TheologyOnline enters its 15th year online

Nathon Detroit


It seems like just yesterday that I was creating, a place for my fellow theology students and I to discuss class topics from Bob Hill's Derby School of Theology. Since that time TOL has grown into a world famous internet forum. Over the past 15 years TOL has evolved a great deal (micro evolution, not macro). TOL is one of the oldest and best known communities on the net. Yes we have had our ups and downs. TOL has seen the Preterist invasion, the Tweb defection, the gay mountain biker invasion, the attack of internet terrorists (many stayed because they liked TOL better than their own forum), and many, many other wild events. We have seen some interesting users come and go... BillyBob, Sozo, 1Way, ghost, me again, Sozo, Freak, ghost, Beanieboy, Z Man, Sozo, Zakath, wickwoman, did I mention Sozo or ghost?

We have hosted some killer debates such as the Battle Royale series. We helped some folks financially, and many of you helped us financially in return. We bought a goat. We facilitated a marriage. We helped a young man move from Texas to Colorado. We banned a few spammers. We banned a few trouble makers. We banned a few morons that I just didn't like.

We have welcomed literally hundreds of new TOL babies into the world since we started this forum (mostly through ghost and Adam alone :D ) some of them are now in high school! We have also lost some treasured members. :(

We have changed some minds on some very important topics. We have turned some away :( yet we have also brought some into the fold. We have changed a lot over the past 15 years but we have also stayed the same.

Lets celebrate TOL's 15th year online.

- What are some of your favorite TOL memories?
- What are your hopes and expectations for the next 15 years on TOL?
- What TOL members have affected your experience on TOL (for good or bad)
- What has TOL meant to you?

Please feel to add any random thoughts about TOL on it's 15th year anniversary.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
15 years is a l-o-n-g time for a site, Knight.

Must be doing something right for it to survive that long!

I have loved TOL.
It has everything from the serious to the silly, and everything in between.

Oh, and I found this in my smiley folder for the "gay" crowd.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I liked Sozo, in his 'Mystery' period. We had some fights, but both liked it, and that sort of put the stopper on it.

Knight, I think you are avatar stuck now, so am I, just do not want to change it again.


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
I joined when TOL was overrun with perverts. Looks like many of the perverts wore out their welcome.

Now we are evaded by non-trins. This too will pass.


Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
- What are some of your favorite TOL memories?

My favorite TOL memory is when lovemeorhateme decided to follow God's will in his life. I don't hear a lot from him anymore except on Face Book. But, he seems to be doing well.

- What are your hopes and expectations for the next 15 years on TOL?

I really hope that TOL can continue to show people that there are many different types of Christians and many differing views. And, it takes all types of people and views to show people the way to live for Christ.

- What TOL members have affected your experience on TOL (for good or bad)

Knight (of course), Turbo, Prisca, Lion, Sozo/ghost/Mystery, cattyfan, Crow, Billybob, Nineveh, wickwoman, Psalmist, Nang, AskMrReligion...I'm sure there are more. But, those are the ones who rise to the top.

- What has TOL meant to you?

TOL has helped to bring a big change in my beliefs. Before my husband passed away, I was pretty much a calvinist. I believed that God controlled every aspect of our lives. Believing that almost caused me to turn my back on God when Steve died. Thanks to my friend (my chosen family) here on TOL, who basically held my hand to help me get through my grief and told me a few basic truths, I stood by Christ.

Nathon Detroit

TOL has helped to bring a big change in my beliefs. Before my husband passed away, I was pretty much a calvinist. I believed that God controlled every aspect of our lives. Believing that almost caused me to turn my back on God when Steve died. Thanks to my friend (my chosen family) here on TOL, who basically held my hand to help me get through my grief and told me a few basic truths, I stood by Christ.
Thanks Nori! :first: POTD


Death2impiety's Wife
Gold Subscriber
What are some of your favorite TOL memories?

It was awesome when we convinced that girl to get married (what was her name again?!). That was one of the best threads ever. (Good job, CRASH!)

What are your hopes and expectations for the next 15 years on TOL?

More truth smackin' and leading for people to Christ :)

What TOL members have affected your experience on TOL (for good or bad)

death2impiety :cloud9::hetro: is pretty awesome, if I do say so myself. Knight (& Mrs Knight!), Prisca, Lion, Turbo, ebenz.. Gosh, there are so many people here that I just loved. And a lot of them have helped me in so many ways :)

What has TOL meant to you?

When I moved to CO, it made me feel less lonely because I felt like I already knew a bunch of people here, all because of TOL.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame

Knight (of course), Turbo, Prisca, Lion, Sozo/ghost/Mystery, cattyfan, Crow, Billybob, Nineveh, wickwoman, Psalmist, Nang, AskMrReligion...I'm sure there are more. But, those are the ones who rise to the top.

