toldailytopic: The best way to recover from this economic downturn is to.....

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Nathon Detroit

The TOPIC OF THE DAY for June 29th, 2010 09:51 AM

toldailytopic: The best way to recover from this economic downturn is to.....

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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
good topic

conserve as much as possible
reduce your debt
eat right

vote republican

Nathon Detroit

The best way to recover from this economic downturn is to.....

.... have government GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!

Government needs to:

- Cut taxes
- Stop spending
- Stop growing
- Get out of the way and let private industry flourish


New member
Hall of Fame
Stop reckless investment, return to a stable currency, penalize and punish those who abuse the system, and require transparency and accountability in the financial sector.


The best way to recover from this economic downturn is to.....

.... have government GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!

Government needs to:

- Cut taxes
- Stop spending
- Stop growing
- Get out of the way and let private industry flourish

I agree, but the only way it’s going to happen is if Republicans are elected.

However, you and others like you tell people not to vote for Republicans because of their stance on abortion.

IOW, almost every vote that goes to an independent or third party candidate who shares your views on abortion is a vote taken away from a Republican, and helps get the Democrats elected, who increase the government, spend, etc., which leads us to where we are.

In most cases the independents or third party candidates don’t have a chance of winning, but you guys vote for them anyway to make your statement about abortion.

So, if the reason we are in an economic downturn is because of big government as you say, then I find those who don’t vote for Republicans solely because of abortion just as responsible for the economic mess as the Democrats themselves.


New member
Hall of Fame
Neither party has any interest in stopping this mess, and neither party won't. Looking for answers from Democrats or Republicans is a joke.


New member
American's voting for good economic policy and not ideology or parties. This mess was created by Americans not doing those things and thus the parties stopped trying to balance budgets leading, to a debt spiral, because no one cared.

Plus Knight and other right wing fanatics, how can Republican be the automatic solution when they created the mess in the first place and have not been upholding the ideals you profess? Bush may have cut taxes but also spent profusely and grew, the worst combination due to its inherent unsustainable nature. But then I guess your flawed electoral process means that third parties that actually stand for your views don't stand a chance and actually hurt the other parties they are most similar too, thus the status quo is entrenched.


Well-known member
I liked Knight's suggestion ... Big government get out of the way.

Yet, maybe our government could somehow give small established businesses the incentive to hire extra long-term employees. Maybe ITS just getting off the back of small businesses is one way to start. (Don't you just love VP Biden's comment to the custard shop guy? Really classy concerned guy huh? Of course, I'm talking about the custard shop owner - not our VP!!!)

Give the small American farmer a reason to go back to producing. The government killed the pursuits of small rural farmers years ago, when they actually paid them to quit farming. Let's replace foreign products with our own, and give our communities good reason to choose to buy their own local produce.

BTW, I've stopped buying (as much as possible) California produce because they seem to think they are so high and mighty in California that they can boycott another troubled state - Arizona. Don't they have enough financial troubles of their own to just keep out of the business of others? Isn't "turn about" part of fair play? I know I'm probably the only person doing this - and I do feel bad about it - cause I love farmers ... but liberal California voters and leaders - not so much any more!

Drastically cut government spending (except for necessities like: national security and infrastructure repairs ... tax cuts for most all working Americans.
Quit using American tax dollars to pay off the governments of under-privileged countries in the hopes that this will make them our allies.

Give out financial benefits to the long-term unemployed people on the basis of how much community service they perform. They do none; they get less. More - more!

Get out of the United Nations, where countries come carrying a big angry stick while their other hand is poised for a handout. Use that extra cash to start paying off our national DEBT.

American people - stop with the idea that the government or the rich man owes you something. Get back to the idea of trying to obtain the American dream for yourself.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
asking the government to get out of the way is a joke

vote republican
hope for grid lock

that is the best you can do


Well-known member
At the bottom of your post you wrote:
People are not their governments, they are their government’s victims. They should not be doubly victimized by being held to account for the crimes of their own oppressors.

