toldailytopic: Is Jesus in your life? If not, how come? If so, lets give thanks on th

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Nathon Detroit

The TOPIC OF THE DAY for December 24th, 2010 12:04 PM

toldailytopic: Is Jesus in your life? If not, how come? If so, lets give thanks on this celebration of His birth.

Take the topic above and run with it! Slice it, dice it, give us your general thoughts about it. Everyday there will be a new TOL Topic of the Day.
If you want to make suggestions for the Topic of the Day send a Tweet to @toldailytopic or @theologyonline or send it to us via Facebook.

Nathon Detroit

Jesus has changed my life. I now understand the "bigger picture" of my life. Jesus has helped me place the proper priorities on all the things in my life.

I always thought I understood love, but I didn't. That was until I met Jesus.

If you don't know Jesus.... you should invite Him into your life today!


New member
JESUS WAS BORN SEPT 28 during the Feast of Tabernacles.

So actually, this is probably his Inception day.

Sept 28 minus 9 months = December 28


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
each day is a new challenge
to get through it you need help which you will get
you ask for it

Nathon Detroit

each day is a new challenge
to get through it you need help which you will get
you ask for it
You should take your posting style a step further and start breaking up individual words on different lines. :up:

Like this....

chrysostom's posts
hard to
stand sometimes,
strange post


I say "hi" to him in the morning when he clocks in at work. I'd talk to him more often, but his English is about as good as my Spanish.

I think his birthday in August.

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
In 1967, when I was 14 years old I was drawn to a Southern Baptist tent revival hosted by one Rev. Walter St. Claire in Kingsport, Tennessee.

I hitchhiked to the revival meetings each night and listened to him bring down fire and brimstone among anyone who was listening. I would return home and search the Bible for what I had heard and found that everything he preached was taught in the Scriptures.

On the fourth of the five nights Rev. St. Claire was in town I returned home, again studying what I had heard, and realized that I was lost, hell-bound, and sin-bent. That night I realized that God was "in charge" and that nothing I could ever do would merit His favor. It was in the later part of the night, sometime near midnight, that I prayed that it would be the will of God to bestow His saving grace upon me, claiming the promise on the atoning work of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and that He would use me according to His own purposes.

What a journey it has been for me in my walk of faith since that time so many years ago with daily Scripture study, prayer, fellowship with others, and regular assembly with others to worship God.

Rev. Walter St. Claire became a good mentor to me over the years. The man had not even graduated from elementary school, but in all my years I have not met one who knew his Bible like he did. I was with him when he went to meet the Lord at age 87, and his last words, while winking at the Roman Catholic collar I wore as young novitiate at the time, were taken from Paul: I have fought a good fight, I have finished [my] course, I have kept the faith. See that you do the same, brother."

I miss him every day.

To God be the glory!


Son of Jack

New member
He is. To the praise and glory of God the Father!!:)

2 Corinthians 4:7 - But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us. (I like the ESV rendering a little better)


New member
Is Jesus in your life?


If not, how come?

How could he be? Why should he be? I don't believe in sin, nor salvation from it, especially via blood-sacrifice. I don't believe in eternal life for anyone, nor do I fear the prospect of judgement based upon how I've lived my life should it come up. I don't believe that love or purpose or reason require the support of a god, and I don't believe that anything within human understanding requires a god to explain it.

If you can show me where I'm wrong, I'd be fascinated and perhaps grateful. But it seems unlikely at this point.


New member
Can you show me where you're right?

I guess you're not one of the "elect". :D

Anyone can be one of those if they choose.

Becoming a believer for me and for my husband, who came to God after I did, has changed our lives in so many ways.

I am a grateful alcoholic because my relapse brought my husband and me to God.

Took me a very long time to realize that what I thought may not be correct when I was an agnostic. Well, I shouldn't say it that way. Being an agnostic, I didn't know one way or the other. Atheists claim to have abosolute knowledge that there is no One with absolute knowledge.


New member
The universe is basically unknowable on a fundamental level.
Indeterminacy is part of the rules of How Stuff Works. It should give pause to those who'd affirm perfect knowledge.


New member
Exactly my point about atheists, it's their opinion, nothing more. They like to make it appear scientific and *stuff*.

Yes, it's an opinion, based upon reason, science, philosophy...all the usual sorts of things that people use to form opinions. What else would you expect?


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame

Is Jesus in your life? If not, how come?
If so, lets give thanks on this celebration of His birth.

It was in later years I came to know Jesus the altogether lovely.

Before that I bumbled about, I didn't dabble in other religions, but I did go to church with a God fearing, Redeemed by the blood mother.

Dad was a Mason, but that didn't seem didn't seem to my liking.

Later down my path of life, on my journey I heard at a revival a brief message about "Come Before Winter," and Jesus knocking on the door. There was no lightning flash or booming voice, but it gentle word within my heart about, behold today is the day of salvation.

And with being told of The Way, The Truth, and The Life, and coming to Jesus with a heart felt repentance and confession with my mouth to and about the Lord Jesus Christ, believing that God raised Him from the dead, I was saved...
Like the blind man Jesus restored, I was blind but I now see.

I was like the unclean leper, because sin is like leprosy, my heart and life was made new by Jesus touch, I was clean.

I was like the thief of the cross, "Lord, remember me," to which I know the blessed word of "Today!"​
Praise God for His unspeakable gift, Jesus, and the opportunity to celebrate His first advent while waiting for our blessed hope, Jesus second advent.

Glory to God in the Highest, Praise the Lord, Halleujah, Amen and Amen!

My life has never been the same!

Thanks for asking.

I forgot to state: FORGIVEN!
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New member
Jesus affects my life profoundly, whatever he or He is. That much is unquestionable. The religions based on the idea of Jesus have pervaded every aspect of the culture of my country and indeed my continent, and are ostensibly the most important aspect of the lives of about half my friends and virtually every member of my father's side of the family. It may even be that He is indeed the Son of God and has died to redeem me from sin, in which case He is presumably very much in my life.

The concept of Jesus is a major part of my life even though I do not consider myself a Christian and have not formally 'accepted His sacrifice' - again, whatever that means.
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