toldailytopic: A new decade: What is in store?

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Nathon Detroit

The TOPIC OF THE DAY for January 1st, 2010 12:03 PM

toldailytopic: A new decade: What is in store? What are your predictions for the types of things we will see in the next 10 years?

Take the topic above and run with it! Slice it, dice it, give us your general thoughts about it. Everyday there will be a new TOL Topic of the Day.
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Hall of Fame
taxes and the cost of living will go up

politicians will call for some kind of relief for the hard working families


New member
Considering the fact that Obama's EOs push us farther and farther toward a one world government, I think this decade needs to see a revolution away from government dependence.

Nathon Detroit

Texas will break off from the Socialist North America and form it's own nation.

I will move there with the rest of my family. W00t w00t!!

I wish.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Texas will break off from the Socialist North America and form it's own nation.

I will move there with the rest of my family. W00t w00t!!

I wish.

If Texas could break off from the USA (succession), so would more states in the South and the Pacific Northwest. California could also possibility break off, taking Arizona and New Mexico, as an independent Latin, or Chicano nation. At this point, a war within the states (between the states) would be impossible. We would end up with the rise of sovereign states.

How would it be prevented? Only if the Fed declared martial law against the first state, to break away, if that was Texas, my guess would be there would be some serious violence.

My guess is it would not happen because too many in the USA are now dependent on the federal government.

My prediction would be the USA would lose its current prominence in the world. Not that it would lose out completely; however, it would not be as it has been since WWII and the standard of living will fall, manly in consumption of foreign materials. Oil (energy) would be the first major cutback.


New member
1. The U.S dollar will have less and less value in the world market due to extensive printing of money with nothing to back it up. This to pay for Obama's Healthcare plan and other pet projects.

2. Fewer and fewer doctors/healthcare workers per patient as more and more people decide NOT to go into healthcare because of lower compensation.

3. Less healthcare for Medicare patients as doctors and try to keep open for business because Medicare payment to doctors and hospitals simply does not cover the cost of business operations, resulting in doctors and hospitals "not taking" Medicare patients anymore.

4. More healthcare dollars going to support the vast administration that is going to be needed to collect data and analysis on "efficacy of treatment " so that doctors and hospitals can get paid for services.

5. When the "bean counters" in the government decide a particular treatment is not "efficacious enough" more and more suffering because people will not be able to get the meds./treatments they need to alleviate their pain/suffering.

6. The U.S. becoming increasingly more "global" and U.S. sovereignty becoming more and more blurred.

7. Hate speech will start to include speech contrary to government policies and actions.

8. More resentment and persecution of Christians and Christianity.

9. Some states will allow Sharia (sp?) law in predominately Muslim neighborhoods, resulting in increased abuse and "honor killing" of women - albeit these will be characterized in the Media as something else...

10. Children will no longer know why we have a celebration at Christmas - The name will be changed to "Happy Holidays" and the only "Merry Christmas" cards you will be able to purchase will be at a Christian bookstore.

11. Hate speech laws will run conservative radio off the air.

12. Un-elected appellate judges will continue to create law rather than uphold existing laws.

13. Christians won't be able to be foster parents because we might "contaminate" the minds of the kids.

14. Homeschooling will start to be outlawed in states so kids will have to attend public school for proper indoctrination of "American" values.

15. Wall street, banking, etc. will all be controlled by the government as a result of the government bailing them out - anytime you take money from the government, you become the government's servant.


"[T]oo many in the USA are now dependent on the federal government."
That is the idea in this planned destruction of America (Dr. Larry Bates). :reals: Maybe there will be a revolution. Maybe states will assert their rights (Texas or Tennessee). There is no sense in waiting for them to do more damage.
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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
1. The GDP savings on healthcare expenditures and the retardation of related costs will result in a long term uptick in the U.S. economy and aid a general recovery.

2. That general recovery and the absence of socialization in the medical field, coupled with an increase in paying patients, will act as an incentive for people entering the medical profession and affect a general increase in the health of the nation.

3. Strong regulatory standards will end the insurance industry bean counters routine denial of life saving treatments or coverage.

4. The U.S. becoming increasingly cooperative and less paternal in tone and practice will lead to improved perception and relations world wide.

5. People will continue to make a great deal of money and solidify power bases freely expressing the notion that free speech and practice are on the cusp of extinction. :rolleyes:

6. A commitment to continuing improvements in the education of U.S. kids will run extreme conservative radio personalities off the air... :D (the leftist radio personalities will simply be ignored, as always, by everyone...including the left).

7. Christmas will come and go, recognized in adoration by those who are taught its meaning and value, commercialized and missed in substance by the per the tradition.

8. Judges, who should no more be elected than surgeons, will continue to do (by and large) good jobs and be reversed when they don't.

9. Paranoia will continue to be the favorite pastime of the ineffectual, powerless and fearful. The rest of us will manage to live and let live within a civil society, if frequently after much hubbub and bluster.

10. Wall Street will finally find itself regulated sufficiently to avoid further gross misbehavior and the resultant economic/social tragedy entailed.

11. Someone will suggest the same application for Congress just in time for winter recess and a good, long laugh by all concerned. :poly:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Lucy, Th, your night and day profiles leave me feeling that something in-between will actually occur; I will not be around to have to contend with it anyway.