Similar for me. From a constructionist view: Knight, tight-moderated; Turbo, tight; Prisca, maybe more tight? Lion, tight Sozo, tight; cattyfan, loose; Poly, moderate to tight; Nineveh, tight; Psalmist, moderate, AMR, another school, tight; Nang, tight, then. another, but closer to the first, STP, tight, Chickenman, tight, Koyou, moderate, then there are many who come from a more denominational, such as TH, loose to moderate, Chrys, loose, me again, as I am still much an Episcopalian, moderate, like TH, but tight in the way CM and STP, NICK, John W. are tight, then, some Catholics who are tight. I too have missed some, there are so many.

I do miss cattyfan, she was more OV, but not as tight, yet I liked her for being more open, same with TH, although, I think catty was far more OV, MAD than TH. Also there are some mixed groups, some OSAS, but may be less MAD and not OV and some who are mainly OV, whch seems to me, the first cohesive group and the founders of the feast.

I am not considering the Arians as being a serious group, within theology. They are actually more Jewish, than Christian.:chew: I wish they were more accepting of this obvious point!


New member
Hall of Fame
- What are some of your favorite TOL memories?
Enyart vs Lamerson debate was fun, buying the goat was a cool idea, the Hilston vs Stratnerd debate was great, I remember a bunch of whining about a billboard a long time ago, had something to do with CRASH, all I remember is that it was funny. :) Our little raid on CF was fun too. :)

- What are your hopes and expectations for the next 15 years on TOL?
Would be cool to get some good big debates going again. I'd like some of the people here who preach just to hear themselves talk and refuse to see when they've been shot down go away, but ignore works.

- What TOL members have affected your experience on TOL (for good or bad)
For good, there have been a ton, I will definitely miss a bunch, I'll call this the short list of 10 that come to mind first. :)
Knight, Clete, Hilston, Bob Enyart, Chickenman, STP, Turbo, acts9-12-out, Town Heretic, One Eyed Jack.
I'm not going to agree with everything anyone has to say, but these are people here I consider really smart and pay attention to. Make TOL a better place.

For bad, check my ignore list, :) basically all the anti-theist trolls, and the people who love to preach but won't answer obvious points against their sermon.

- What has TOL meant to you?
Been a fun place to learn and interact. I hope to step up my game and stop letting the fleas get me riled up, like I have been lately.

Please feel to add any random thoughts about TOL on it's 15th year anniversary.
Very cool job you've done here Knight, you've been very generous to me, thank you, and I'm glad to have got to know you and many others through TOL. One of a kind forum here.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Happy Birthday TOL, I hope we are all here for another 15, TOL is the best discussion board on the internet. :D

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Lets celebrate TOL's 15th year online.

- What are some of your favorite TOL memories?
I've had a number of them. Of course, the HOF most recently, a few year end notices and POTDs for this or that post, helping others achieve that same notice... :rolleyes: But my absolute favorite memories are of people coming to the faith or returning to it, like PB (wherever you are) and TM and zip. I've witnessed a few of these in my time here and any one of them would justify every effort and every minute of time and energy poured into this endeavor by Knight and company, by all of us who care about it and have, I suspect, learned to care more for each other through it.

And that's a very good thing, I think.

- What are your hopes and expectations for the next 15 years on TOL?
As much as I'm happy with things as they stand, I hope it grows so more people can find what I've found here...but grow or not I hope it retains the sense of community that distinguishes it now. It's not perfect, but as neighborhoods go you'd be hard pressed to find a better, more interesting or caring citizenry, squabbles and all.

- What TOL members have affected your experience on TOL (for good or bad)
You could read my friends list to get a sense of how many people here have impacted my thinking, how many people I owe a thank you to. I'm far too indebted and far too fond of too many of you to start a listing for fear I'd nearly have to overlook someone...but it all started with AB (by any other name). When I still wasn't sure if the internet experience was for me, AB anchored me with a subscription that kept me at it until I realized how fortunate I was to have found the place. AMR was an early encouragement and counsel, as were ktoyou and zoo and a few others whose humor and friendship cemented my intention to remain here. Lastly, and still determined to refrain from that longer listing, I have to note Chrys, who was a very fine friend when I was much less warmly received and established in a broader sense, to put it mildly, however he may have come to regret the decision. :chuckle:

But even those whose main occupation has seemed to be an opposition to anything that comes out of my noggin have been a blessing to me during my time here, sharpening my understanding of both my position and their contrary, infinitely less rational position :)D)...and even, on occasion, knocking a few of the rough edges off my numerous character defects. So good on you even if you weren't aiming at it.

- What has TOL meant to you?
It's been a teacher to me. A source of comfort in worries and sorrows and a friend to share glad tidings able companion to reflect and challenge and laugh with--which in the scheme of things makes it and you a fairly important deal.

Please feel to add any random thoughts about TOL on it's 15th year anniversary.
It beats the polka. Is less expensive than a motorboat. May have to be reclassified as an addictive substance. Can eat its weight in canned corn. Once shot a man in its pajamas. Is a thing to delight in, struggle with and carry over. :D

What say you? :cheers:


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
We have changed some minds on some very important topics. We have turned some away :( yet we have also brought some into the fold.
Like me!:D

- What are some of your favorite TOL memories?
Schooling elohiym back in '04. My conversion to OV, MAD and theonomy. Remember when I didn't like Bob?

