toldailytopic: Why does the mainstream media lean so far to the left? What's the root

Nathon Detroit

The TOPIC OF THE DAY for June 5th, 2012 09:52 AM

toldailytopic: Why does the mainstream media lean so far to the left? What's the root cause?

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The Horn

They're not all THAT left on the whole. It's just that so much of the country has gone so far right it's practically reverted to Puritan New England .
Many Americans today are so right-wing they make Archie Bunker look liberal ! The lateBbarry Goldwater used to call himself a conservative, but by today's loony political standards, he was a flaming liberal !
I'm actualy fairly moderate, but people all over the internet have labeled me a commie pinko bastard just because I don't agree with their right-wing extremist views .
I'm no more a Marxist or communist than the Pope is a Muslim .
Just because you're pro-choice,pro gay rights, believe in separation of church and state, are for reasonable gun control, not making guns illegal and confiscating them, are not anti-tax, believe in a safety net for the poor and those down on their luck, are not an evangelical Christian or any Christian denomination , don't buy the idiotic notion that public schools are "indoctrinating" kids, are afraid of the religious right, are not paranoid about Muslims, , despise people like Brayn Fischer, Bradlee Dean, Pat Robertson,Bob Enyart ,Michele Bachmann,
Jim DeMint, David Barton, and other right-wing wackos and scoundrels does not mean that you're an evil pinko commie multicultural, politically correct Christian-hating bastard .


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
They're not all THAT left on the whole. It's just that so much of the country has gone so far right it's practically reverted to Puritan New England .
Many Americans today are so right-wing they make Archie Bunker look liberal ! The lateBbarry Goldwater used to call himself a conservative, but by today's loony political standards, he was a flaming liberal !
I'm actualy fairly moderate, but people all over the internet have labeled me a commie pinko bastard just because I don't agree with their right-wing extremist views .
I'm no more a Marxist or communist than the Pope is a Muslim .
Just because you're pro-choice,pro gay rights, believe in separation of church and state, are for reasonable gun control, not making guns illegal and confiscating them, are not anti-tax, believe in a safety net for the poor and those down on their luck, are not an evangelical Christian or any Christian denomination , don't buy the idiotic notion that public schools are "indoctrinating" kids, are afraid of the religious right, are not paranoid about Muslims, , despise people like Brayn Fischer, Bradlee Dean, Pat Robertson,Bob Enyart ,Michele Bachmann,
Jim DeMint, David Barton, and other right-wing wackos and scoundrels does not mean that you're an evil pinko commie multicultural, politically correct Christian-hating bastard .
Keep telling yourself that.


TOL Subscriber
They're not all THAT left on the whole. It's just that so much of the country has gone so far right it's practically reverted to Puritan New England .
Many Americans today are so right-wing they make Archie Bunker look liberal ! The lateBbarry Goldwater used to call himself a conservative, but by today's loony political standards, he was a flaming liberal !
I'm actualy fairly moderate, but people all over the internet have labeled me a commie pinko bastard just because I don't agree with their right-wing extremist views .
I'm no more a Marxist or communist than the Pope is a Muslim .
Just because you're pro-choice,pro gay rights, believe in separation of church and state, are for reasonable gun control, not making guns illegal and confiscating them, are not anti-tax, believe in a safety net for the poor and those down on their luck, are not an evangelical Christian or any Christian denomination , don't buy the idiotic notion that public schools are "indoctrinating" kids, are afraid of the religious right, are not paranoid about Muslims, , despise people like Brayn Fischer, Bradlee Dean, Pat Robertson,Bob Enyart ,Michele Bachmann,
Jim DeMint, David Barton, and other right-wing wackos and scoundrels does not mean that you're an evil pinko commie multicultural, politically correct Christian-hating bastard .



New member
toldailytopic: Why does the mainstream media lean so far to the left? What's the root cause?
There is more profit from immorality than from morality.
By constantly showing immorality to the audience, the mainstream media can get large numbers of people worked up, which means more viewers/readers and more revenue from the advertisers.

The side effect of the constant showing immorality to the audience by the mainstream media is that people in the audience get new notions about immoral behavior and some of them will then choose to act out on those notions, giving the mainstream media even more immorality to fill their time slots/pages with.


