The Wonderful Works of God, Acts 2:11

Robert Pate

Well-known member
The book of Acts is not about the Holy Spirit. The book of Acts is about the Gospel coming into the world in the power of the Holy Spirit. This was a one time event that had never happened before and will never happen again.

Up until the day of Pentecost the disciples had very little understanding of the Christ event. They knew that Jesus had done some wonderful things, but they were not sure what had been accomplished. What happened on the day of Pentecost changed everything.

The were all in the upper room and suddenly a wind appeared and then there appeared tongues of fire that sat upon each one of them and some of them started to speak in tongues which were foreign languages, Acts 2:1-4. What were they speaking about? The were speaking about "The Wonderful Works of God" which is the Gospel. God was revealing the Gospel to the apostles and to many others that were there for the very first time. They all heard the Gospel in their own tongue.

God was sending the Gospel out into the world in the power of the Holy Spirit. What was the effect? Peter stood up and tried to explain to those that were there what was happening. Some thought that those who were speaking in a foreign languages (tongues) were drunk, Acts 2:15.

Peter preached what had been revealed to him, which was not very much. Peter told them that they had crucified their Messiah, Acts 2:23. But God had resurrected Jesus and had made him both "Lord and Christ" Acts 2:36. We don't know what else was revealed to the apostles and those that were there. Whatever it was had an tremendous impact on those that heard it, because 3,000 were convicted by the Holy Spirit of their need for Christ and became Christians, Acts 2:41, Later on 5,000 more heard the Gospel and were converted to Christ, Acts 4:4.

This event literally turned Jerusalem upside down. The apostles went everywhere preaching Jesus. Some tried to stop them, probably the Pharisees, But they answered, "For we cannot but speak of the things which we have seen and heard" Acts 4:20. The lowly disciples became powerful preachers of the Gospel, Acts 4:13.

This event signified the birth of the New Testament church, which was founded on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The book of Acts is a wonderful book and should be read and studied by every Christian.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
The "Historical Gospel" of Jesus Christ is the heart and center of the New Testament. In the Old Testament God was bringing forth a nation and a people from whom the savior of the world would come. This miraculous event finds its reality in the book of Acts chapter 2.

God makes known to all the Gospel of his Son Jesus Christ and in doing so gives birth to the New Testament church. This miraculous event was confirmed by God through the Holy Spirit and all of the miraculous miracles that followed after Pentecost.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
What happened on the day of Pentecost was a one time event never to happen again. I have heard some pastors say that the book of Acts is a model for today's church. Not so. In the book of Acts God is send the good news of the Gospel out into the world for the very first time. He is using many various means to accomplish his purpose. Peter and John would perform a healing miracle Acts 3:6-11. And then when they had every ones attention they would preach the Gospel to them, Acts 3:12-26. The miracles confirmed that their message was from God.

God is no longer using this method to make known the good news of the Gospel. There are no miracles today, instead we have the New Testament that reveals all that we need to know to be saved. The Christ event and salvation by grace through faith is fully and complete revealed in the New Testament.