toldailytopic: The Tea Party movement.

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Nathon Detroit

The TOPIC OF THE DAY for March 1st, 2010 10:53 AM

toldailytopic: The Tea Party movement. What do you think it's impact will be in the political arena?

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Hall of Fame
I thought at first it might prompt the Republican party to reclaim some of the conservative principles they'd abandoned. I'm beginning to think they've let themselves become too stupid to grasp the concept anymore.

If they can't or won't, it may or may not lead to a third party. Either way it will end in frustration for the tea party folks and become just a step toward some other radical attempt for conservatives to reclaim a voice in the process.

I fear things simply haven't quite gotten bad enough for conservatives to truly buck up and get it done. It may have to get a good bit worse before that can happen. I'd rather not but that's how I'm reading it.
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Hall of Fame
It'll be co-opted and used by the same interests that already control affairs in this country. As a movement it's full of useful idiots. Its "impact" will ultimately be negligible when it comes to effecting actual change.


The TOPIC OF THE DAY for March 1st, 2010 10:53 AM

toldailytopic: The Tea Party movement. What do you think it's impact will be in the political arena?

Take the topic above and run with it! Slice it, dice it, give us your general thoughts about it. Everyday there will be a new TOL Topic of the Day.
If you want to make suggestions for the Topic of the Day send a Tweet to @toldailytopic or @theologyonline or send it to us via Facebook.

IMO, the tea party attracts more racist idiots than actual people with knowledge of the issues they are concerned about. The Tea Party almost reminds me of the racist idiots who join in on the Minuteman movement.


I think the organizers set the tone for that by refusing to let Republican African American Micheal Steele be a main speaker.

Whether or not that was the organizers intentions, you know idiots only need little to see something as fitting their views.

Then you had Fox News basically promoting the event, and I'm pretty sure that they are suppose to be reporting and not promoting their own interest; but then again, that's what the media often does to portray negative images against whom they please.

You can see that because the idiots signs are obvious
Here Are the Most Outrageous Signs From Tea Bag Protests


New member
Hall of Fame
I think I agree with the others that it won't have much significance. I think it's beginning to be taken more seriously now, but I'm skeptical that it will have much of an impact. They would have to have more protests with even higher turnouts.

Ya know, maybe it would have a greater effect if people started NOT voting for the Republicans and Democrats. Ignoring protests is one thing, ignoring the loss of votes is another. :think:

Oh nevermind, that's a crazy idea. What was I thinking. Forget I said anything. :plain:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I think I agree with the others that it won't have much significance. I think it's beginning to be taken more seriously now, but I'm skeptical that it will have much of an impact. They would have to have more protests with even higher turnouts.

Ya know, maybe it would have a greater effect if people started NOT voting for the Republicans and Democrats. Ignoring protests is one thing, ignoring the loss of votes is another. :think:

Oh nevermind, that's a crazy idea. What was I thinking. Forget I said anything. :plain:

what if you stopped voting

how could we ignore that?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame

I like tea...

But if you're wanting a large movement I'd go with prunes instead.



Well-known member
We're going to all just have to wait until after the next big election to see if the movement has teeth to it.

I figure that the Massachusetts election means that it does. Though Scott (I think his name is Scott) seems to have disappointed the Tea Party followers, he is still a sign that some sort of conservative change is desired by the citizens - even in Massachusetts.


Well-known member
We're going to all just have to wait until after the next big election to see if the movement has teeth to it.

I figure that the Massachusetts election means that it does. Though Scott (I think his name is Scott) seems to have disappointed the Tea Party followers, he is still a sign that some sort of conservative change is desired by the citizens - even in Massachusetts.


New member
Around here the tea parties are becoming a forum for the various candidates and offering guidance for people to learn how to become a candidate for the various offices. I think that's pretty significant all by itself.

The Berean

Well-known member
Around here the tea parties are becoming a forum for the various candidates and offering guidance for people to learn how to become a candidate for the various offices. I think that's pretty significant all by itself.

I stated the following in a previous Tea Party thread last week.

This issue with third parties is people's view of them. Most people think of third parties only think in terms of the presidency. And that is wrong thinking IMO. The presidency should be the ultimate goal not the initial goal for any third party. For a viable third party to win the presidency they need to have many of their third party in other federal elected positions (Senate, House of Reps) and state/local elected positions. A third party needs to have an established power base in place to realistically challenge for the presidency.

The last time a third party was a major player for the presidency was 1912. The 1912 election gives interesting insight into how a third party may challenge for the presidency today. Former president Theodore Roosevelt narrowly lost the Republican presidential nomination to the incumbent president William Howard Taft. Roosevelt immediately created his own party, the Progressive Party (nicknamed the Bull Moose Party). Roosevelt finished second to Woodrow Wilson and won 88 electoral votes to Taft's eight electoral votes. I suppose it's possible that if some powerful Democrat and Republican broke ranks with his/her party and joined a third party he/she could make some noise but probably not enough to win the presidency.


Well-known member
Around here the tea parties are becoming a forum for the various candidates and offering guidance for people to learn how to become a candidate for the various offices. I think that's pretty significant all by itself.

I agree with you. I don't think of the T. P. people as wanting a third party. I think that the Republicans have the best chance of getting their votes because of the Party platform... but within the Party I think that people are being evaluated. The T. P. followers are looking for honorable men of courage who are constitutionalists, small government, balance the budget, moral leaders.

Only big government, godless,liberals need to be concerned about the T.P. movement. I think they know this in their gut ... and guess that this is why they are so vocal with their hostile name calling toward the people in the movement.

The Barbarian

There's already a party for less government, lower taxes and more freedom. They are called "libertarians."

It's not that America is lacking a party, it's lacking a population that really wants those things. So far, not enough people want them enough to vote for them.
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