To the Hillary supporter.


New member
I know that you don't like Trump. I know that you may not like me for being a republican. I know that right you are feeling afraid and angry. I felt what you are feeling 4&8 years ago. I understand that your fear and anger is real. I know that you feel like your fellow citizens have betrayed you. I know that you feel like the government will come after you and others that have your worldview. I will not brush off that fear, I will acknowledge it. I want to let you know that if that does happen I will not leave you out to dry just because the government has turned Red. I will stand with you, I will fight beside you, I will not let your liberties be squashed because Trump is on my "team." I will support you and your freedoms.


Active member
I know that you don't like Trump. I know that you may not like me for being a republican. I know that right you are feeling afraid and angry. I felt what you are feeling 4&8 years ago. I understand that your fear and anger is real. I know that you feel like your fellow citizens have betrayed you. I know that you feel like the government will come after you and others that have your worldview. I will not brush off that fear, I will acknowledge it. I want to let you know that if that does happen I will not leave you out to dry just because the government has turned Red. I will stand with you, I will fight beside you, I will not let your liberties be squashed because Trump is on my "team." I will support you and your freedoms.
Thanks, that's comforting...


I know that you don't like Trump. I know that you may not like me for being a republican. I know that right you are feeling afraid and angry. I felt what you are feeling 4&8 years ago. I understand that your fear and anger is real. I know that you feel like your fellow citizens have betrayed you. I know that you feel like the government will come after you and others that have your worldview. I will not brush off that fear, I will acknowledge it. I want to let you know that if that does happen I will not leave you out to dry just because the government has turned Red. I will stand with you, I will fight beside you, I will not let your liberties be squashed because Trump is on my "team." I will support you and your freedoms.

Based on my knowledge of the Democratic Party Platform jzeidler, the "freedoms" you are talking about are abortion (i.e. reproductive rights} and homosexuality, which liberals need not worry about a President Trump taking those supposed "rights" away.

Or did I misread your OP?


Under a Trump Administration, nobody can predict from one moment to the next what he is going to say or do!

American Moslems and Hispanics feel particularly at risk - anyone who threatens to jail his opponent during a presidential debate is capable of anything!

The Horn

Anyone who thinks the Trump[ administration will do anything to "end" abortion is deluded . Ironically, it will be guaranteed to INCREASE it markedly .


Under a Trump Administration, nobody can predict from one moment to the next what he is going to say or do!...

Sociopaths like Trump are extremely scary when put in powerful positions because they are unpredictable. But on a positive note for you liberals, he's never done anything in his ultra liberal past that threatened your lifestyle and worldview, don't expect him to do so as a Republican (for a day) President.


trump will elect supreme court justices who will overturn roe v wade!!!
Short of jailing millions of young women, just how would conservatives enforce anti-abortion laws even if they could overturn Roe v Wade.

Large segments of the population can barely tolerate Trump as it is, revoking Roe v Wade would push millions of alienated Americans over the edge!

Trump spent years promoting the "birther" movement to undermine the legitimacy of Obama's presidency - don't expect Democrats to rush to his rescue when he creates the next "firestorm!"


Quote Originally Posted by ok doser

trump will elect supreme court justices who will overturn roe v wade!!!

Short of jailing millions of young women, just how would conservatives enforce anti-abortion laws even if they could overturn Roe v Wade...

You might want to inform the Libertarian that you responded to that it was republican appointed SCOTUS Judges that gave us Roe v. Wade and that it was a democrat appointed SCOTUS Judge that voted against it.

You might also want to tell the Libertarian that you're chatting with that he better be careful what he wishes for, as the Roe v Wade decision (like every major SCOTUS decision dealing with sexuality) is based on the supposed "right to privacy", i.e. if government starts telling women what they can and can't do with their bodies, they'll be telling his LGBTQ buddies that they can't sodomize what's his name.!-Part-4&p=4858597&viewfull=1#post4858597