ThePhy on Bob Enyart Live?

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Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Shimei

You should apologize for calling Bob a fascist. You obviously know nothing about him.

Maybe YOU could call up Bob's show and let him know what he is doing wrong.

I already apologized to Knight for the unintended offense he took. As Mr. Enyart is yet to register a complaint with me, I consider that issue closed.

Enyart's words speak for themselves, and you can be assured that I know more than a thing or two about the man.


New member
Originally posted by Shimei

I am sure Bob would be up for that as long as he could broadcast the debate on his show as well.

Are you up for a debate with Bob, Freak?
Have been on this forum for years. Were you aware of this?


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Freak

Now that's an asinine idea, if he did in fact say that. When did Jesus cast out demons out of phones? :down:

When did Jesus ever produce DVDs of his exorcisms?
When did Jesus ever write a book and market it through Wal*Mart?
When did Jesus ever host a radio program?
When did Jesus ever manage a website or post in an internet chat forum?


New member
Originally posted by Turbo

It is laughable for Enyart to ask me to cast out demons out of a phone. Does Enyart not realize Jesus was more concerned about humanity then objects?

When did Jesus ever produce DVDs of his exorcisms?
When did Jesus ever write a book and market it through Wal*Mart?
When did Jesus ever host a radio program?
When did Jesus ever manage a website or post in an internet chat forum?
All of these things, you mentioned, effect humans on a personal level. Radio, books, exorcisms, web ministry, etc These elements are people oriented.

Casting out demons out of a phone, as Enyart proposed, is asinine. :down: Do you not see the difference? :rolleyes:


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Freak

It is laughable for Enyart to ask me to cast out demons out of a phone. Does Enyart not realize Jesus was more concerned about humanity then objects?
He was being facetious, of course. He doesn't really believe there are actual demons in his phone system. Then again, he doesn't believe you are an actual exorcist either. So you'd be just the guy to cast out demons that aren't even there.

All of these things, you mentioned, effect humans on a personal level. Radio, books, exorcisms, web ministry, etc These elements are people oriented.
All of the things I mentioned (including phones) didn't exist at the time of Christ's earthly ministry. It just struck me funny that you pointed out that Jesus never cast demons out of phones specifically. If only you had said inanimate objects, it wouldn't have been funny.

Casting out demons out of a phone, as Enyart proposed, is asinine. :down:
That's the point. It was a joke.


Formerly Shimei!
Originally posted by Freak

Have been on this forum for years. Were you aware of this?

I am not talking about debating on TOL you knucklehead!

So if Bob calls up your show, you will have a live debate with him?


New member
Originally posted by Turbo

He was being facetious, of course. He doesn't really believe there are actual demons in his phone system.

Then again, he doesn't believe you are an actual exorcist either.
There were those in the days of Jesus who questioned his authority to cast out demons too. Were you aware of this?

Furthermore... many on this forum think Enyart is in great theological error regarding various man-made doctrines that he espouses.

So you'd be just the guy to cast out demons that aren't even there.
I realize you're only 24 but come on Turbo you could do better then that. :down: You're the laughingstock of TOL.

It just struck me funny that you pointed out that Jesus never cast demons out of phones specifically. If only you had said inanimate objects, it wouldn't have been funny.
Like I said for a 24 year old punk you can do better. Jesus didn't cast demons out of objects. Period. So, for Enyart to state such an asinine thing is quite bizarre to say the very least.

That's the point. It was a joke.
Perhaps Enyart needs the evil spirits cast out of him. Reminder: Just a joke. :p


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Formerly Shimei!
Originally posted by Freak

Sure. :up:

PM Knight your phone number and when Bob should call your radio show. I am sure Bob will debate you on air if his schedule permits.


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Knight, in at least one of the Bob Enyart Live radio programs immediately after his late February debate with the Hugh Ross group, Bob said he would like to have another Age-of the-Earth debate, but have it one-on-one, and based on the science. If he is still interested in that, I might be willing to pick up his offer.

I would require that it be an in-person debate (in the Denver area is fine), under the normal protocols of debate (x uninterrupted minutes for each presenter to give their opening arguments, followed by y uninterrupted minutes of follow-up/rebuttal time, and perhaps an open Q/A session at the end). I would need at least several months scheduling and preparation time (and Bob may need as well).

Peripheral issues would only be permitted inasmuch as they directly influence the core subject. For example, whether or not evolution happened is not critical to establishing an old earth, since evolution could be completely false and the earth still be old. (On the other hand, establishment of a young earth would necessarily falsify evolution.) Evolutionary ideas would be permitted to the extent they are directly related to an old or young earth – such as the methods and reliability of dating fossils that are claimed to come from times long before the Genesis creation. Scriptural passages would only be permitted for analysis of relevant scientific content. Thus issues like the possible meanings of the word “day” in Genesis are outside the scope of the discussion.

Can you see if Bob is interested?

Nathon Detroit

Re: Reconsidering

Re: Reconsidering

Originally posted by ThePhy

Knight, in at least one of the Bob Enyart Live radio programs immediately after his late February debate with the Hugh Ross group, Bob said he would like to have another Age-of the-Earth debate, but have it one-on-one, and based on the science. If he is still interested in that, I might be willing to pick up his offer.

I would require that it be an in-person debate (in the Denver area is fine), under the normal protocols of debate (x uninterrupted minutes for each presenter to give their opening arguments, followed by y uninterrupted minutes of follow-up/rebuttal time, and perhaps an open Q/A session at the end). I would need at least several months scheduling and preparation time (and Bob may need as well).

Peripheral issues would only be permitted inasmuch as they directly influence the core subject. For example, whether or not evolution happened is not critical to establishing an old earth, since evolution could be completely false and the earth still be old. (On the other hand, establishment of a young earth would necessarily falsify evolution.) Evolutionary ideas would be permitted to the extent they are directly related to an old or young earth – such as the methods and reliability of dating fossils that are claimed to come from times long before the Genesis creation. Scriptural passages would only be permitted for analysis of relevant scientific content. Thus issues like the possible meanings of the word “day” in Genesis are outside the scope of the discussion.

Can you see if Bob is interested?
I will check into this.
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