The World Needs National Socialism


We live in a country where people who fashion themselves ethnonationalists and Nazis publicly were fighting in the streets with literal communists. It is not too far off, I think, to compare the state of affairs in the United States to those which obtained in Wiemar Germany. And it's not just the United States.

The same populist outrage that gave us Donald Trump also gave us Brexit. A revolutionary spirit, I think, has spread across the United States and Europe. It is this revolutionary spirit in Europe that is leading to the rise of the Black Bloc (anarcho-communists) even there, as well as to the rise in popularity of political parties like the Golden Dawn in Greece and the National Front in France.

And even here in the United States, when you listened to the voice of the American people in the 2016 presidential election, what else did you hear but populist outrage? It was populist outrage that fueled the rise of Bernie Sanders. It was populist outrage that ultimately closed to door to Hillary Clinton. It was populist outrage that gave us Donald Trump.

[Bernie Sanders, we should note, considered it ridiculous that those who supported him in the primaries should turn to Trump after Clinton obtained the democratic nomination. Be not deceived: the same populist outrage that led people to support Bernie Sanders also ultimately gave us Donald Trump. I read somewhere once that 10% of former Bernie Sanders supporters voted for Donald Trump in the general election.]

All of this leads to the question: what has the people outraged? What has stoked their fiery anger? Adolf Hitler, I think, diagnosed the problem all too well (see the video below) in 1932: the subversion of national and local interests by multinational agents. [Granted, he probably had the Jews in mind; but if you replace "Jews" with "the executives of multinational corporations and predatory capitalists and bankers, then what Adolf Hitler says is perfectly true, and his solution is the appropriate one, i.e., the reaffirmation of national (and "local," may I add) interests over the interests of multinational agents.]

If I might use a word of Alex Jones, the problem is globalism. If I might use another term, the problem is neoliberalism or global capitalism. It is this which has wreaked havoc on the poor and working classes over the past few decades. It is this which is enshrined into the very heart and soul of the European Union, which is precisely why Britain rejected it. The four freedoms of the European Union ("free movement of goods, capital, services, and labour" (I here quote Wikipedia)) have ultimately served, not the poor and working classes, but the corporate and capitalist elites.

For decades now, wages have been stagnant. The economic gains have almost entirely gone to the economic elites. The wealth and income inequality is likely the highest it's been since the Gilded Age. We live in the richest country on the face of the earth, and yet half of all wage earners make $30,000 or less per year. The jobs have fled because of outsourcing deals like NAFTA. Once prosperous cities like Detroit are now depressed because the manufacturing jobs that once sustained the people there have been shipped out of the country. Housing costs have risen massively, at least in part, because foreign investors have purchased land and, instead of building affordable housing, have opted to build luxury housing that few can afford.

The reason why we are in this situation is because the system has been rigged to favor the rich and the powerful rather than the poor and working classes, not only here, but abroad as well (mainly, at least in the US, because the economic elites have bought off the politicians).

It is this which fueled the popularity of Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump (who was actually, in many ways, to the left of Hillary Clinton on economic policy, at least in terms of his campaign rhetoric; how many presidents since Jimmy Carter have spoken of "fair trade" as opposed to "free trade"?).

But this, of course, does not entirely explain the popularity of Donald Trump (to the extent that he was popular), nor does it explain the visceral repulsion that so many Americans feel towards Europe. It is true that Sweden is one of the happiest countries on the face of the earth (at least, if you go by self-reporting); yet, you would have to be blind not to recognize that the massive problems caused by their embrace of mass immigration (especially mass muslim immigration), and this is true not only of Sweden, but of Europe in general, immigration which is being advocated, not by the right, but by the left wing partisans of those countries.

One would also be blind not to recognize the fact that cultural marxists and left-wing identitarians, here in America (and likely in Europe as well) have overtaken our cultural institutions, including both the university and the media (the corporate media's failure to condemn Antifa and the black bloc in the strongest possible terms, and their comparison of Antifa to American soldiers in WWII really does speak for itself, doesn't it?), and not only that, but the democratic party as well. The democratic party, having abandoned their traditional role as advocates of left wing economic policy, have very little to distinguish them from the republicans other than their embrace of identity politics.

It is this, I think, which has left such a bad taste in the mouths of those who listened to Bernie Sanders. Though he said many good and true things, those good and true things, much like Sweden, have been infected by cultural marxism, a cultural marxism which refuses to see a difference between Islamic values and the liberal values of the United States constitution, a cultural marxism which seeks to divide us up by race and gender, even while it denies that either of these things are real, a cultural marxism which seeks to upset and overthrow our traditional cultural values and beliefs. We see this very clearly in the relationship of the media and the modern university to Antifa.

Part of the outrage which led people to vote for Donald Trump is the social divisions caused by organizations like Black Lives Matter, as well as the apparent demonization of white people (dare I say, outright anti-white racism), especially CIS straight white males, that has become rampant in our society.

