Three Reasons Joe Biden Will Never Be President

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
Three Reasons Joe Biden Will Never Be President

Three quotes from the article:

Joe Biden was sworn into the United States Senate on Jan. 3, 1973. He remained in the Senate until Jan. 15, 2009 -- a span of 36 years. If history is any guide, that alone is a disqualifier in Biden's quest for the White House. What does 36 years in the Senate say about a politician? It says he is a senator -- not a president.

Fourteen vice presidents have become president. Of those, eight became president upon the death of the president. Of that group, some were later elected to the White House, but they were running for the office as the sitting president.Others, like George H.W. Bush, became president by succeeding the president they served. They won the presidency as the sitting vice president. When Bush did that, in 1988, it had not been done since 1836. It has not been done since.

Finally, the third reason Biden will not be president is the "14-Year Rule." The idea of former George W. Bush speechwriter John McConnell, and popularized by writer Jonathan Rauch, it basically says that politicians have a strict sell-by date. "No one gets elected president who needs longer than 14 years to get from his or her first gubernatorial or Senate victory to either the presidency or the vice presidency," Rauch wrote. That has been true for a century. Biden didn't even get close. It took him 36 years to get from his first Senate victory to the vice presidency.

Biden has a 50 year written record of lies, corruption, bad policy, and flip flops. And now he has dementia too. It will almost be sad to watch Trump destroy him.

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
And your guy is a senile genital grabber

Trump is not senile. Your false statement is ridiculous.

As for grabbing genitals, stars do it all the time. Nothing to get bent about. He gave us the lowest unemployment in fifty years. That is what I care about. What he did backstage 10 years ago, I don't really care.


Three Reasons Joe Biden Will Never Be President

If Donald Trump actually believed this, he would never have made that phone call to the leader of Ukraine and saved himself and the country a lot of grief!

User Name

Greatest poster ever
#whereisjoe is trending on Twitter right now.

Seriously, all you Biden supporters should be asking yourselves where Joe Biden is right now. He is running for president in the midst of a national crisis, and yet he is practically nowhere to be seen.


#whereisjoe is trending on Twitter right now.

Seriously, all you Biden supporters should be asking yourselves where Joe Biden is right now. He is running for president in the midst of a national crisis, and yet he is practically nowhere to be seen.
The conventional wisdom is that if this had been any normal President leading the nation during a time of crisis the electorate would play it safe by retaining the incumbent!

In this particular case, the COVIR-19 pandemic has repeatedly exposed all the inadequacies of this President - most voters have seen enough to come to the conclusion that just about anybody would be better than the individual currently in the White House!

All Biden need do is to patiently stand by while this President self-destructs!

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
Three Reasons Joe Biden Will Never Be President
If Donald Trump actually believed this, he would never have made that phone call to the leader of Ukraine and saved himself and the country a lot of grief!

His phone call had nothing to do with the election. That is just another fake news lie that you choose to believe.


His phone call had nothing to do with the election. That is just another fake news lie that you choose to believe.
Instead of addressing the deficiencies to combat a potential pandemic in response to the Trump Administration's own "Crimson Contagion" Study in 2019, this President was preoccupied with exposing the activities of Hunter Biden in the Ukraine - you can't make these things up!

As the glaring deficiencies of this President and his Administration continue to be exposed by the pandemic, all the Democrats will need is a "warm body" to defeat Trump!

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Trump is not senile. Your false statement is ridiculous.

As for grabbing genitals, stars do it all the time. Nothing to get bent about. He gave us the lowest unemployment in fifty years. That is what I care about. What he did backstage 10 years ago, I don't really care.

So, as a twenty year old woman you're not too fussed about men in power sexually harassing and effectively assaulting women then? That's interesting...


Trump is not senile. Your false statement is ridiculous.

As for grabbing genitals, stars do it all the time. Nothing to get bent about. He gave us the lowest unemployment in fifty years. That is what I care about. What he did backstage 10 years ago, I don't really care.

Not senile, he has difficulty putting together a coherent sentence. How about this doozy of a statement on wind mills from Turning Point

"But they’re manufactured tremendous — if you’re into this — tremendous fumes. Gases are spewing into the atmosphere. You know we have a world, right? So the world is tiny compared to the universe. So tremendous, tremendous amount of fumes and everything. You talk about the carbon footprint — fumes are spewing into the air. Right? Spewing. Whether it’s in China, Germany, it’s going into the air. It’s our air, their air, everything — right?"

Actually the thought is not bad---what effects some other country might impact us. But climate change doesn't matter, according to the expert of everything.

Or pretend you are back in 8th grade and you need to diagram those sentences.

Everybody does it. What a wonderful excuse for a pitiful excuse of a human being. Do you have to be a star to get a free pass on genital grabbing? How unfair for the rest of us.

And the unemployment rate started dropping when? Just 3 years ago? or is is more like the paragraph below??

As an aside, as the stock market tanks, one headline was that the 11 year bull market was over. Hmmm, lets do that math. 11 years, 3 for Trump, 8 for who? Oh Obama. Does he get any credit for that or does Trump just take the credit for it all. Doesnt seem to really work that way unless you are Trump. Then again if he takes credit for the stock market rise he needs to take credit for the fall. Right?

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
So, as a twenty year old woman you're not too fussed about men in power sexually harassing and effectively assaulting women then? That's interesting...

I did not say that. But that is not what he was talking about. He was talking about in his role as a tv star, not as an office executive. I have plenty of friends who throw themselves at boys in bands and other boys and I know better than you what girls do. I sure know what we talk about, not me but my friends. I have a friend who said that if any of the Jonas brothers threw her on a bed she would let them.

Trump was just saying the truth, that some women let stars do whatever they want to. It is true and all of you know it is true, so your outrage is fake and phony.


I did not say that. But that is not what he was talking about. He was talking about in his role as a tv star, not as an office executive. I have plenty of friends who throw themselves at boys in bands and other boys and I know better than you what girls do. I sure know what we talk about, not me but my friends. I have a friend who said that if any of the Jonas brothers threw her on a bed she would let them.

Trump was just saying the truth, that some women let stars do whatever they want to. It is true and all of you know it is true, so your outrage is fake and phony.

Oh so Trump asked first? Well that makes all the difference.

But that is not what he said is it? "Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything."

What a gentleman!!!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Oh so Trump asked first? Well that makes all the difference.

But that is not what he said is it? "Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything."

What a gentleman!!!

"they let you do it" = implied consent

go shake your fist angrily at something that matters

maybe those darned kids on your lawn