In our country people willingly vote for our government leaders. Our voting citizens have very few excuses when they've elected godless leaders , and they certainly can't blame everything on the leaders.

Here are a few possible true excuses some voters might have to offer:
They were lied to by the candidates.
They were more concerned about a government handout programs than having honorable statesmen.
They have their own godless perverted agenda, which matches the people they elect, and they are quite happy.
They are simply spiritual blind to the will of God.
They are group thinkers, and their votes can be easily manipulated or bought.
They are just stupid ... and randomly vote... just to say they have voted.

It's the American people who need to change our leaders ... AND it is they who can turn this economy around.
As Knight said:
The government just needs to get out of the way.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
asking the government to get out of the way is a joke

vote republican

Really? So the government shrunk under W when he had both houses of Congress? Will you ever wake up and smell what you are shovelling?


Well-known member
I for one am disappointed in all of our leaders. I do not believe that we should just blame whomever is the president. I think that the legislative bodies are the MOST to blame for all the bad legislation ... the pork barrel spending ... the rising national debt and for being more hungry for their positions of power instead of about being honorable statesmen.

I still believe that George W did many things right during his terms in office ... and don't feel that he got the support from the legislators that was needed. I believe that I've heard from TV comments that his administration did begin to warn about how the idiotic dealings of Fanny and Freddy were leading our country into trouble. Our legislators did not listen. Evenytime I hear a commercial about loan companies and such who say that they can help people find cheap homes and good loan for buying homes... I cringe - wondering what deals are being cooked up now.

Maybe one way to get our economy back on track is to kick out as many questionable legislators as possible.

Personally, as a citizen, who believes in God and in our constitution, I'm for kicking any of them (D or R) out of office - especially any who do not have the track record that meets those two priorities.

And I don't even care if liberals, godless atheists, or any ethnic groups, who vote by race, don't like what I'm saying.


New member
And I don't even care if liberals, godless atheists, or any ethnic groups, who vote by race, don't like what I'm saying.
What on earth was the point of this last statement other than to show you are a bigot? The rest of your post seemed to be about kicking out poorly performing legislators which is what people are meant to do at the polling booth anyway, though many fail to do so and you didn't specify if that was your intended method. But then this last sentence seemed to come out of nowhere, particularly the racist stereotyping.


Well-known member
What on earth was the point of this last statement other than to show you are a bigot? The rest of your post seemed to be about kicking out poorly performing legislators which is what people are meant to do at the polling booth anyway, though many fail to do so and you didn't specify if that was your intended method. But then this last sentence seemed to come out of nowhere, particularly the racist stereotyping.

I guess my anger and disappointment in our government leaders, the godless liberals, and the 'give me the rich man's money' has turned me into a bigot. I have never been one before ... so I'm still trying it on for size. At the moment, it feels good.

I have always considered Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. one of my favorite heroes, believed that all our citizens would be one day be treated equally under the law and be given equal opportunities, and I had hope that atheists could come to salvation ... now not so much any more. For 10 years I've been a volunteer community service worker at places who help poor people of all ethnic groups. I have friends among all these groups... but I'm tied of hearing the spokesmen of many of these groups touting values that I find offensive... These spokesmen are either telling me the truth about the motives of these groups or they are misrepresenting their own ethnic groups.

It is the invasion of the goddless, the murders, the greedy, the power hungry, the lying people who are ruining our country. Oh yes, let me add judges and lawyers to this group. My anger really has more to do with ... the hearts of lousy men- no matter their color or ethnic group from which they come.

Feels good just to get it off my chest ... and I don't care who likes it or not. Thanks for responding and giving me a chance to express myself again.

BTW, I feel that God either blesses nations or holds them accountable ... so as long as people in a nation are offending God... then I think we can expect him to correct a nation... especially a nation that has proclaimed his name to the world - in the past. We now are a national insult to God. I do not think our economy will get better until the people turn back to God... and I know that is happening when our people begin to elect moral statesmen to office and start cutting big government intrusion into our lives and economy.
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