New member
Hall of Fame
9. Some states will allow Sharia (sp?) law in predominately Muslim neighborhoods, resulting in increased abuse and "honor killing" of women - albeit these will be characterized in the Media as something else...

How do you think the media would characterize that?


New member
Hall of Fame
3 words: Status quo continuation

I'm guessing that, as a nation, we will keep borrowing like crazy to finance all the government's projects. The dollar will hurt. China will continue to grow and overtake us. They will use our economic dependence on them to their advantage. America will continue to lag on the "green" front. Europe and China will take the lead benefit from the new technology.

We will probably end up in a new war with Iran. Along with the lingering wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Obama will not get a 2nd term. Because of the new war and other various "national security" issues, along with Obama failing to meet expectations, the Republicans will return to the White House. No improvement ensues. The US continues to be mired in the Republican-Democrat two-party system.

The healthcare reform will eventually pass and won't be the end of the world like Republicans think, but also won't reduce costs like the Democrats think it will and may even increase costs, at least in the short term, because of the increased demand.

Terrorism from Islamic extremists will continue. And the western nations will still fight it in futility, thinking you really can "war" against terror and not really understanding why there is "terror" to begin with.

Marijuana is finally legalized by the government and taxed to generate revenue. Stress in the US drops dramatically. As does work productivity. ;)


Well-known member
A number of years ago I had a dream:
I saw the starry sky. There was a constellation (and since I do not know much about them), I did not know the significance of it. But, I did know that it was a special event in the heavenlies. The constellation was a man; and it seemed to give a signal that things were beginning.

The man held an instrument in his hand above his head (later I found out it was a harvesting sickle), and when he struck downward with this sharp instrument, the heavenly stars began to swirl all around and flee away. There was another particularly noticeable constellation partially coiled in the center of my view that began to rapidly swirl ... like a mind-bender roller coaster, as if it were being uncoiled. The stars fled from the heavens, and I awoke thinking about, of all things, a scorpion. Couldn't figure why.

Since the uncoiling constellation was more like a snake than a scorpion, I was totally puzzled about my dream and thoughts of a scorpian after I awoke... but after I shared my dream with others upon another Christian website, friends there led me to a book written by a man named E.W. Bullinger, called The Witness of the Stars. They also sent me to a manipulative constellation site (have forgotten what it is called at the moment) where I was able to rotate the stars until I finally saw the exact scene that I had seen in my dream.

The book was written about the ancient secrets recorded within the constellations... and there I found the man with the sharp instrument, which I had viewed in my dream.

The man was a constellation named, (Bootes) which represents 'the coming ONE' and he was holding a harvesting sickle above his head. Draco, the dragon, being near by, was the one in the center of my view that had uncoiled ... and low and behold as seen on the manipulative website, was Scorpio jus barely arising on the heavenly horizon of my view.

This is what is said about the constellation Bootes within the book by Bullinger:

He is pictured as a man walking rapidly, with a spear in his right hand and a sickle in his raised left hand.

He is referred to in Ps. 96:13. For He cometh to judge the earth; He shall judge the world in righteousness, And the people with His truth.

The ancient Egyptians called him Smat, which means - ONE who rules, subdues, and governs... etc.

Since the time of this dream, I have pondered whether this was a sign of the beginning of the end, and since that dream, we have experienced 9-11, and life, as I have known it in the USA, has begun to unravel... and the war on terror has become well known.

I was born at the beginning of 1946 ... and was among the generation that saw the rebirth of Israel ... I wonder whether I am also among the generation that will not die before we see the return of Christ.

2010 just brings me a little closer to the year 2012, which I am pondering might be a significant year in history.

Don't know anything ... but certainly pondering these things in my heart.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Lucy, Th, your night and day profiles leave me feeling that something in-between will actually occur; I will not be around to have to contend with it anyway.

In God's hands, but I wouldn't bet against you. :D

As to my intentional flip on Lucy...let's just say I'm a big fan of hope, believe in our better angels and feel assured that the easiest way to get the thing you fear most is to root for it, after a fashion. :e4e:


New member
Hall of Fame
In God's hands, but I wouldn't bet against you. :D

As to my intentional flip on Lucy...let's just say I'm a big fan of hope, believe in our better angels and feel assured that the easiest way to get the thing you fear most is to root for it, after a fashion. :e4e:

So you don't really think any of that will happen, it's just your wishful thinking?? :chuckle:

Nathon Detroit

1. The GDP savings on healthcare expenditures and the retardation of related costs will result in a long term uptick in the U.S. economy and aid a general recovery.

2. That general recovery and the absence of socialization in the medical field, coupled with an increase in paying patients, will act as an incentive for people entering the medical profession and affect a general increase in the health of the nation.

3. Strong regulatory standards will end the insurance industry bean counters routine denial of life saving treatments or coverage.
I didn't realize that you smoked crack. :idunno:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I didn't realize that you smoked crack. :idunno:
That was coming in at #12, but it's just impossible to hold the pipe and type. And then I couldn't recall what I meant to type. And then my word processor turned into a flower and began to sing.


Nathon Detroit

That was coming in at #12, but it's just impossible to hold the pipe and type. And then I couldn't recall what I meant to type. And then my word processor turned into a flower and began to sing.

Well then... it all makes much more sense now.
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