toldailytopic: Chicago Teacher's union strike. Who's side are you on?

Nathon Detroit

The TOPIC OF THE DAY for September 10th, 2012 11:04 AM

toldailytopic: Chicago Teacher's union strike. Who's side are you on?

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Nathon Detroit

400,000 students not having to be subjected to liberal crap for 8 hours a day. That can't be a bad thing.


New member
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for September 10th, 2012 11:04 AM

toldailytopic: Chicago Teacher's union strike. Who's side are you on?

Take the topic above and run with it! Slice it, dice it, give us your general thoughts about it. Everyday there will be a new TOL Topic of the Day.
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I'm on the side of the taxpayers. If the Teachers union would police its self and get rid of dead wood and unrealistic demands maybe the tax payers could afford the burden.

Administrators also should get rid of the padded pay rolls.

Memento Mori

New member
Well, I'm not usually opposed to unions. The teachers union has become a bloated ball of stupidity. The fact that it's nigh impossible to fire a teacher that is doing a bad job, just shows the worthlessness of this union. I bet the people on the opposite side of the picket line could just as easily pick up someone off the street, pay them just as much and have them do on average as good of a job. While there are excellent teachers out there, most of them tend to be in more private settings and those who do devote their lives to their students don't deserve to be lumped in with the lemons.

So, I'm against this protest.


Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
I remember the teachers' union going on strike in Seattle, Washington, when I was a little girl. My teacher didn't join the strike. I overheard her talking to a parent about the strike. She said that if the teachers' union really cared about the children, they would work throughout their disagreement instead of striking. She said, "The only ones the strike really hurt are the children."


Well-known member
Finally, Students in Chicago Can Learn Something

Posted by Laurence Vance on September 10, 2012 08:45 AM

Because of the teachers' strike in Chicago.


Well-known member
The main thing to realize is that a union strikes pulling teachers into the mix.

There really isn't a lot of money especially now, so striking is a bit "anti-intellectual"
for the next couple of years.

Public education is a wild fascinating political ride. You have to be made for it and love it else it isn't going to be your bag of tea.


Personally, I think all unions should be abolished. The unions have been one of the greatest contributers to the collaps of the American work ethic.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
I'm on the side of the students.

Whenever a member of the teacher's union says its about the students you know it is about themselves.


Well-known member
I'm on the side of the taxpayers. If the Teachers union would police its self and get rid of dead wood and unrealistic demands maybe the tax payers could afford the burden.

Administrators also should get rid of the padded pay rolls.
Having lived in Chicago for many years, I would like to clarify that the teachers could have their raise, and no increase in taxes would be needed, if the city administration would eliminate all the do-nothing patronage jobs in the city's school administration. For decades it's been common practice to create do-nothing jobs in all sorts of city administration offices (including the Chicago public school system administration) to "thank" the people who got various politicians elected, and to keep them around for the next election cycle. The result is that even though cities like Chicago spend huge amounts of money on public education, much of it never gets to school infrastructures, educational materials, or teacher's salaries. Instead, it gets swallowed up by a hoard of political cronies that basically do nothing whatever for the school system, but are collecting checks every week as part of their political 'pay-back' for votes on election day.

The problem was never the teachers, nor the teacher's union. It was and still is chronic fraud and waste in the Chicago political machine.


New member
Having lived in Chicago for many years, I would like to clarify that the teachers could have their raise, and no increase in taxes would be needed, if the city administration would eliminate all the do-nothing patronage jobs in the city's school administration. For decades it's been common practice to create do-nothing jobs in all sorts of city administration offices (including the Chicago public school system administration) to "thank" the people who got various politicians elected, and to keep them around for the next election cycle. The result is that even though cities like Chicago spend huge amounts of money on public education, much of it never gets to school infrastructures, educational materials, or teacher's salaries. Instead, it gets swallowed up by a hoard of political cronies that basically do nothing whatever for the school system, but are collecting checks every week as part of their political 'pay-back' for votes on election day.

