Those Who Ignore History ...

Obama Breaks Promise on 100th Anniversary of Armenian Genocide

As the world continues to look on in dismay at the atrocities committed against Christian minorities by the Islamic State – the self-proclaimed new “caliphate” – today, April 24, marks the genocide of Armenian and other Christian minorities by Turkey’s Islamic Ottoman Empire – the last caliphate.

Most American historians who have studied the question agree that what the Armenians experienced was a deliberate, calculated genocide:

Read the rest of the article at:

Once again, Obama chooses to take the Muslim side of the argument. Is there really any question he's Muslim? His actions speak volumes.

Nor is the Islamic government of Turkey alone in denying the genocide. President Obama still refuses to acknowledge it – even though, when he was running for office in 2008, he professed his “firmly held conviction that the Armenian Genocide is not an allegation, a personal opinion, or a point of view, but rather a widely documented fact supported by an overwhelming body of historical evidence.”
The facts are undeniable. ... [A]s President I will recognize the Armenian Genocide. ... America deserves a leader who speaks truthfully about the Armenian Genocide and responds forcefully to all genocides. I intend to be that president.
Since taking office, Obama has refused to stand by his word. On Tuesday, April 21, the White House announced that it would again, for the seventh year since Obama’s pledge, not use the word “genocide,” disappointing many human rights activists.
Writes the New York Times:
The president’s continued resistance to the word stood in contrast to a stance by Pope Francis, who recently called the massacres “the first genocide of the 20th century” and equated them to mass killings by the Nazis and Soviets. The European Parliament, which first recognized the genocide in 1987, passed a resolution last week calling on Turkey to “come to terms with its past.”


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Hall of Fame
history is the key that unlocks the door to understanding

you heard it here first
go ahead and google it
Turkish Pride Regarding Armenian Holocaust

Turkish Pride Regarding Armenian Holocaust

As if on safari, the hunters proudly display their dead prey. But the circa 1915 photograph depicts an undeniable horror. The hunters flank a dozen or so human bodies, laid out upon a dirt mound. The distinctive hunters’ uniforms identify them as Turkish soldiers of the Ottoman Empire; their victims are Armenian Christians.

Read the full article at:

And this is our NATO ally, Turkey. They show no remorse at all. Pride goes before the fall. There's a lesson to be learned from Turkey if we are still teachable and haven't been heart hardened.


New member
Hall of Fame
You're surprised a politician broke his word?

Other than Reagan no American president's ever acknowledged the genocide as such, at least not that I'm aware of.
You're surprised a politician broke his word?

Most Americans are complicit in this, though. They would never elect an honest politician, were there such a thing in this day and age. The politician either promises pie in the sky, that costs nothing, or that's all she wrote. Also, the system of bribery we dignify as "campaign contributions" nobody says boo about. In this circumstance, all you're ever going to get is the best lying government money can buy, that is, evil.
You're surprised a politician broke his word?

Other than Reagan no American president's ever acknowledged the genocide as such, at least not that I'm aware of.
Did you or didn't you read the article? In the US, 44 of 50 states have recognized the Armenian Holocaust. It doesn't stop there. Countries in Europe also recognize the attrocities committed in the name of Allah.

As for politicians breaking their word, it's become commonplace now to the extent that it no longer surprises us. Politicians count on that. We the American people have had our hearts hardened so that we can no longer recognize lies and more sadly, no longer care.

With respect to the president's words or lack of them, I can't respond to your last sentence. I would need to do more research. There's no shortage of articles today on the Armenian Holocaust. The NAZI's took much interest in it.
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New member
Hall of Fame
Did you didn't read the article? In the US, 44 of 50 states have recognized the Armenian Holocaust. It doesn't stop there. Countries in Europe also recognize the attrocities committed in the name of Allah.

Yes, I'm aware. And it doesn't address what I said. At all.

As for politicians breaking their word, it's become commonplace now to the extent that it no longer surprises us.

Become? Bless your idealist's heart.

With respect to the president's words or lack of them, I can't respond to your last sentence. I would need to do more research.

Go on ahead but I'm pretty sure no POTUS other than Reagan has described the Armenian genocide as just that.


New member
I know exactly why Obama doesn't want to acknowledge the genocide. It's because Turkey is an ally, and we want them to stay on "our side." And, as Granite said, I don't think Bush or Clinton ever acknowledged it either.

The Turkish leadership shows it's immaturity with this. I've never understood the ultra-nationalist desire to refuse to believe that your country can ever possibly do anything wrong. As an American I won't try to sugar-coat the killing of the Indians and as a Southerner I won't try to downplay slavery, lynchings, or discrimination. All those things happened as we're weaker as a country if we can't recognize the horrible things that happened in our history.
Yes, I'm aware. And it doesn't address what I said. At all.
Yes. It does not address the point you're making.
Become? Bless your idealist's heart.
No need for sarcasm, but I don't offend easily.
Go on ahead but I'm pretty sure no POTUS other than Reagan has described the Armenian genocide as just that.
You are correct. A five minute search on Google showed that no American president in recent history has had the grit to speak the truth about the Armenian Genocide 100 years ago today. But Vladimir Putin did angering the Turks. America, in order to fight its war in Iraq, needs NATO member Turkey's okay. So for political/military reasons, a variety of presidents have remained silent. It seems like you are correct. I sincerely appreciate correction when I'm wrong on something. Obama's backtrack maybe the result of DoD or military request. Personally, I wouldn't mind upsetting Turkey. But that's just me.


New member
Hall of Fame
Correct: We're loathe to call a spade a spade because Turkey's an ally. Makes it understandable and pragmatic. Morally wrong on our part, but not mean-spirited, per se.

Turkey's utter denial in the face of the facts reminds me of Japan's refusal to acknowledge the rape of Nanking.
Correct: We're loathe to call a spade a spade because Turkey's an ally. Makes it understandable and pragmatic. Morally wrong on our part, but not mean-spirited, per se.

Turkey's utter denial in the face of the facts reminds me of Japan's refusal to acknowledge the rape of Nanking.


Those Who Ignore History ...

With the Russians in the Ukraine and the Middle East in turmoil, America needs Turkey as an ally.

Obama has to manage the "here and now" - what happened 100 years ago is beyond his control.