toldailytopic: Is Obama really THAT bad?

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Nathon Detroit

The TOPIC OF THE DAY for April 29th, 2010 03:59 PM

toldailytopic: Is Obama really THAT bad?

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Nathon Detroit

Seriously... it seems to me that Obama is doing everything in his power to destroy everything that this country stands for.

But other folks say.... I am overreacting.

So I ask.... who's right? Where does the evidence point? Is Obama really THAT bad? Or am I just overreacting?

Nathon Detroit

P.S. I am really busy for the next few days (wedding in the family). Therefore this topic will run until Monday.

Have at it!!!


New member
Hall of Fame
No, he's not. He's simply no better or worse than the other establishment drones who came before him. He's a mediocrity who hid behind rhetoric to get elected. That's all. Not the first case of a presidential Peter Principle.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Well, my politics have lways run towards the liberal. I did not voe for Obama in the election.

Now, I am SO very glad that I did not vote for him. I will not vote for him at the mid terms and he is responsible for a considerable shift to the right in my politics.

Nathon Detroit

No, he's not. He's simply no better or worse than the other establishment drones who came before him. He's a mediocrity who hid behind rhetoric to get elected. That's all. Not the first case of a presidential Peter Principle.
Really?? You think he's just mediocre?

I've never seen a president act so anti-American have you?

Obama seems to me to be far more sinister than just a mediocre president. What he has done with health-care, the banking industry, the college loan system, Wall Street, the auto industry, and now this immigration thing????

America is taking a big hit right now.

I must disagree with your assessment.


New member
True, he seems to be working against the "cowboy in the wilderness" mentality, but he is working for caring and community, and this country stands for those values as well.

I was raised in Milwaukee, with its heavily Northern European influenced sense of community. There were people on the block where I was raised who spoke only Polish. Sidewalks on every block, alleys where cars were parked away from the streets, public transportation, street cleaners, ethnic festivals, neighborhood bars on every corner, community was central to life there.

From my perspective, I would have to answer the question "is he really that good?" My answer? A resounding yes!


New member
Hall of Fame
Really?? You think he's just mediocre?

In terms of accomplishments before and after getting elected, yeah. He's simply no great shakes.

I've never seen a president act so anti-American have you?

Well, let's see: Adams approved the Alien and Sedition Acts, which were straight up tyrannical, Lincoln suspended habeas corpus and arguably started a needless war that claimed over half a million lives, Wilson was a rabid racist who gave us World War I, the income tax and the League of Nations, FDR dismantled whatever shreds of self-reliance we ever had, Truman dropped the bomb, and LBJ more than likely knew what was going to happen in Dallas. If any of this strikes you as "pro-American," I guess our perceptions differ on what kind of country this place should be.

(Question: when you support a monarchist, what exactly do you consider "pro-American"?)

Obama seems to me to be far more sinister than just a mediocre president.

Bush II struck many as either an evil genius or an incompetant stooge. Reagan as well. They called JFK a communist who lied to the American people who was trying to sell us out to our worst enemies (sound familiar?) The truth is usually somewhere in the middle. I think Obama's quite shrewd, but that doesn't--and won't--stop him from being, ultimately, ineffectual. He's simply a placeholder. All any president really needs to do is keep the train rolling and avoiding a collosal screw up. Hold the fort down till the next CO rolls into town, so to speak. No president elected since 1932 has ever fundamentally changed this country. That's not an accident.

What he has done with health-care, the banking industry, the college loan system, Wall Street, the auto industry, and now this immigration thing????

Supported corporatism and big government. Just like every single president before him post Great Depression.

America is taking a big hit right now.

True, but it's not Obama's fault. He's simply the avatar of the problem.

The Berean

Well-known member
I was raised in Milwaukee, with its heavily Northern European influenced sense of community. There were people on the block where I was raised who spoke only Polish. Sidewalks on every block, alleys where cars were parked away from the streets, public transportation, street cleaners, ethnic festivals, neighborhood bars on every corner, community was central to life there.
What does any of this have to do with Obama?


New member
I think WizardofOz's old avatar explains this best.

And I agree with Granite, although I didn't really form political positions until a year and a half before the most recent presidential election, and I didn't settle on libertarianism until after, so it certainly would look like I hate Obama and love/be neutral about Bush. However they are both really bad. I would say Obama is worse by a little.


New member
In terms of accomplishments before and after getting elected, yeah. He's simply no great shakes.

