This Gray protesting thing is getting really boring


New member
OK, Fox makes it not so boring, but still, every time you turn on the TV, there it is..

I mean, didn't we get enough of this kind of hogwash with the Ferguson thing?

It's not the same?

well, in a way, it is.. someone dealing with the cops ends up dead, a huge tragedy in anyone's perspective. But then thousands of protesters come out before the facts are all in, burglarize places of business, incite a riot... and etc..

yeh, we've seen this movie before..

Leland Vittert makes it interesting with his (HORRORS) obvious bias (love Fox's bias), makes you laugh with his sarcasm. He said something to one protester about how... Oh, gee, wish I could remember the exact thing he said but something about hanging people on the courthouse steps...


(his point being that people were totally rushing to judgment..)

And what about this?

Why is there no investigation of the HOSPITAL? That is where he died!

He did not die while in custody

I don't know... just wondering...



I'm wondering when the public lynching is going to happen (Trial? We don't need no stinkin trial!).

It must be extremely painful for race baiters (i.e. racists) like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and their fellow liberals of all colors not to be able to use the word "racist" this time around, as 3 of the 6 officers arrested are black (the driver who will be charged with murder is black).



New member
what's really amazing is the IGNORANCE of a lot of people who have been interviewed. There was ONE (count 'em, one) guy interviewed last night by Fox who seemed to understand the system of justice in this country but even he acted like it was a foregone conclusion the cops were guilty.

it does seem very odd that someone would die of a spinal cord injury, of all things, while in cop custody.. but still, there has been no trial so why are all those protesters calling for "justice" as in the cops are guilty as everyone can see, when that has not been proven

scary stuff

this is the future of our country?

these people need an education

innocent until proven guilty. They would expect as much if THEY were accused..

by the way: Gray, I am sure, has already gotten "justice" He has gone to meet God, for better or worse

he couldn't care less, I am sure, what the courts decide