Tomorrow Hear Bob & Pro-Abort Sen. Ward

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Tomorrow Hear Bob & Pro-Abort Sen. Ward

This is the show from Thursday March 13th, 2008.

One of the biggest mistakes is doing nothing because we think we can only do a little. Please don't do nothing because you think you can only do a little.
Womens rights? The feminist movement doesn't have a clue about women's rights. Go back 2000 years ago in the Roman empire when women were not allowed to testify in court and see Jesus Christ and the apostle Paul and the body of Christ teaching the world that women are equal in value and worth to God and to us. And that's why Christianity caught the imagination and the passion of a continent.


* See Bob's Testimony Clip on 7News: Click on video link at Denver's 7News ABC affiliate to see the clip of Bob testifying at Colorado's pro-abortion Senator Steve Ward's Senate Bill 192 which would require pro-life protesters to spread their protest around a neighborhood, to "keep walking" the distance of three homes to the side of an abortionist's or a collaborator's home. 7News also reported, "Bob Enyart, a member of Colorado Right To Life, told lawmakers the only way to stop the protestors is to end abortion in America." The Denver Post, Boulder's Daily Camera, and other media outlets published an Associate Press article reporting that Weitz abortion collaborator executive "Gary Meggison told lawmakers his house in Lakewood has been protested 35 times in the last seven months... Twice he said they grilled hamburgers and hot dogs, most recently on Super Bowl Sunday." Yes, that was a good party! 50 pro-lifers. The AP article continued, "Abortion activists aren't opposed to the whole measure (Senate Bill 182) but radio talk show host Bob Enyart, a member of Colorado Right to Life, said he thought the sign limit was unconstitutional and was asking the American Civil Liberties Union to fight it. ... Enyart said protesters realize the demonstrations are upsetting but he said the only way to end them was to outlaw abortion. Until then, he said abortion opponents would continue to draw attention to the issue. "Our commitment is no child killing with tranquility," he said." The 7News report also quotes Will Duffy, founder of the Collaborators Project protesting Planned Parenthood's building of

* Big Signature Weekend for Colorado Personhood: From Keith Mason, with "We need your help this Friday and Saturday! Greetings, fellow laborers for the pre-born! We have some very exciting events to announce! Friday, March 14 (Tomorrow!) at 1:15 p.m. - Join us for a movie! We will be meeting at the United Artists Pavillions, at the 16th Street Mall and Welton (we will meet on the mall in front of the Pavillions) for the Denver premier of "Horton Hears a Who", which features the famous tag line by Dr. Seuss, "A person is a person, no matter how small." Come for a campaign t-shirt (suggested donation $10), fliers to distribute, and the person with the most signatures will get two free movie passes to the 2 p.m. showing of the movie! If you want to see the movie, you'll want to buy tickets in advance. If you want to get signatures on the public sidewalk, this is a perfect opportunity. The news media has been invited, so show up smiling! Kristi Burton will be joining us for this premier - you won't want to miss it!

Saturday, March 15 at 8 a.m. - Join us at the St. Patrick's Day Parade! We will be meeting at the corner of 23rd Street and Blake Street. Get a GREEN campaign t-shirt (suggested donation $10), and take this amazing opportunity for thousands of signatures! The parade starts at 9:30am, so if you're unable to meet up with us, this is still a great time to get signatures! Just keep an eye out for your fellow Colorado for Equal Rights volunteers in green shirts! For more information on the parade, check out We look forward to seeing you there!

* Lori from Loveland & Jo Scott from Westminster: Colorado callers encouraged us! Lori was headed to a King Sooper's grocery store to collect personhood signatures! And a mom scheduled to abort her baby seven months ago called Jo Scott of ProLife Colorado today thanking her for being in front of Denver' Planned Parenthood abortion clinic at 20th & Vine Street, to help talk her out of killing her child! And since January 22, God and other Christians from Denver Bible Church and elsewhere have helped Jo save ten more babies!

Post-show Note: Heard it on the grapevine: American RTL received a stack of newspapers containing their full-page newspaper ad educating Texas voters about the immorality of the Libertarian Party and about Ron Paul being pro-choice state by state! Wow! BEL would sure love an ORIGINAL PRINTING of that ad!

Today's Resource: Have you heard about the BEL special of two MP3 CDs of Bob Enyart's audio teaching of The Plot and The Tree for one price of $49.99? The Plot: Every story has a plot, and a story's details can be confusing unless you understand its overview. The Bible tells the story of human history and the work of God for His creation, and this story has a plot as well! Grasping the big picture will help you reconcile many seemingly contradictory and controversial Bible passages. Achieve a fuller understanding of God's plan from Genesis to Revelation and equip yourself to share God's Word with friends and family. Consider listening to The Plot series based on Bob's manuscript of the same title. Then enjoy Bob's book studies and see how the big picture can help you to better know the living God. The Tree: For thirty five years Bob Enyart has studied God's Word praying for the wisdom to share the truth of Scripture with a lost and dying world. Now you can benefit from this very exciting Bible study. The Tree CD will take you back to the Garden of Eden to examine the legacy and impact of this famous tree on humanity. Find out where the tree is today and what its final destination will be. After listening to the prerequisite, The Plot, Bible, the Bible studies on The Tree CD will entertain, excite and challenge you toward godly living!
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