New member
It's a profit deal, it's just as simple as they have money and money controls the media. Some of you are stark raving mad conspiracy theorists aren't you?


New member
I enjoy reading about a good conspiracy theory from time to time, don't get me wrong but I think in this case it's just a profit deal. Have money, control the media, profit from controlling information. It's borderline conspiracy :chuckle:


Well-known member
My opinion is:
The people who own it and direct it's course are elitists, who think they know best how to direct societies. They hire the same to spread their agenda for how they think the world and the masses should be handled.

The talking heads are mere puppets for the machine that is behind them.
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This Charming Manc

Well-known member
It doesn't ... just a large percentage of the people on here are so far to the right they cant distinguish between;

  • centre right
  • centre
  • left
  • far left

I have assumed the questions relates to the news media not entertainment media, then things get much more complex.


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
Oh boy, more verbal dribble. Careful, you're foaming at the mouth.

The Horn is an extreme example, but the media does behave like him, albeit in a slightly more tactful way.

Why does the media lean so far to the left? The answer is simple, they are non-christian-they don't have God. People cannot conduct themselves in a moral fashion or understand morality without the influence of the Holy Spirit in their lives. There concept of morality ends up being warped. Take The Horn for example. His idea of morality is giving out abortions to the poor and letting homosexuals have any job they want including teaching little kids. That isn't morality. Everything runs to immorality without God. Left wing policies support immoral behavior, so the media, an organization largely without God, is going to run to the Left.


Why? Well obviously God has placed the mainstream media in influential positions because otherwise extremists would destroy the country.

Frank Ernest

New member
Hall of Fame
They're not all THAT left on the whole. It's just that so much of the country has gone so far right it's practically reverted to Puritan New England .
Many Americans today are so right-wing they make Archie Bunker look liberal ! The lateBbarry Goldwater used to call himself a conservative, but by today's loony political standards, he was a flaming liberal !
I'm actualy fairly moderate, but people all over the internet have labeled me a commie pinko bastard just because I don't agree with their right-wing extremist views .
I'm no more a Marxist or communist than the Pope is a Muslim .
Just because you're pro-choice,pro gay rights, believe in separation of church and state, are for reasonable gun control, not making guns illegal and confiscating them, are not anti-tax, believe in a safety net for the poor and those down on their luck, are not an evangelical Christian or any Christian denomination , don't buy the idiotic notion that public schools are "indoctrinating" kids, are afraid of the religious right, are not paranoid about Muslims, , despise people like Brayn Fischer, Bradlee Dean, Pat Robertson,Bob Enyart ,Michele Bachmann,
Jim DeMint, David Barton, and other right-wing wackos and scoundrels does not mean that you're an evil pinko commie multicultural, politically correct Christian-hating bastard .
Actually, it does.


Well-known member
Left? Since when was the mainstream media left? :rotfl:
When you're as hard right as some of you, anything that's not in line with your belief systems looks left.

Fox is hard right, MSNBC is left but corporate left, CNN is rather loopy but fairly middle right. You have to go to current TV or democracy now to get media that's actually reasonably hard left.

Why is the media more right leaning? Because corporate America is trying to control the outcome of elections in ways that they perceive benefit them. There's been a concerted effort to move American politics farther and farther right.


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame

toldailytopic: Why does the mainstream media lean so far to the left?
What's the root cause?

Why does the mainstream media lean so far to the left?

They figure if they lean real far to the left, the darts of the rightful right will miss them.
What's the root cause?

Fear of the truth. For those would come out of the leftist mainstream media the fear of other mainstream media representatives pointing their finger at them in mocking fashion. Fear of being found wrong. Besides once they start stomping around in the swill of half truths and falsehoods they get used to stench of lies and keep slogging through it in homage to the way of deceit; one of these days their so called fearless leader, the Devil/Satan/that old deceiver will come by and tell leftist media louts, "Everybody on your heads," and with no diving gear that's not a pretty picture.​
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Real Sorceror

New member
I consider entertainment media to be more left, but news media is definitely more varied, with most of it being moderate or right.

As a branch of the topic, what specific mainstream media outlets do you consider to be left?