toldailytopic: Unrest in Iran. How should the rest of the world deal with Iran?

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Nathon Detroit

The TOPIC OF THE DAY for February 11th, 2010 11:12 AM

toldailytopic: Unrest in Iran. How should the rest of the world deal with Iran?

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New member
Maybe we should just mind our own business. Why should we have to "deal" with anything?

Because AIPAC is the biggest lobby in Washington? Not that we aren't already "dealing" with it:

Bush Authorizes Covert Action in Iran to Destabilize Government.

I fully expect a deluge of patriotards defending this action, spewing the latest neoconservative talking points they've heard from the Zionist-occupied mainstream media.


New member
We should have a consistant philosophy all over the world: support those who support democracy, nations and groups within nations.

We shouldn't make any promises we can't keep, or promises that might justify war later on, like Bush Sr. promises to Kurds in Iraq. That was part of the real reason for the Iraq war, fulfilling daddy's promises.


New member


Because AIPAC is the biggest lobby in Washington? Not that we aren't already "dealing" with it:

Bush Authorizes Covert Action in Iran to Destabilize Government.

I fully expect a deluge of patriotards defending this action, spewing the latest neoconservative talking points they've heard from the Zionist-occupied mainstream media.

So no point in responding then? What if I referenced you and your ilk as "traitiotards"? You specious twit you! bybee


New member


Maybe we should just mind our own business. Why should we have to "deal" with anything?

I consider this to be a valid point. When do we stop the slaughter of our fine young people in defense of people who clearly do not want us there? bybee


Well-known member
The Shaw was a CIA puppet, but the people in Iran are certainly suffering, due to having a new despot, same as the old despot. Maybe we shall have to smack him around a bit, maybe not, but time will tell. Right now his military and navy are far less of a threat than Iraq, but if Israel allows his nuclear capabilities to be developed, we may have to intervene... I doubt that they will. :nono:


Well-known member
The Shaw was a CIA puppet, but the people in Iran are certainly suffering, due to having a new despot, same as the old despot. Maybe we shall have to smack him around a bit, maybe not, but time will tell. Right now his military and navy are far less of a threat than Iraq, but if Israel allows his nuclear capabilities to be developed, we may have to intervene... I doubt that they will. :nono:

Are you for banning nuclear weapons in America too?


Well-known member
So, let me see if I understand the situation. Back in the 50's, Iran was loving life, basically as free as we were, but nooooo, the CIA ( a contradiction in terms if any) decides we don't want Iran to nationalize their oil, so we gotta overthrow Mossedq and put in our puppet the Shaw. This guy was no nice guy, he had his own secret police and used at will against the so called free people of Iran. We, the United States, looked the other way, or outright encouraging the brute. Then in 1979, after 30-40 years of this brutality caused by this man, the Iranian people looked to the Aytollah as their leader and a revolt began. Since it is commen knowledge we put this brute in power, they went after our embassy, taking hostages. Carter tried to get them out, but that failed. Then reagen was elected and made a deal with them, and bingo, we have our hostages back. But behind closed doors, we love this other fella in Iraq. So we tell them to do our dirty work for us and we will give him anything he wants, including chemical and biological weapons, cause now, Iran is our badguy. So Iraq fights Iran, hundreds of thousands of people die, while Saddam gets fatter on our dole. Fast forward a couple decades later, Iran wants to go nuclear. The world says noooooooooo! Yet during the time of the Shaw of Iran and Komeni, Israel stole our nuclear secrets, built their own bombs, but that is ok. So the only country in the Middle east to have nukes is Israel. If I am an Arab country, I am a bit skiddish at that thought. Some of those Zionists are kinda crazy. And Israel didn't even sign the Nuclear Prolifition Treaty. But who really cares about that. Now back to the modern day, Iran wants to go nuclear. How nuclear, we are unclear. But we can't have that. So Bush decides we need regime change in Iran. Obama mama agrees obviously cause he continues the same policy. So we spend billions of dollars over there to incite the people against the government. The government responds by attacking the people. Iranians can be so stupid sometimes.

Good call guys, :thumb:

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
So, let me see if I understand the situation. Back in the 50's, Iran was loving life, basically as free as we were, but nooooo, the CIA ( a contradiction in terms if any) decides we don't want Iran to nationalize their oil, so we gotta overthrow Mossedq and put in our puppet the Shaw. This guy was no nice guy, he had his own secret police and used at will against the so called free people of Iran. We, the United States, looked the other way, or outright encouraging the brute. Then in 1979, after 30-40 years of this brutality caused by this man, the Iranian people looked to the Aytollah as their leader and a revolt began. Since it is commen knowledge we put this brute in power, they went after our embassy, taking hostages. Carter tried to get them out, but that failed. Then reagen was elected and made a deal with them, and bingo, we have our hostages back. But behind closed doors, we love this other fella in Iraq. So we tell them to do our dirty work for us and we will give him anything he wants, including chemical and biological weapons, cause now, Iran is our badguy. So Iraq fights Iran, hundreds of thousands of people die, while Saddam gets fatter on our dole. Fast forward a couple decades later, Iran wants to go nuclear. The world says noooooooooo! Yet during the time of the Shaw of Iran and Komeni, Israel stole our nuclear secrets, built their own bombs, but that is ok. So the only country in the Middle east to have nukes is Israel. If I am an Arab country, I am a bit skiddish at that thought. Some of those Zionists are kinda crazy. And Israel didn't even sign the Nuclear Prolifition Treaty. But who really cares about that. Now back to the modern day, Iran wants to go nuclear. How nuclear, we are unclear. But we can't have that. So Bush decides we need regime change in Iran. Obama mama agrees obviously cause he continues the same policy. So we spend billions of dollars over there to incite the people against the government. The government responds by attacking the people. Iranians can be so stupid sometimes.

Good call guys, :thumb:

The UK has invaded us twice. Nobody else has. Why are we their friends? Good call.

The Berean

Well-known member
The UK has invaded us twice. Nobody else has. Why are we their friends? Good call.

Actually, on March 9, 1916 Mexican revolutionary Pancho Villa invaded New Mexico and engaged a detachment of the 13th Cavalry Regiment. :chuckle: As a kid my dad used to tell me stories about Pancho Villa all the time.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Actually, on March 9, 1916 Mexican revolutionary Pancho Villa invaded New Mexico and engaged a detachment of the 13th Cavalry Regiment. :chuckle: As a kid my dad used to tell me stories about Pancho Villa all the time.

I knew somebody would say Mexico. :first: The Brits invaded on two seperate wars.


Well-known member
The UK has invaded us twice. Nobody else has. Why are we their friends? Good call.

Maybe cause they moved closer to our political appartus (monarchy has no power over there any more) and alot of our forefathers came from there? Also they don't lay claim to this piece of property anymore. I'll note you didn't answer the post.


Well-known member
I feel sorry for the people in Iran who want a better government and a better way of life ... but I'm not sure they want our help. It seems that, even when we try to help people in that part of the world they hate us more.

If we take out the government, it should be because it continues to be a threat to our peace and freedom.

I pray that the green movement is full of people in Iran, who want peace. I pray that our LORD empower them to win the battle for their freedom and better government.
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