"This is a civil war in a leper colony"

The Barbarian

MARK SHIELDS: What matters is chaos in the White House is bad for the United States and bad for the world. There’s no rational order.

I mean, for example, what you have described, the morale at the White House, from every report, is just incredibly low. To work in any White House, Judy, is an act of both self-sacrifice and self-interest. You miss birthdays. You miss anniversaries. You miss your children’s recitals.

But there’s a sense of mission, a sense of history, a sense also that it’s special. You’re part of something special. You get status and recognition.

All that is missing here. This is a civil war in a leper colony. There is no sense of direction. The steel quotas being a perfect example. There was no preparation — tariffs, rather — there was no preparation politically, there was no preparation for making a case, there was no preparation for the press, there was no preparation within the White House.

There’s nothing organization. It’s all act on impulse and chaos and sort of the whim of the president himself.



New member
The most central core principle of conservatism as it is now practiced by Trump and his supporters is that the most important thing is annoying people they see as liberals, which includes everyone who doesn't agree with them. Any action taken in service of that goal seems to be considered acceptable, even if it is self-destructive and universally harmful.

The Barbarian

The most central core principle of conservatism as it is now practiced by Trump and his supporters is that the most important thing is annoying people they see as liberals, which includes everyone who doesn't agree with them. Any action taken in service of that goal seems to be considered acceptable, even if it is self-destructive and universally harmful.

That's the remarkable thing. It's as if Trump and his weird assemblage of crackpots in the government are taking revenge on America for being laughed at.