Well, let's see: Adams approved the Alien and Sedition Acts, which were straight up tyrannical, Lincoln suspended habeas corpus and arguably started a needless war that claimed over half a million lives, Wilson was a rabid racist who gave us World War I, the income tax and the League of Nations, FDR dismantled whatever shreds of self-reliance we ever had, Truman dropped the bomb, and LBJ more than likely knew what was going to happen in Dallas. If any of this strikes you as "pro-American," I guess our perceptions differ on what kind of country this place should be.

(Question: when you support a monarchist, what exactly do you consider "pro-American"?)

Bush II struck many as either an evil genius or an incompetant stooge. Reagan as well. They called JFK a communist who lied to the American people who was trying to sell us out to our worst enemies (sound familiar?) The truth is usually somewhere in the middle. I think Obama's quite shrewd, but that doesn't--and won't--stop him from being, ultimately, ineffectual. He's simply a placeholder. All any president really needs to do is keep the train rolling and avoiding a collosal screw up. Hold the fort down till the next CO rolls into town, so to speak. No president elected since 1932 has ever fundamentally changed this country. That's not an accident.

Supported corporatism and big government. Just like every single president before him post Great Depression.

True, but it's not Obama's fault. He's simply the avatar of the problem.

:up: I agree with everything.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
What does any of this have to do with Obama?

Perhaps he thinks it is high time for a Polish president? Most likely he is just conveying his Yankee roots.

As to Obama being the president, I think it only conforms I am old. As for what I see, he seems most like a Pomeranian dancing like a dervish to atonal music. I do not think he is evil, more like an imitation of a president who lacks direction. It is the congress who wrote the health care bill, he just agreed to sign it, not much did he do other than to agree with who pulls his strings. As to the war, he said he would start pulling out troops in Iraq, he did not say he would send more in Afghanistan. Obama is the sign, or icon of la vida loca!


New member
What does any of this have to do with Obama?

His policies focus on community and caring rather than rugged individualism. The world loves him, they hated Bush, Bush was a "go it alone cowboy," Obama wants US to be responsible world citizens. He wants universal healthcare while the right wants to continue to ignore the problem.

My point was that "everything this country stands for" varies widely from region to region, and from person to person. When we moved to the south, we were surprized by the lack of sidewalks, lack of building codes, lack of public services (like transportation), etc. Down here the "take care of yourself" mentality predominates over "care for the community."

I've talked to southerners who expressed amazement at the number of people in wheelchairs who could be seen moving about freely in Milwaukee. That's because the busses have wheelchair lifts, the curbs are ramped, and the streets are clean. And that's because Northern European (and African American, by the way) community mindedness is considered an "American Value" up der-hey...


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
His policies focus on community and caring rather than rugged individualism. The world loves him, they hated Bush, Bush was a "go it alone cowboy," Obama wants US to be responsible world citizens. He wants universal healthcare while the right wants to continue to ignore the problem.

My point was that "everything this country stands for" varies widely from region to region, and from person to person. When we moved to the south, we were surprized by the lack of sidewalks, lack of building codes, lack of public services (like transportation), etc. Down here the "take care of yourself" mentality predominates over "care for the community."

I've talked to southerners who expressed amazement at the number of people in wheelchairs who could be seen moving about freely in Milwaukee. That's because the busses have wheelchair lifts, the curbs are ramped, and the streets are clean. And that's because Northern European (and African American, by the way) community mindedness is considered an "American Value" up der-hey...

What policies?:rotfl:

He was from a Kansas mother, unknown father, raised in Hawaii, chair of the Harvard Law review where he was more familiar with conservatives, then learned to be "African American" in Chicago. He lacks the center you my have and accredit him as having. He thinks other people thoughts, not his own. Shall I say it? He is the first president looking for his head.:sheep:


He's a bad person and a bad president, but I think the belief that he's intentionally ruining the country is a little crazy. Seems a little truther-y.


Well-known member
Compared to the last president, how can anyone say he's a terrible president? Not great but, health care reform is a good thing in my book. I've been unhappy with his prolonging of the Afghanistan war and less than strong stand on closing Guantanamo and appropriate treatment of enemy combatants. Really Obama is a centrist, which is why he makes people angry on the left and right. I am also a centrist, but he's on the wrong side of centrism and compromise on several issues I deem very important.

How is Obama destroying America in some unprecedented way? Nothing he's done is any worse than what came before, especially Bush.

The Barbarian

I've never seen a president act so anti-American have you?

Richard Nixon and George W. Bush come to mind. I think there are plenty of real reasons to criticize Obama, but certainly his patriotism is stronger than the last occupant of the WH.
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