They know they're wrong:

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New member
What do the Liberals do when they cannot defend themselves and their own philosophy?

Let’s compare the SCRIPTURES to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and the followers of both. -- The Scriptures, with the Kingdom of God, and the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, with the Government of the United States. -- What does the opposition to the Scriptures and the Constitution do when confronted with the established law of either? – AGREE WITH THEM! -? – NO! – They hide behind anyone else who is against the established law. It doesn’t matter who they are, as long as they are in agreement with them. - Neither the Liberals nor the false teachers have the brass to stand up against the true teachers of the Scriptures, or the Constitution. – The Liberals hide behind the lying media and any foreign leader that will support them, and the false teachers of the Word will hide behind any other church, and even hide behind the Atheists. – BOTH are here on TOL, for anyone to observe first hand.
I’ve recently observed the so called teachers of Christ stand with the Atheists in opposition with anything that I may say. – Both, the Atheist and the phony teachers of Christ do nothing but spew slurs, and funnies, making fun of this writer, - both in agreement. – IT’S AMAZING! - And they all continue to deem themselves as the just and right, and all the rest remain silent.

Acts 2:38 KJV – is one of the things Christ teaches, and I teach it with nothing but scorn, as with most other Scriptures we teach. – Guess who is scorned by Christ.
You all take the Angels as the liars. – You say, NoooOOOOO! – Look at the following verse. ---- Hebrews 1:13-14 KJV – “TO WHICH OF THE ANGELS SAID HE AT ANY TIME, SIT ON MY RIGHT HAND, until I make thine enemies thy footstool? 14- -( ARE THEY NOT ALL MINISTERING SPIRITS, SENT FORTH )- to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation? ----- Christ never said for me to sit at his right hand, but he did send this minister to minister to the lost that they MAY BE heirs of salvation. – How did you become a minister of salvation? By sitting at the right hand of Christ??? – Christ never said to any Angel to sit at his right hand until he makes the enemy their footstool. – That’s what the Devil says to his angels. Christ’s Angels are all sent to do something in the ministry of Christ. We minister Christ to the lost, and the lost hide and join Christ’s enemies to combat the Angels of Christ – Where’s yours right of ministry in the name of Christ? ---- John 8:44 KJV ---- However, -- Hebrews 12:22-23 KJV – “Ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the Heavenly Jerusalem, and TO AN INNUMERABLE COMPANY OF ANGELS, 23- To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in Heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and –( TO THE SPIRITS OF JUST MEN MADE PERFECT )-”.----- / ANGELS! --- Paul was sent, -- (to sit at Christ’s right hand)? – NO! – What did Paul say? – Acts 27:23 KJV – “For there stood by me this night T-H-E Angel of God, “WHOSE I AM”, and whom I serve”. -- Did Paul stand beside himself? – NO! Paul’s SPIRIT stood with him; “Michael t-h-e Archangel”. -- AND – Revelation 22:9-21 KJV – Where did Paul’s Angel stop talking to John in those verses? – That was Paul’s Angel speaking to John all the way to verse 21. It was Christ in Paul, as Christ is in every CHRISTIAN.

None of you can prove anything in this thread wrong. You’ll just act like the Liberals of your Government. --- We speak for Christ, THE LOST DON’T! - Prove me wrong!

Judgment you say? -- Don’t any of you know that the Christian / Angel of Christ is the Lawyer or counselor for the good and honest heart / Spirit against the Devil? - We counsel for some of the lost, if they want counsel. You counsel yourselves and lose, and stay LOST. You don’t just appoint yourself counselor, Christ sends one of his own to quote the LAW of Christ, and win souls. You can’t see what’s going on, that is the LOST CAN’T, but just because YOU CAN”T SEE IT, doesn’t mean that it doesn’t go on in the judgment. THIS IS THE JUDGMENT OF CHRIST, and it’s the Angels that do the judgment for Christ because they are sent by Christ to do judgment. They are the ones who reap the harvest. The Angels are the REAPERS. ---- Doesn’t that just infuriate you? – Read the BOOK, that’s what it says, and I agree with it, but of course YOU CAN’T. ---- “And the Lord shall send forth his Angels, and they shall reap”. --- Galatians 6:9 KJV – “Let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not”. ---- Reap what? -- We shall reap what we have sown in the good and honest hearts of men / the Word of God / Christ / more Christians / those who are like Christ. --- You have to be raging mad by now, or you have your head hid in the dirt. You certainly can’t disprove me, so you won’t even try, just like the Liberals of bad government.

Paul – 092810

Clark Frugal

New member
Only 235 days to go before the Rapture...tick, tick, tick.

I'm not mad. can I have your material possession?


New member
What do the Liberals do when they cannot defend themselves and their own philosophy?

