupted Heaven to save your guilty soul. I tell you how He has sent His own blessed Son to give His life for you. I tell you how He was forsaken of God upon that Tree, and you have the insolence to look up into the very face of God and say, 'Is that all?' What more would you want? It is all that God Himself could do

To put it mildly, this is like a person putting down a $2 donation at a friends who spent $250 on your dinner supplies and then prepared it. You just wanted to do your share.