Well-known member
Hi and one poster says that we AVOID many verses and one that he said was Gal 3:28 !! And here is what that poster was sacred to explain Gal 3:28 !!

Gal 3:28 reads ; There CANNOT be Jews nor Greeks there CANNOT be Slave nor FREE , there CANNOT be MALE and FEMALE , for you ARE ONE in Christ Jesus !!

There are 4 verbs in this verse , CANNOT , CANNOT , CANNOT and the verb ARE !!

These 4 verbs are in the Dispensation of the Grace of God and will never be found in the O T nor in the Gospels and ONLY written by Paul !!

#1 This then means , that PRESENT TENSE means CONTINUOUS ACTION ONLY in Paul's epistles !!

#2 This than means that ALL THESE PEOPLE lose there IDENTITY in the Body of Christ !!

#3 , Because the B O C is a NEW MAN IN EPH 2:15 !

#4 , This is why the 12 Apostles will NEVER be part of the B O C !! ,

#5 If the Jews and APOSTLES were part of the B O C then SATAN will have defeated Christ as there will NEVER be Jews in the Millennium Kingdom !

#6 , Since we ARE / ESTE in Christ we are OSAS !!

#7 , This also means that any Jew thagt dies will always go to Abraham's BOSOM as did the Thief on the Cross and as did Lasarus !!

#8 , And Col 3:11 backs Paul , as it reads Bur Christ ( is ) THE ALL THINGS and in all !!

All should notice that the Greek ARTICLE is used TA PANTS and that seaks to the All Things IN THE B O C !!

#9 Col says Where there CANNOT BE !!

#10 We as believers go to heaven AS 1 Cor 5:1-6 !!

#11 , So any one not in the B O C will never go to heaven , as we will !!

dan p


New member
#11 , So any one not in the B O C will never go to heaven , as we will !!

If you are referring to the body of Christ, Paul said the church of God is the body of Christ.

Since there is only one body is that the body you are referring to?


Well-known member
If you are referring to the body of Christ, Paul said the church of God is the body of Christ.

Since there is only one body is that the body you are referring to?

Hi and in 1 Cor 12:27 says the B O C and there is ONLY one wAY TO ENTER and Paul says 1 Cor 12:13 and it uses the Greek word BAPTIZO / BAPTISM so does that mean WATER ??

Unless you are an Acts 28er as some believe in 2 B O C !!

dan p


New member
I can just see DanP in glory now - ever hounding after Brock to correct Vine on the Greek; as Jordan and Paul look on in amusement :chuckle:


Well-known member
I can just see DanP in glory now - ever hounding after Brock to correct Vine on the Greek; as Jordan and Paul look on in amusement :chuckle:

Hi and you could NEVER explain Gal 3:28 as I did , SO give me a ONE , give me a TWO and then a TREE and then say I AM CORRECT !!

I can not seem to escape the I AM , sorry !!

dan p


New member
Hi and in 1 Cor 12:27 says the B O C and there is ONLY one wAY TO ENTER and Paul says 1 Cor 12:13 and it uses the Greek word BAPTIZO / BAPTISM so does that mean WATER ??

1 Corinthians 12:13 For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body — whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free — and have all been made to drink into one Spirit.​

Strong's definition of G907 is: βαπτίζω baptízō, bap-tid'-zo; from a derivative of G911; to immerse, submerge; to make whelmed (i.e. fully wet); used only (in the New Testament) of ceremonial ablution, especially (technically) of the ordinance of Christian baptism.

Yes, immerse in water.


New member
#5 If the Jews and APOSTLES were part of the B O C then SATAN will have defeated Christ as there will NEVER be Jews in the Millennium Kingdom !

dan p

Could you explain what you mean by this with a little more detail because clearly Paul was a Jew.


Well-known member
Could you explain what you mean by this with a little more detail because clearly Paul was a Jew.

Hi and all should NOTICE that all Paul's helpers were Jews and Timothy was part Greek !!

Satan has always tried to kill Jews and the #666 kis FOR Jews and not for Gentiles and when they attack Jerusalem , they are Gentiles and Matt 25 explains who the SHEEP and GOATS are and what the standard for JUDGMENT is !!

Only the Jews WITHOUT the #666 will become Kings and Priests , Rev 1:6 and Ex 19:6 and then Israel will become the HEAD and not the TAIL !!

The book of Revelation is a picture of the PURGING of Israel !!

Remember that Jesus says that He has OTHER SHEEP and these are the SHEEP in Matt 25 !!

There are Israel , the SHEEP NATIONS who are the Gentiles in Matt 25 who help Israel during the Great Tribulation and the GOAT NATIONS who are than given Everlasting Punishment in Matt 25:46 !!

dan p