The problem was never the teachers, nor the teacher's union. It was and still is chronic fraud and waste in the Chicago political machine.

I can believe that! Can anything good come out of Chicago politics?


Well-known member
I can believe that! Can anything good come out of Chicago politics?
Sure, Sometimes. Mayor Daley Jr. liked to ride a bicycle, so Chicago got lots of bike paths and planted boulevards while he was in power. And Mayor Bilandik lost an election because of a snow storm, so from that day on Chicago spares no expense when it comes to snow removal. The city has even been known to pile it on train cars and haul it out of town. :shut:


Well-known member
I don't like the proposals of teacher accountability that are proposed by so many as "school reform". I'm willing to bet bad teachers are not the primary cause of failing schools. It's odd that the poor schools are usually found in poor districts. I believe the teachers were also asking for increased help for poor districts.

That said I don't know enough about the situation to really take a side solidly. The timing does seem to be very unfortunate but I believe in the rights of unions, so my instinct is to defer to them.


Well-known member
That said I don't know enough about the situation to really take a side solidly. The timing does seem to be very unfortunate but I believe in the rights of unions, so my instinct is to defer to them.
That's because you don't listen to Rush Limbaugh. See, he would have explained to you that all unions are evil freedom-hating communists bent of destroying the country. He also would have explained to you that teachers are just lazy do-nothing parasites spawned by the democratic tax-and-spend juggernaut. And that they are brainwashing your children with all sorts of liberal lies like evolution and mathematics.

Had you been smart enough to listen to Rush, you would be smart enough to hate all unions, all teachers, and all liberal democrat scum. But you didn't, and so now Rush hates YOU, too.

So see what you've done!


New member
toldailytopic: Chicago Teacher's union strike. Who's side are you on?

I am on the side/sympathetic of taxpayers and also of parents who are not at work because they have to babysit the kiddos. The time for payng for fat retirements with cost of living upgrades at the hands of taxpayers should STOP. Quit moaning or perhaps you should be let go and replaced by someone willing to take the pay.

I found it ironic the clip I saw of the "mediations" was a State Senator (D) pleading for them to take the deal that is fair to them and fair to the taxpayer.

The public school here says we don't want your children out peddling candy and wrapping paper to fund school things so just hit up your family and friends....Since when did selling candy or ANYTHING fundraising for schools become "mandatory" in the public school system?


Well-known member
toldailytopic: Chicago Teacher's union strike. Who's side are you on?

I am on the side/sympathetic of taxpayers and also of parents who are not at work because they have to babysit the kiddos. The time for payng for fat retirements with cost of living upgrades at the hands of taxpayers should STOP. Quit moaning or perhaps you should be let go and replaced by someone willing to take the pay.

I found it ironic the clip I saw of the "mediations" was a State Senator (D) pleading for them to take the deal that is fair to them and fair to the taxpayer.

The public school here says we don't want your children out peddling candy and wrapping paper to fund school things so just hit up your family and friends....Since when did selling candy or ANYTHING fundraising for schools become "mandatory" in the public school system?
Actually, most of the "taxpayers" are on the side of the teachers. So are most of the parents. And the issue isn't about retirements, it's about control in the schools. The teachers want to be able to decide what works best with the students, rather than the politicians and their political cronies in the city administration. And most of the parents agree with them.


Well-known member
I'm with the teachers. They are very underpaid for what they are required to do. In our school system you need four years of college just to be an assistant. Then you MUST get your masters in six years. Now if you into the private sectore with a masters you get a lot more money than the teachers.

But it does not stop there, then the teachers must take courses to get credits every two years. Its an on going educational enrichment. Not every teacher should be a teacher. It takes a special person to deal and teach children. Then you get some people in the state house who know nothing of the school problems creating more problems with their rules and regulations.

God Bless our Teachers, I am proud to be the father of two.