Let’s compare the SCRIPTURES to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and the followers of both. -- The Scriptures, with the Kingdom of God, and the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, with the Government of the United States. -- What does the opposition to the Scriptures and the Constitution do when confronted with the established law of either? – AGREE WITH THEM! -? – NO! – They hide behind anyone else who is against the established law. It doesn’t matter who they are, as long as they are in agreement with them. - Neither the Liberals nor the false teachers have the brass to stand up against the true teachers of the Scriptures, or the Constitution. – The Liberals hide behind the lying media and any foreign leader that will support them, and the false teachers of the Word will hide behind any other church, and even hide behind the Atheists. – BOTH are here on TOL, for anyone to observe first hand.
I’ve recently observed the so called teachers of Christ stand with the Atheists in opposition with anything that I may say. – Both, the Atheist and the phony teachers of Christ do nothing but spew slurs, and funnies, making fun of this writer, - both in agreement. – IT’S AMAZING! - And they all continue to deem themselves as the just and right, and all the rest remain silent.

Acts 2:38 KJV – is one of the things Christ teaches, and I teach it with nothing but scorn, as with most other Scriptures we teach. – Guess who is scorned by Christ.
You all take the Angels as the liars. – You say, NoooOOOOO! – Look at the following verse. ---- Hebrews 1:13-14 KJV – “TO WHICH OF THE ANGELS SAID HE AT ANY TIME, SIT ON MY RIGHT HAND, until I make thine enemies thy footstool? 14- -( ARE THEY NOT ALL MINISTERING SPIRITS, SENT FORTH )- to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation? ----- Christ never said for me to sit at his right hand, but he did send this minister to minister to the lost that they MAY BE heirs of salvation. – How did you become a minister of salvation? By sitting at the right hand of Christ??? – Christ never said to any Angel to sit at his right hand until he makes the enemy their footstool. – That’s what the Devil says to his angels. Christ’s Angels are all sent to do something in the ministry of Christ. We minister Christ to the lost, and the lost hide and join Christ’s enemies to combat the Angels of Christ – Where’s yours right of ministry in the name of Christ? ---- John 8:44 KJV ---- However, -- Hebrews 12:22-23 KJV – “Ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the Heavenly Jerusalem, and TO AN INNUMERABLE COMPANY OF ANGELS, 23- To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in Heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and –( TO THE SPIRITS OF JUST MEN MADE PERFECT )-”.----- / ANGELS! --- Paul was sent, -- (to sit at Christ’s right hand)? – NO! – What did Paul say? – Acts 27:23 KJV – “For there stood by me this night T-H-E Angel of God, “WHOSE I AM”, and whom I serve”. -- Did Paul stand beside himself? – NO! Paul’s SPIRIT stood with him; “Michael t-h-e Archangel”. -- AND – Revelation 22:9-21 KJV – Where did Paul’s Angel stop talking to John in those verses? – That was Paul’s Angel speaking to John all the way to verse 21. It was Christ in Paul, as Christ is in every CHRISTIAN.

None of you can prove anything in this thread wrong. You’ll just act like the Liberals of your Government. --- We speak for Christ, THE LOST DON’T! - Prove me wrong!

Judgment you say? -- Don’t any of you know that the Christian / Angel of Christ is the Lawyer or counselor for the good and honest heart / Spirit against the Devil? - We counsel for some of the lost, if they want counsel. You counsel yourselves and lose, and stay LOST. You don’t just appoint yourself counselor, Christ sends one of his own to quote the LAW of Christ, and win souls. You can’t see what’s going on, that is the LOST CAN’T, but just because YOU CAN”T SEE IT, doesn’t mean that it doesn’t go on in the judgment. THIS IS THE JUDGMENT OF CHRIST, and it’s the Angels that do the judgment for Christ because they are sent by Christ to do judgment. They are the ones who reap the harvest. The Angels are the REAPERS. ---- Doesn’t that just infuriate you? – Read the BOOK, that’s what it says, and I agree with it, but of course YOU CAN’T. ---- “And the Lord shall send forth his Angels, and they shall reap”. --- Galatians 6:9 KJV – “Let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not”. ---- Reap what? -- We shall reap what we have sown in the good and honest hearts of men / the Word of God / Christ / more Christians / those who are like Christ. --- You have to be raging mad by now, or you have your head hid in the dirt. You certainly can’t disprove me, so you won’t even try, just like the Liberals of bad government.

Paul – 092810

You have to be raging mad by now, or you have your head hid in the dirt.

maybe you been breathin' too much swamp gas?


New member
You have to be raging mad by now, or you have your head hid in the dirt.

maybe you been breathin' too much swamp gas?

It’s not the air in which we breathe, that is the breath of life now. - It’s the blood of Jesus Christ that is the life of our body and breath.

Inhale all you choose and you will only see the outside of the Gates of the City.

Paul – 092910


New member
Only 235 days to go before the Rapture...tick, tick, tick.

I'm not mad. can I have your material possession?

I have no earthy possessions.

My wife is in charge of all that the Lord has allowed me to use. – Proverbs 31:10-31 KJV – Read it if you dare.

Paul – 092910

Clark Frugal

New member
I was making a little joke. There has been lots of snickering at the Christians expense because some Bible Teacher is publishing that Jesus is Coming on May 21, 2011.

When I read your diatribe I was joking that we have 235 (now 234) days to go before Jesus arrives.


