toldailytopic: Is Barack Obama the worst president in US history?

Nathon Detroit

The TOPIC OF THE DAY for August 8th, 2011 10:33 AM

toldailytopic: Is Barack Obama the worst president in US history?

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Well-known member
Well the downgrade didn't happen during the great depression, but surely did within two years of this guy. So yeah, he's pretty bad.


Well-known member

I haven't experienced that many Presidents as an adult, and I've come to understand that historical depictions of past Presidents aren't always accurate.

The Federal Reserve Act occurred on Wilson's watch, but was he really to blame? He was a puppet, like so many U.S. Presidents had been before him, and all, I believe, that were after him.

In my lifetime, all the U.S. Presidents have been puppets of the plutocracy.

So which was the worst puppet?


Well-known member

I haven't experienced that many Presidents as an adult, and I've come to understand that historical depictions of past Presidents aren't always accurate.

The Federal Reserve Act occurred on Wilson's watch, but was he really to blame? He was a puppet, like so many U.S. Presidents had been before him, and all, I believe, that were after him.

In my lifetime, all the U.S. Presidents have been puppets of the plutocracy.

So which was the worst puppet?

Agreed for the most part. As far as accurate portrayals of a past president, seen my sig. LOL!


Well-known member
Sure is beginning to look like he will be ... but now the question is: Does he have to fulfill that prediction or can he accept needed CHANGE???


New member

I haven't experienced that many Presidents as an adult, and I've come to understand that historical depictions of past Presidents aren't always accurate.

The Federal Reserve Act occurred on Wilson's watch, but was he really to blame? He was a puppet, like so many U.S. Presidents had been before him, and all, I believe, that were after him.

In my lifetime, all the U.S. Presidents have been puppets of the plutocracy.

So which was the worst puppet?

I've only been paying attention to presidents since Reagan. So, If I had to order them it would be (from worst to best):

Bush Sr.

So, according to me, Obama is not the worst president I've experienced. He is the second worst president ;).


22 Navy Seals (30 soldiers in all) dead. Meanwhile it's a busy week ahead for President Obama as he: :CRASH: celebrates an Iftar dinner, :greedy: attends fund-raisers, and welcomes the Green Bay Packers to the White House. Story :BRAVO: Obama referenced the Seals when the markets crashed--never let a tragedy go to waste. :Nineveh: "Our responsibility is to ensure that their legacy is :Commie: an America that reflects their courage, their commitment and their sense of common purpose (Obama).” Come together and raise taxes? :AMR:
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Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
I don't consider whether or not they achieved their goals as to how bad they are. Obama, Carter, FDR, Wilson...they all have the same objective. Change America to a socialist nation. They hate it when people are successful.
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New member
Hall of Fame
I can't say much because I'm not very knowledgeable about most presidents but I'd say no. It seems early to say.

red cardinal

New member
My vote is a big yes. Not because he is not a puppet like the rest or that he goes back on his word so much. He is pretty much trampling the constitution, makes the most ignorant blunders, supports Islam, has convinced a good share of the populace that he is not a Muslim and is "Christian" [ :noway: ] and wants our country to submit and be tortured by a health care system which will kill off most of us [maybe that is his agenda]. I think he is probably the most transparent president we have ever had ... and not in the way you think :chuckle:


New member
Hall of Fame
No. And it's not really fair or accurate to blame presidents (at least those of the modern era) for the country's problems.


Well-known member
Who is Barack Obama? :idunno:

He is the slave boss of the U.S.



No. And it's not really fair or accurate to blame presidents (at least those of the modern era) for the country's problems.

We would expect a Satanist to say this. :BRAVO: Jn 10:10. Obama is only a type (2 Thess. 2:3; Rev. 17:8, 11). :Nineveh:


New member
Don't really know if he's the absolute worst, but he's doing his level best to earn the title.

It is, however, almost certainly the worst Legislative branch the country has ever seen and has been for some time now.