We have officially purchased the domain name TheologyOnLine.net and have pointed it to the TheologyOnLine.com server.
It should be fully functional within the next 24 hours or so.
What does this mean?
Well, it means that you can reach TOL by using any of the following domain names:
- www.theologyonline.com
- www.theologyonline.net
- www.truthsmack.com
All in all..... it simply means that TOL is extending its brand to be more accessible to more people.
Thanks to all of you for supporting TOL!
If any of you (who don't already contribute) feel compelled to donate financially to TOL's quest to bring God's truth to the world in a new fresh (in your face) way please CLICK HERE to make a small monotary donation via PayPal, credit card or eCheck.
It should be fully functional within the next 24 hours or so.
What does this mean?
Well, it means that you can reach TOL by using any of the following domain names:
- www.theologyonline.com
- www.theologyonline.net
- www.truthsmack.com
All in all..... it simply means that TOL is extending its brand to be more accessible to more people.
Thanks to all of you for supporting TOL!
If any of you (who don't already contribute) feel compelled to donate financially to TOL's quest to bring God's truth to the world in a new fresh (in your face) way please CLICK HERE to make a small monotary donation via PayPal, credit card or eCheck.