- What are your hopes and expectations for the next 15 years on TOL?
More growth, new members that are enjoyable to have around, and smarter opposition.

- What TOL members have affected your experience on TOL (for good or bad)
Too many to list.

Sozo [Mystery, Door, ghost, Outlaw, etc.], Turbo, Adam, Bob Enyart, Nori, Poly and BillyBob, as a start. And, of course, you Knight. And Jefferson, too. If not for Knight there would be no TOL and if not for Jeff I would never have joined. And without TOL I'd still be a Covenant Theologian [Acts 2 dispensationalist], Charismatic/Pentecostal and an Arminian.

- What has TOL meant to you?
Because of TOL I now know grace and the gospel has become a wonderful thing that I want all to know, and the Scriptures have become something for which I truly hunger.

Please feel to add any random thoughts about TOL on it's 15th year anniversary.
Isn't it time for a new look?

(& Mrs Knight!)


New member
TOL has made a serious impact on my intellectual development. From theology to politics and cigars to guns, I've been able to flesh out (and sometimes change) my ideas with others who are also fleshing out their ideas in this most amazing forum for doing just that. The result has not been a "melting pot" (which would be undesirable anyway), but an iron-sharpens-iron/refining/learning/growing experience of a lifetime.

You can't get this type of experience at school, where most are apathetic and/or unwilling to engage in thoughtful debate.

You can't get this type of experience at home, where such debate is frowned upon.

You can't get this type of experience at work, where we are too busy to learn and too worried about stepping on the wrong people's toes.

You can only get this type of experience at a place like TOL, where the members are semi-anonymous, yet interested in discussing the same topics you are--where debate is encouraged, and spirited debate even rewarded--and where we can come and go as we please (can't do this at work, home, or school).

Congratulations, TOL, for making it all possible.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
- What are some of your favorite TOL memories?
First coming onto the site as red77 and wondering what the heck I'd joined...:chuckle:

A far cry from the far too sedate and debate stifling forum I'd since been on even if a thick skin and a kevlar vest was required in short order, though far more satisfying and also enlightening overall. Even though I was a bit of a bull in a cheese and crockery shop back in 2006 and used far too many "................."

Besides that the making of several friends of which any list can't fully serve justice but in short order zoo, PB, (really hope you're ok dude) TH, SoJ, Rusha, TM, Sela, ragtagblues, Quincy, kmo, Fellow Servant to name but few.

I'm not sure why I consider this a fond memory as such as I was not very amused at all at the time, but the occasion as red77 where ye good ole site owner informed me I was 'one of the biggest knobs to ever walk into TOL' strikes me as funny nowadays - partly because there was an element of truth in it looking back in retrospect....:D Ok, there still is now before some wag deigns to 'chime in'.....:plain:

- What are your hopes and expectations for the next 15 years on TOL?

That it continues to grow and improve as I consider it has since joining. For all the self proclaimed bias it's a constructive forum for debate and a respect for the rules allows all to have their say.

- What TOL members have affected your experience on TOL (for good or bad)

Well I'd sooner focus on the positive than negative and I still recall the day when a walking dictionary stumbled into this place. For some reason his verbal wit and commentary impressed me enough to turn him "green". Who could have known he would go onto become such a gigantic pain in the pillar of the community he is today? Still, we all make mistakes :)eek:) and there's no denying that Mr TH has caused me to challenge and address issues doing debates that few others have on any forum.

zoo for his infectious understated facetious wit, compassion and creativity, TM for her spirit and empathy, Rusha for her bluntness and honesty, ragtag for the same, Logos X for being an initial inspiration here in regards to belief. SoJ warrants a special mention for certain issues we've both shared a mutual experience with, and for once that's not a mutual lack of humoUr....It's a list I could add to all day long.
EDIT: VC also deserves mention as despite our political differences he's a fine fellow and wears a cowboy hat!

- What has TOL meant to you?

A lot. Initially it was just some forum to me, a place to generally opine and escape from some painful personal issues. As time has progressed and the forum has grown and progressed I hope I have too. If I have it's in no small part that this place has contributed to such and hopefully I repay that even if in a small measure.

Please feel to add any random thoughts about TOL on it's 15th year anniversary.

More threads about aardvarks?


Happy 15th TOL.



Well-known member
Mr. Knight,
I wish to congratulate you on the great site you have made. I have spent menu hours of enjoyment on TOL and I have learned a lot about the folks who share their God with others.
I want to thank you again for all that you and your staff do to keep it going.
God bless you my friend


Well-known member
Congratulations on your 15th anniversary. I've enjoyed many hours night and day posting comments to fellow believers and non-believers. Thanks for providing a forum for expressing our ideas.

I love it when I find someone like me who is really seeking to know our LORD better. I have met a number of fellow soul-mates here, but won't list them - 'cause I might leave someone out.

For the next several years ... I'm hoping that enough new people join the forum, so that I won't wear out the old-timers with my same repeated favorite topics so much.