toldailytopic: Causes, projects, and charities, that you feel strongly about and supp

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Nathon Detroit

The TOPIC OF THE DAY for December 10th, 2009 09:11 AM

toldailytopic: Causes, projects, and charities, that you feel strongly about and support.

Take the topic above and run with it! Slice it, dice it, give us your general thoughts about it. Everyday there will be a new TOL Topic of the Day.
If you want to make suggestions for the Topic of the Day send a Tweet to @toldailytopic or @theologyonline or send it to us via Facebook.


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Hall of Fame
I know this is trite to say but I don't give/do as much as I'd like. Last year for Christmas we bought a goat for a family through World Vision. They (WV) seem to be a good organization and they support a variety of causes.


Well-known member
I tend to just give to people that I meet, rather than go through an organization.

As for a cause they I feel strongly about - I believe that Christians need to realize the importance of the Gospel within Christianity. It is not simply our foundation, it is also our primary job as Christians, and all of the theological bickering should take second place to it. We should be united under the Gospel, for if there is one thing that the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church, and all of the Protestant Churches share - it is the message of the Gospel.


New member
Compassion International
Samaritan's Purse
Salvation Army Angel Tree
The Bible Answer Man (Hank Hannegraff)
World Missionary Evangelism

Nathon Detroit

Anyone want to share any charities or organizations that they feel are misusing their mission or are not good stewards of their money?


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame

TOL :thumb:
Cause it smacks with truth, and with projects like toldailytopcs, I feel strongly that TOL is worth supporting.

Nursing Home Minstries, that's what we do.

Those who save as many babies as they can from abortion.

Those who a make home for the unwanted babies and infants who survive the efforts of the mad-abortionist-doctors.

Those who try to see to that those who die unknown, do not wind up in an unmarked grave in a porter's field.
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I support local pro-life ministries for men and women - married or single... and our local co-operative ministries that are there to serve the poor in the community with clothes, food, household items, and some financial aid.


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Hall of Fame

TOL :thumb:
Cause it smacks with truth, and with projects toldailytopcs, I feel strongly that TOL is worth supporting.

Nursing Home Minstries, that's we do.

Those save as many babies as they can from abortion.

Those who a make home for the unwanted babies and infants who survive the efforts of the mad-abortionist-doctors.

Those who try to see to that those who die unknown, do not wind up in an unmarked grave in a porter's field.

ktoyou POTD :first:


Well-known member
Kiva, because helping the developing world doesn't have to mean giving them a handout.

(You get more impact and much higher chance of being repaid if you loan to ladies FYI) ;)


The Dark Knight
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I stand out in front of the house of a man who butchers babies for a living to rebuke him, on holidays.
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