Time Magazine announces American RTL!

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Time Magazine announces American RTL!

This is the show from Friday November 23rd, 2007.

Brian Rohrbaugh and other pro-life leaders...are launching American Right To Life to fill the leadership and morality vacuum created when National Right To Life adopted situational ethics and a secular humanist strategy of regulating child killing.
If you advocate a law that says you have to wait 24 hours and then you can kill the baby, you are guilty of violating God's enduring command, do not murder because that is an inalienable right to life.
So the line in the sand is there. It's in bright red neon. And American Right To Life is the personhood wing of the pro-life movement and the child killing regulators are on the defensive. And so National Right To Life will try, in Colorado, to undermine the personhood effort. They will try to turn the media - Christian media - against the effort to collect signatures. They will try to turn pro-life senators and representatives in our statehouse against the effort to define a person as from the moment of fertilization. That's National Right To Life because they've become part of the establishment and as long as they take in their budget and can fund their retirement pensions they could survive for another 40 years. But American Right To Life is here to provide alternative leadership.

* Bob excerpts Time & the LA Times: the Los Angeles Times today, and Time magazine on Wednesday, wrote about the rift in the pro-life movement between the child-killing regulators and the personhood wing! Join Bob as he discusses these articles. Here's what has happened:

Time Magazine Announces...: On Wednesday, November 21, 2007, Time Magazine announced on their Time.com website the launch of American Right To Life! A week after the invitation-only Pro-life Leaders Summit which was hosted in Denver by Colorado Right to Life, Time Magazine reports as the top story in their website's U.S. section, complete with a beautiful image of an implanted embryo, the following:
* Colorado's personhood amendment effort
* The pro-life movement's rift over regulating child-killing vs. promoting personhood
* National Right To Life's decades-long refusal to support personhood efforts
* CRTL's getting kicked out of NRTL
* A pro-life coalition's full-page ads in national papers admonishing Dr. Dobson for compromise
* The PBA ruling actually keeps partial-birth abortion legal (with slight modifications)
* The launch of a new national organization called American Right To Life
* That Brian Rohrbough will head up American RTL
* That Rohrbough is the dad whose son Daniel was murdered at Columbine high school, who has been an outspoken critic of the American "culture of death."

Time also reported two of our personhood arguments:

* "Colorado Right to Life spokesman Bob Enyart says, 'Embryos are living human beings with eternal souls and spirits. You just have to refrain from killing one to see what a precious child it is.' "
* "Enyart, who is also a Denver Christian radio talk show personality, holds up the Snowflake Baby Movement as an alternative: Don't kill any embryos; instead, encourage people to adopt them. About 100 frozen embryos have already been adopted in the U.S., says Enyart, who routinely steers his listeners to the snowflake website..."

You may want to check out the beautiful snowflake kids in the photo album, to see the face of Colorado's effort to protect these little people from the moment of fertilization!

So with the encouragement of many pro-life leaders who represented organizations in a dozen U.S. states, Brian Rohrbough and other pro-life leaders, including the former chairman of Colorado's Republican Party, Steve Curtis, are getting ready to launch American RTL to fill the leadership and morality vacuum created when National RTL adopted situational ethics and a secular humanist strategy of regulating child killing. Ever since then, the pro-life industry has misled the greater Christian community into moral relativism. The founders of American RTL pray that they will be true to God's enduring command, Do not murder; and that the renewed pro-life vision breaking out nationwide, of a return to a Judeo-Christian biblically-based strategy, will lead soon to the end of the legalized killing of children in America! Praise God! You can read this Time Magazine article online!

Also, today the LA Times quotes Brian Rohrbough and other summit attendees in an article on personhood efforts:

"'The concept that we're going to elect judges who will change everything has failed,' said Brian Rohrbough, a former president of Colorado Right to Life. 'The logical thing is to start with personhood. . . . It's the only legitimate tactic that does not involve a compromise.' ... ... In 1967 [Colorado] became the first state to legalize abortion in certain cases... 'Colorado opened this evil door,' Rohrbough said, 'and there are many in Colorado who would like to close it.' To Rohrbough, the initiative has additional import. A lifelong opponent of abortion, he took up the cause publicly after his son, Daniel, was killed in the 1999 shooting at Columbine High School in Colorado. 'The environment that happened at Columbine was created by a culture of death,' he said. ... They're also optimistic in Colorado, where the campaign to collect signatures kicked off last week with a rally headlined by Alan Keyes, a Republican presidential candidate."

You can read the full LA Times article online or see the relevant excerpts below, including great quotes from Cal Zastrow and a mention of Alan Keyes, "They're also optimistic in Colorado, where the campaign to collect signatures kicked off last week with a rally headlined by Alan Keyes, a Republican presidential candidate."

Initially, American Right to Life will be headed up by Brian Rohrbough, with Steve Curtis as second in command.

* Brian Enyart helps launch ARTL: Until ARTL hires a fund-raising firm, Brian Enyart, Bob's successful brother who just recently moved to Denver, has begun raising funds for ARTL from a handful of businessmen, asking for donations of between $5,000 and $10,000 so that this new national organization can hit the ground running. (None of the directors, officers, or spokesmen of ARTL will receive a salary, and Lord-willing, donations will have an especially strong effect on the battle to outlaw child-killing!) You can be among the first to donate to ARTL! If you would like to help Brian Enyart in his effort to get ARTL going strong, by making a large donation to ARTL's 501(c)3, 501(c)4, or to a political 527 group called American RTL Action, feel free to call BEL at 303 463-7789 and Brian will return your call!

Today's Resource: You can get the Focus on the Strategy I & II two DVD combo (for only $22.99 for yourself or give it as a gift!) containing Bob Enyart's blockbuster analysis of pro-life and political strategy. Focus on the Strategy, advertised by other ministries as the DVD of the Century, is the blockbuster analysis of Christian political strategy, filmed before a live audience of 300 Christian activists in which Bob Enyart reveals the presentation he gave at Focus on the Family to Tom Minnery, VP of Public Policy for Dr. James Dobson. And the sequel, film festival finalist Focus on the Strategy II , with its dozens of video and audio clips (including video licensed from MGM Studios) which has extraordinary endorsements from many Christian leaders as the must see video for everyone who wants to end legalized abortion.


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When "American Right To Life" is googled, the following website appears as the second link.


Obviously this is about a situation that occurred in 1998-1999 so it isn't related to the current American Right to Life organization. Could this be a problem with this new organization?


Staff member
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When "American Right To Life" is googled, the following website appears as the second link.


Obviously this is about a situation that occurred in 1998-1999 so it isn't related to the current American Right to Life organization. Could this be a problem with this new organization?
I raised this very concern with Bob. I could easily see "National Right To Life" pretending they are unaware this is a completely different organization and using that ruse as an excuse to cast aspersions on "American Right To Life" in press releases to the public. I could also easily see pro-abortion journalists doing the same thing.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I raised this very concern with Bob. I could easily see "National Right To Life" pretending they are unaware this is a completely different organization and using that ruse as an excuse to cast aspersions on "American Right To Life" in press releases to the public. I could also easily see pro-abortion journalists doing the same thing.

That's exactly what I was afraid of happening and I am sure will probably happen.


Formerly Shimei!
I just joined ARTL! :up:

Their web site in currently under construction.
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