There's Dead, And Then There's The Dead


New member
The dead are mentioned four times in the scene depicted at Rev 20:11-15 while the living aren't mentioned even once and that's because Christ testified at John 5:24 that the living never have to worry about being put on trial for things they've done that are hell-worthy.

In other words; none of the dead will go to heaven from the great white throne event: instead they will all every one lose their resurrected bodies by a manner of death akin to a foundry worker falling into a kettle of molten iron.

Q: How can apparently sentient, conscious people be called dead?

A: Christ said at John 5:24 that people with eternal life have crossed over from death into life; implying that prior to obtaining eternal life, they were dead on the hoof; viz: the dead in Rev 20:11-15 won't have eternal life; instead, they'll all have natural-born human life; which is a kind of life not allowed in the kingdom of God. (John 3:3-8)



Well-known member
The dead are mentioned four times in the scene depicted at Rev 20:11-15 while the living aren't mentioned even once and that's because Christ testified at John 5:24 that the living never have to worry about being put on trial for things they've done that are hell-worthy.

In other words; none of the dead will go to heaven from the great white throne event: instead they will all every one lose their resurrected bodies by a manner of death akin to a foundry worker falling into a kettle of molten iron.

Q: How can apparently sentient, conscious people be called dead?

A: Christ said at John 5:24 that people with eternal life have crossed over from death into life; implying that prior to obtaining eternal life, they were dead on the hoof; viz: the dead in Rev 20:11-15 won't have eternal life; instead, they'll all have natural-born human life; which is a kind of life not allowed in the kingdom of God. (John 3:3-8)


You're dead and living for the things of the world, if you don't have the indwelling spirit of God within your heart. And you are dead to the world and alive in God once his indwelling spirit puts the flesh to death daily within you. Thus we are circumcised of the heart. Living for God and being at one with him and Christ.

As Paul said "I die daily". This happens through first believing in the gospel of Jesus, repenting, turning from and denying the things of the world and through Jesus receiving Gods gift of the holy spirit within, who will be changing our heart from a corruptible flesh driven heart, to a heart that is cleansed by the spirit and changing us into the image of Christ. Who overcame the world by the strength of the spirit which was fully in him, he came in the express image of God. And those who follow him and worship God in spirit and in truth will have put on the spirit of Christ and he will be living through them.


New member
In other words; none of the dead will go to heaven from the great white throne event: instead they will all every one lose their resurrected bodies by a manner of death akin to a foundry worker falling into a kettle of molten iron.

Urban legend ... this is not biblical.