toldailytopic: PETA. Respectable animal rights organization, or wacky left-wing nutba

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Nathon Detroit

The TOPIC OF THE DAY for January 6th, 2010 12:03 PM

toldailytopic: PETA. Respectable animal rights organization, or wacky left-wing nutballs?

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New member
Contains a mixture of both, I think. Some individuals with a very legitimate concern over the welfare of animals - one which I share - and some crazy fanatics who seem to put venting of their own rage above that which is sensible, and that which will actually help put an end to animals' suffering.


New member
Hall of Fame
For all the good PETA does in theory endeavor to do they are dominated not only by their only zealotry but by a bizarre kneejerk tendency to offer worse solutions than the problems they rail against.

Case in point: when Michael Vick's pit bulls were found PETA flatly declared that euthanisizing these poor animals would be the best thing for them--without exception. While some of these dogs did need to be euthanized for various reasons, the majority of them enjoy life today and are in good health and on the way to full rehabilitation.

I don't like animal abuse, whether it's done privately or corporately. There is never any reason to treat an animal inhumanely. But PETA goes above and beyond in their concern for creatures and teeters from insulting rhetoric (Holocaust on your plate?!) to outright madness.

You can speak for animals, and even their rights, without being a total nut.


Well-known member
Crazier than crazy. As much as I love animals I'm not really a fan of "animal rights" organizations because typically they take money away from organizations dedicated to helping people. And frequently if people are not in poverty, their animals will not be abused either.

PETA, especially with their frankenfood ridiculousness, demonstrate they don't actually care about people, people in 3rd world countries starving is okay so long as *their* food is "pure".


New member
Hall of Fame
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for January 6th, 2010 12:03 PM

toldailytopic: PETA. Respectable animal rights organization, or wacky left-wing nutballs?

Take the topic above and run with it! Slice it, dice it, give us your general thoughts about it. Everyday there will be a new TOL Topic of the Day.
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A bit of both.

Contains a mixture of both, I think. Some individuals with a very legitimate concern over the welfare of animals - one which I share - and some crazy fanatics who seem to put venting of their own rage above that which is sensible, and that which will actually help put an end to animals' suffering.

For all the good PETA does in theory endeavor to do they are dominated not only by their only zealotry but by a bizarre kneejerk tendency to offer worse solutions than the problems they rail against.

Case in point: when Michael Vick's pit bulls were found PETA flatly declared that euthanisizing these poor animals would be the best thing for them--without exception. While some of these dogs did need to be euthanized for various reasons, the majority of them enjoy life today and are in good health and on the way to full rehabilitation.

I don't like animal abuse, whether it's done privately or corporately. There is never any reason to treat an animal inhumanely. But PETA goes above and beyond in their concern for creatures and teeters from insulting rhetoric (Holocaust on your plate?!) to outright madness.

You can speak for animals, and even their rights, without being a total nut.



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Hall of Fame
PETA: These people are the high priests of Satan. You think I go too far, let me explain; they hide their wicked intent behind contemporary morals, they want to seem kind and caring, preying on those too nave to see their evil. Behind this veil is their perverse desire to undermine the place human hold above animals. They play on peoples emotions, the weakness that people feel about their pets. Now I have had many good dogs I cared for deeply and shed tears when they passed on, but never once have I paced my dogs' welfare above that in any human.

Ask yourself this question, would you let your pet die if the money you would spend on that dog could save a human life? If not, you are a poor Christian if you are one at all, for you have raised the beast above the image of God.

PETA has disciples; they want humans to believe we are just animals with big brains and no soul. These people, at least their leaders, hate God; they want all people to lower themselves to that of animals. They are the haters of God and all those of us who love God.

They are not just wacky kooks, they are disciples of evil and they hide this evil well in a time where most people have lost touch with the real relations between humans and animals. This began recently, in the 19th century when wealthy persons began to have lap dogs as a symbol of fashion. Today, mot many flinch when animal rescue spends 30 grand ( as i saw on one TV program) on a deserted or abused dog, yet I shudder to think these same folks would be adverse to saving a human life of low standing with the same state tax dollar. This is disgusting.

This is called animalism, the worship or elevating to status of an animal to that of man. It is one of the vilest sins of earth!

Memento Mori

New member
I'm no fan of PETA. I've heard some pretty bad stuff about them plus I hate extremism. And they're are some crazy extremists in PETA... I'm reminded of a South Park episode...


New member
Contains a mixture of both, I think. Some individuals with a very legitimate concern over the welfare of animals - one which I share - and some crazy fanatics who seem to put venting of their own rage above that which is sensible, and that which will actually help put an end to animals' suffering.

Yup, what he said...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Wacky left-wing nutballs.

Unfortunately there used to be an organization in the UK called "ALF" (Animal Liberation Front) that relied on extremist tactics that were pathetic and counter productive to their supposed "aim". I had zero time for them and any other such group that uses the same.

There is, however, nothing "left-wing" about deploring abuse of animals. I despise cruelty of any sort be it to people or anything else. And anyone who thinks it's ok to treat an animal with cruelty, be it domesticated, wild or livestock is a complete and total prat. Thankfully we have an organization called the RSPCA (Royal Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Animals) which deals responsibly with any such case.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
The are evil, not nutjobs. They know what the are doing. They have no problem killing animals. They have a problem with somebody other than them killing an animal, especially if you use the animal for food or clothes.

Speaking of evil satanic liberals headed to hell, Bob Barker is out $5,000,000. He paid for a boat used for terrorism. They damage the fishing and whaling vessells anyway they can. The Japanese ship rammed it, and down she went.
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