New member
I was making a little joke. There has been lots of snickering at the Christians expense because some Bible Teacher is publishing that Jesus is Coming on May 21, 2011.

When I read your diatribe I was joking that we have 235 (now 234) days to go before Jesus arrives.

Gotcha! --- Jesus arrived over two thousand years ago; someone missed him; I didn't. -- I arrived with him. - ?? Joking ??

Paul -- 092910

Clark Frugal

New member
I was referring to His Second Coming, not His first. Do a Google. There is a Christian group out there declaring that Jesus is Coming Back on May 21, 2011. Let us count down the days to see how wrong (again) they are. Then Biblically no one should listen to that group again.


New member
I was referring to His Second Coming, not His first. Do a Google. There is a Christian group out there declaring that Jesus is Coming Back on May 21, 2011. Let us count down the days to see how wrong (again) they are. Then Biblically no one should listen to that group again.

Sorry! – I’m not talking about the first coming, BUT THE SECOND. – The Lord has already come and destroyed the Temple, city, and nation of Judaea. -- Christ did just that in AD-70.

Paul – 093010


New member
It’s not the air in which we breathe, that is the breath of life now. - It’s the blood of Jesus Christ that is the life of our body and breath.

Inhale all you choose and you will only see the outside of the Gates of the City.

Paul – 092910

no, its gotta be swamp gas. you inhaled a will-o-the-wisp.

Clark Frugal

New member
Paul, you're a Preterist. Good for you. :e4e: I understand some of preterism. Since the Lord returned in 70 A.D. what's the next cosmic thing we are waiting for biblically?


New member
Paul, you're a Preterist. Good for you. :e4e: I understand some of preterism. Since the Lord returned in 70 A.D. what's the next cosmic thing we are waiting for biblically?

To see our flesh flash in flames as we step out of it into the Glory of Christ / the resurrected eternal life, into the fourth Heaven.

OH! - by the way I'm only Christian, not what ever you said I am.

Paul -- 100110
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Frank Ernest

New member
Hall of Fame
I was making a little joke. There has been lots of snickering at the Christians expense because some Bible Teacher is publishing that Jesus is Coming on May 21, 2011.
Are you talking about "Daniel's Timeline?" I have the video. There are various dates calculated by various sources for the Second Coming, ranging from yesterday to about a thousand years from now. Pick one.
When I read your diatribe I was joking that we have 235 (now 234) days to go before Jesus arrives.
Either way, I'll be here with the Welcome Wagon or returning with Him. Win-win.

Clark Frugal

New member
To see our flesh flash in flames as we step out of it into the Glory of Christ / the resurrected eternal life, into the fourth Heaven.

OH! - by the way I'm only Christian, not what ever you said I am.

Paul -- 100110
When the Trumpet of the Lord shall sound and Time shall be no more...I hope I'm the first one incinerated. When the Supreme kills anyone, that person is immediately spiritually purified by His touch, speaking from an Vedic point of view.

Clark Frugal

New member
Are you talking about "Daniel's Timeline?" I have the video. There are various dates calculated by various sources for the Second Coming, ranging from yesterday to about a thousand years from now. Pick one.

Either way, I'll be here with the Welcome Wagon or returning with Him. Win-win.
Frank you are so right. How many different calculations have there been in the last 15 centuries? ZZZZZZ...I can't bare to listen to one more, no. I was referring to some Bible Group that is teaching that the Lord Jesus Christ is coming back on May 21, 2011. Just Google that calendar date and you'll see what I mean.


New member
When the Trumpet of the Lord shall sound and Time shall be no more...I hope I'm the first one incinerated. When the Supreme kills anyone, that person is immediately spiritually purified by His touch, speaking from an Vedic point of view.

You know not what you say!

The trumpet of God has already sounded, and there has been no time for the Spirit for over two thousands material years. God has never said that things would be burned up in the material scenes; NEVER. -- However, God did say, ----- Isaiah 4:4 KJV – “When the Lord “SHALL HAVE” WASHED AWAY the filth of the daughters of Zion, and “SHALL HAVE” PURGED THE BLOOD OF JERUSALEM FROM THE MIDST THEREOF by the -( SPIRIT OF JUDGMENT, AND BY THE SPIRIT OF BURNING )-“. ----- That happened in AD-70. -- The Lord said he would destroy the Temple at his coming, and he did in AD-70.

We were purified by the fire of his mouth. ----- Hebrews 1:7 KJV – “Of the angels he saith, who maketh HIS ANGELS SPIRITS, AND HIS MINISTERS A FLAME OF FIRE”. ----- Are you going to disregard those words like the other churches, and take some other words that agree with their doctrine? -- The power of God’s Judgment is his Gospel / the Fire. -- Their mistake is not seeing the Angels of God. – Hebrews 13:2 KJV – “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby SOME HAVE ENTERTAINED ANGELS UNAWARES? ----- What do all the so called Christians do with that TRUTH?

Revelation 20:12 KJV - “The dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books”; the Gospel.

Paul -- 100410
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