The answer, the solution to these problems is National Socialism.

Against the domination of the world economy by multinational agents, our creed must be BLUT UND BODEN (Blood and Soil)! And against the cultural marxists, our creed must be EINE NATION, EIN VOLK (One Nation, One People)!

In my view, the only reasonable solution to the problems we face today is, yes, to embrace left wing economic policies, much like those in the Nordic countries. We must embrace a "socialism" (though it's not so much socialism as Keynesian economics) which puts the interests of the poor and working classes, as well as the interests of the nation as a whole, over the interests of multinational corporations, capitalists and banks.

But it must be a "socialism" which is fiercely nationalist, which defiantly rejects the agenda of the social revolutionaries, and reaffirms our national and cultural values. It must be a nationalism which looks primarily to the interests of the citizens of the nation, not of the entire world. It must be a nationalism which reaffirms the importance of national borders, and recognizes that when these are not respected, the lives of the native populations are adversely affected. It must be a "socialism" which recognizes that shipping in foreigners, especially undocumented foreigners, to compete with the native labor force is qualitatively no different from shipping those jobs overseas.

And what's more: I think that most people would likely embrace this kind of national socialism.

Hail victory!



Wasn't Brexit all about national sovereignty fuhrer? There's nothing fascist about national sovereignty, in fact it's biblical.


Wasn't Brexit all about national sovereignty fuhrer? There's nothing fascist about national sovereignty, in fact it's biblical.

Let's be clear: I'm not in favor of authoritarianism (though, to be fair, the United States has already been moving towards authoritarianism under Bush and Obama), racist policies (though, to be fair, the Nazis basically modeled their racial policies after Jim Crow in the United States...the Nazi policies were technically less racist than Jim Crow and its "one drop" rule) or militarism (again, to be fair, the policies of the United States are heavily influenced by the military industrial complex).

But Brexit had everything to do with the recognition that neoliberalism/international capitalism has failed. Those "four freedoms" only serve the interests of multinational capitalists, not the poor and working classes.

Apparently, mass immigration and allowing corporations and banks basically free reign across national lines hasn't worked out well for average people.

Who could have seen that one coming? :nono:
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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Wasn't Brexit all about national sovereignty fuhrer? There's nothing fascist about national sovereignty, in fact it's biblical.

Let's be clear: I'm not in favor of authoritarianism (though, to be fair, the United States has already been moving towards authoritarianism under Bush and Obama), racist policies (though, to be fair, the Nazis basically modeled their racial policies after Jim Crow in the United States...the Nazi policies were technically less racist than Jim Crow and its "one drop" rule) or militarism (again, to be fair, the policies of the United States are heavily influenced by the military industrial complex).

Yet your beloved fascists in Nazi Germany didn't have in their founding documents (or any documents for that matter) the Judeo-Christian philosophy that "All men are created equal".

The Bible and the Declaration of Independence

But Brexit had everything to do with the recognition that neoliberalism/international capitalism has failed. Those "four freedoms" only serve the interests of multinational capitalists, not the poor and working classes.

A lot of Brits didn't want decisions being made for them by the European Union.

A Vote for Self-Government
Read more at:

Apparently, mass immigration and allowing corporations and banks basically free reign across national lines hasn't worked out well for average people.

Who could have seen that one coming? :nono:

And fascism is the answer?

The Horn

"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross "

Sinclair Lewis .


National Socialism was centered on the meanderings of one deranged Austrian - it was a conglomeration of unrelated ideas with no moral or ideological compass!

It possessed no coherent political, economic and/or social philosophical framework but capitalized on Germany's misery during the 30's and provided hope that there was someone with the knowledge how to rescue them and provide a better life!

National Socialism and "Trumpism," as ideologies, are both nothing more than whatever their Supreme Leader said they stood/stand for at any given moment!

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
And you idiots think he is a Trump supporter. And Rusha is anti-abortion. Lying is the game of the devil.


Quote Originally Posted by Traditio

If I might use a word of Alex Jones, the problem is globalism.

A moron citing another moron.

Broken clocks are right twice a day (I'm waiting for Alex Jones to be right a second time).

I'll gladly debate you on why national sovereignty is important to a nation.


Quote Originally Posted by Traditio

If I might use a word of Alex Jones, the problem is globalism.

Broken clocks are right twice a day (I'm waiting for Alex Jones to be right a second time).

I'll gladly debate you on why national sovereignty is important to a nation.

When someone who has raised wingnut to the highest level says anything, it should be ignored. Alex Jones


aCultureWarrior said:
Yet your beloved fascists in Nazi Germany didn't have in their founding documents (or any documents for that matter) the Judeo-Christian philosophy that "All men are created equal".

All men neither are, nor are created, equal (at least, not in all respects). That's just stupid.

The 14th amendment needs to be repealed. It's a stupid amendment which has caused us too many problems.

