The US Murder Rate Is on Track to Be Lowest in a Century


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Moral progress and how things are becoming better and better in the world and in the US in particular:

The US Murder Rate Is on Track to Be Lowest in a Century

This is fairly preliminary data, but Rick Nevin reports that if current trends keep up, we'll end 2013 with the murder rate in America at its lowest rate in over a century.

Analytically speaking, murder is an especially interesting crime because we have pretty good homicide statistics going all the way back to 1900. Most other crimes have only been tracked since about 1960. And if you look at the murder rate in the chart below (the red line), you see that it follows an odd double-hump pattern: rising in the first third of the century, reaching a peak around 1930; then declining until about 1960; then rising again, reaching a second peak around 1990. It's been dropping ever since then.

The article posits the lead exposure in childhood leads to violence hypothesis to explain the trend:


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Greatest poster ever
Here's a link to an article on the topic of lead toxicity:

We humans like to think that we have free will and full self-determinism. We tend to be quick to condemn other people and label them as "evil" when they do something wrong. Some of them may in fact be "evil," but it is also true that there are many things in our environment that can influence and even control our behavior, often without our slightest awareness of it. In this case you bring up, lead toxicity may have been the driving factor in causing some otherwise sane and decent people to commit heinous crimes such as murder.

Clair Patterson, the geochemist who discovered the age of the earth to be approximately 4.55 billion years old by using lead isotopic data from the Canyon Diablo meteorite, also discovered that lead from gasoline was building up in the environment--and in our bodies. It is thanks in large part to his efforts that lead has been removed from gasoline, paint, and other sources. Lead toxicity is unquestionably a direct cause of aberrant behavior in people who have been infected by it.
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New member
which makes the HUGE increase in murder in Baltimore and other big cities

all the more troubling

thanks "protesters," rioters and looters..



New member
Hall of Fame
Moral progress and how things are becoming better and better in the world and in the US in particular:

The article posits the lead exposure in childhood leads to violence hypothesis to explain the trend:


Thats not why, its because many agencies lie about their crime stats, especially areas that count on tourism.

patrick jane

Moral progress and how things are becoming better and better in the world and in the US in particular:

The article posits the lead exposure in childhood leads to violence hypothesis to explain the trend:


not in St. Louis city - :mmph:

patrick jane

Here's a link to an article on the topic of lead toxicity:

We humans like to think that we have free will and full self-determinism. We tend to be quick to condemn other people and label them as "evil" when they do something wrong. Some of them may in fact be "evil," but it is also true that there are many things in our environment that can influence and even control our behavior, often without our slightest awareness of it. In this case you bring up, lead toxicity may have been the driving factor in causing some otherwise sane and decent people to commit heinous crimes such as murder.

Clair Patterson, the geochemist who discovered the age of the earth to be approximately 4.55 billion years old by using lead isotopic data from the Canyon Diablo meteorite, also discovered that lead from gasoline was building up in the environment--and in our bodies. It is thanks in large part to his efforts that lead has been removed from gasoline, paint, and other sources. Lead toxicity is unquestionably a direct cause of aberrant behavior in people who have been infected by it.

what about Fluoride ?


New member
This is NOT true

crime is increasing everywhere in the US

and we all know why:

because people are getting further and further away from Jesus and His commandments. And yes, it is as simple as that.. OR people think that Jesus just forgives everything so it's OK to do just anything... morons.. but there are people who lie to themselves like that

The Bible says that even the just are barely saved... barely saved...

St Paul said that it is necessary that we undergo many hardships in order to enter Heaven




Well-known member
So Tinny, between this thread and the one on the lady missionary with the pedophile really need to brush up on your own research.


New member
This is NOT true

crime is increasing everywhere in the US

and we all know why:

because people are getting further and further away from Jesus and His commandments. And yes, it is as simple as that.. OR people think that Jesus just forgives everything so it's OK to do just anything... morons.. but there are people who lie to themselves like that

The Bible says that even the just are barely saved... barely saved...

St Paul said that it is necessary that we undergo many hardships in order to enter Heaven


Where's your data showing that murders are up?

The claim was murder is down. National stats collected by the states says this is true.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
This is because more good people have, and are permitted to carry, guns today.


Active member
Wow - you are so racist for stating the stats (which are actually much higher, low reporting misses a lot of them) shame on you!

He's racist for botching basic math to make black crime against whites look so much worse. Can you spot the basic math fail? This is a very basic test of your logic skills, so I want to see if you can determine the glaring hole before I point it out.


Active member
Thats not why, its because many agencies lie about their crime stats, especially areas that count on tourism.

Why would crime victims lie about the crimes committed against them (as we have crime victimization surveys to rely upon)? Why would they care about tourism? More importantly, why would they be lying _more frequently_ today compared to the past? If a similar percent lie today as lied in the past, then the trends would still be valid.

How are the cities able to get the forensic examiners to lie about the causes of death in the case of murder victims?

Do you have any evidence for either of these two things, that it is coming from something other than your pure imagination?


New member
Hall of Fame
Why would crime victims lie about the crimes committed against them (as we have crime victimization surveys to rely upon)? Why would they care about tourism? More importantly, why would they be lying _more frequently_ today compared to the past? If a similar percent lie today as lied in the past, then the trends would still be valid.

How are the cities able to get the forensic examiners to lie about the causes of death in the case of murder victims?

Do you have any evidence for either of these two things, that it is coming from something other than your pure imagination?

Um no, seems you dont read the news.

Heres one example of many - its called google, use it.

Im sure this article since its from huffington post will suit your liberal sensibilities, but there are loads of others from cities all across america where this has been happening for some time, especially very liberal cities, who want to "protect" minorities from feeling bad, and or to not look bad to potential tourists or both.

Manufacturing Low Crime Rates at the NYPD: Reputation Versus Safety Under Bloomberg and Kelly

The practice of manufacturing artificially low crime rates increased substantially after 2002 under Mayor Michael Bloomberg and his police commissioner Raymond Kelly. New research based on interviews with 2,000 retired police officers from the NYPD reveals pervasive, system-wide corruption of criminal records and police practices. This research suggests that concern with the department's reputation for reducing crime, much more than with public safety, drives police policy.
read more at link.

Chicago does it all the time too, and those were just a quick easy search away. Tons of cities do it these days.

So are the libbies lying about the crime stats or lying about the crimes? (hint: both)


Active member
Um no, seems you dont read the news.

Heres one example of many - its called google, use it.

Im sure this article since its from huffington post will suit your liberal sensibilities, but there are loads of others from cities all across america where this has been happening for some time, especially very liberal cities, who want to "protect" minorities from feeling bad, and or to not look bad to potential tourists or both.

Manufacturing Low Crime Rates at the NYPD: Reputation Versus Safety Under Bloomberg and Kelly

read more at link.

Chicago does it all the time too, and those were just a quick easy search away. Tons of cities do it these days.

So are the libbies lying about the crime stats or lying about the crimes? (hint: both)

City reports aren't the only source of data. In fact, I just named the other primary source of data in the post you are responding to: crime victimization surveys.

Another source of data I didn't mention: criminal conviction data, which is public record and not subject to interpretation or massaging.

Why did you just repeat your same point without addressing mine?