A lot of Brits didn't want decisions being made for them by the European Union.

That's certainly part of it. But again, it really comes down to internationalism/neoliberalism vs. the affirmation of national/local interests.

The reason people voted for Brexit was fundamentally the same reason people voted for Trump.

Global capitalism has failed.

And fascism is the answer?

Between the regressive identitarian leftists (who largely are in control of the universities, the media and social media), the flurry of laws that violate the 4th amendment which were passed after 9/11 and the Citizens United decision...

...we already basically have fascism. :nono:

What I'm proposing is technically more liberal than what we have now.


Well-known member
All men neither are, nor are created, equal (at least, not in all respects). That's just stupid...

The idea that men are created equal means they have equal rights. Nobody takes it literally to mean they are all the same height and weight.

Are you at all aware of what you are saying? You are quoting the German Nazis. You even posted a Nazi video (I didn't watch it, it is blocked in my country). "EINE NATION, EIN VOLK "- Who is this "one nation" you are speaking of? White Anglo Saxon Protestants? Or perhaps White Anglo Saxon Catholics?

Who are these "elites" you speak of?

I am not sure in what sense Nazi Germany was "socialist". And I suspect your analysis on the system being "rigged" to favor the wealthy is, shall we say, simplistic.

If you want to push some kind of socialist agenda, go ahead, by all means. But by invoking the Nazis you taint whatever suggestion you make.

The Nazi party was evil. And you should know it.


The idea that men are created equal means they have equal rights.

That's too vague. As stated, I don't agree with that.

Are you at all aware of what you are saying? You are quoting the German Nazis. You even posted a Nazi video (I didn't watch it, it is blocked in my country).

Basically, it's a video of Hitler asserting that the strife and troubles caused among the people is caused/fomented by "an international clique" who are not bound to a homeland, but are in Prague one day, Brussels the next. Hitler proposes, against the globalism of this "international clique":

"The people is bounded to its soil, bounded to its fatherland, bounded to the possibilities of the life that the state, the nation offers..."

It's a good quote. :idunno:

"EINE NATION, EIN VOLK "- Who is this "one nation" you are speaking of? White Anglo Saxon Protestants? Or perhaps White Anglo Saxon Catholics?

Americans, regardless of race, gender or religion.

Who are these "elites" you speak of?

The CEOs of multinational corporations and predatory capitalists/bankers.

I am not sure in what sense Nazi Germany was "socialist". And I suspect your analysis on the system being "rigged" to favor the wealthy is, shall we say, simplistic.

Nazi Germany was economically far to the left of what the United States is currently. It was probably slightly to the left of what the United States was under Roosevelt. It's not like Hitler dismantled the German universal healthcare system.

The Nazi party was evil. And you should know it.

It was evil in very specific senses. To the extent that it was imperialistic/militaristic, racist and authoritarian, then it was evil.

To the extent that it was nationalist and "socialist"? Not so much.


Well-known member
That's too vague. As stated, I don't agree with that.

Basically, it's a video of Hitler asserting that the strife and troubles caused among the people is caused/fomented by "an international clique" who are not bound to a homeland, but are in Prague one day, Brussels the next. Hitler proposes, against the globalism of this "international clique":

"The people is bounded to its soil, bounded to its fatherland, bounded to the possibilities of the life that the state, the nation offers..."

It's a good quote. :idunno:

Americans, regardless of race, gender or religion.

The CEOs of multinational corporations and predatory capitalists/bankers.

Nazi Germany was economically far to the left of what the United States is currently. It was probably slightly to the left of what the United States was under Roosevelt. It's not like Hitler dismantled the German universal healthcare system.

It was evil in very specific senses. To the extent that it was imperialistic/militaristic, racist and authoritarian, then it was evil.

To the extent that it was nationalist and "socialist"? Not so much.

Frankly- to have socialist ideas is reasonable
-to have nationalist ideas is reasonable
to invoke the Nazis as an example to support your ideas is totally sick.


Well-known member
You live in a Jewish ethnostate which regularly violates international law and oppresses Palestinians.

Spare me the outrage. :nono:

How about answering my criticism?

Regarding Israel: Despite the commonly held beliefs that we "violate international law" and "oppress Palestinians" , neither is actually true.


How about answering my criticism?

It's not a legitimate criticism. Saying: "But you quoted Nazis" and "But you used Nazi ideas" is not an actual criticism. Even bad people can do good things, and even people who are normally wrong can say true things.

I've said it already:

To the extent that the Nazis were militaristic, imperialistic, racist and authoritarian, I disagree with them.

To the extent that they were nationalist and "socialist," then I approve of the Nazis.

What further discussion is necessary on this point?

Regarding Israel: Despite the commonly held beliefs that we "violate international law" and "oppress Palestinians" , neither is actually true.

The UN disagrees.

The settlements in Gaza are illegal under international law.