The Trinity - 1 Yet 3 - Makes Human Family-Love-Relationships Possible


Active member
The Trinity is all about Love. The Trinity is heart-warming. It is the Trinity
that makes human loving family relationships possible , , , but first let is
"get the math out of the way."

All orthodox Christians are Trinitarians, that is, we believe there is one God
who exists in three Persons -- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit..

Unfortunately many people get bogged down in the seemingly mathematical
contradiction involved in 1 yet 3.

Forget trying to solve the 1 yet 3 thingy -- that's impossible to solve. Why?
Because there is nothing on this earth comparable to 1 yet 3. Here on the
1 yet 3 truth, we must rely only on revealed truth {revelation .. the Bible}.
God says He is 1 yet 3 and therefore God is 1 yet 3.

Now to the heart-warming elements of the Holy Trinity:
{as a human being you can warmly relate to all that follows}

Within the Holy Trinity there is the following:

■ Family -- the Three separate Persons are Family. They function like a Family.

■ Love -- the Three separate Persons love each other dearly.

■ Communication and conversation -- the Three separate Persons talk to each
other in loving relationships.

■ Family Relationships -- the Three separate Persons immensely enjoy their
I -You relationship.

■ Close friendship and close fellowship -- the Three Persons enjoy their
close friendship relationships. They are Friends.

We were made in God's image and this is why we all crave all that up
there also. God desires all the above. We also desire all the above. We
humans crave love and friendship and loving family relationships because
we are made in the image of God and that image is in us forever.

{By the way, there is a difference in WHAT and WHO.
God is 1 yet 3 in His BEING. His being is WHAT He is.
God is 1 yet 3 in PERSONS. His Personhood is WHO He is.}

Back to Love and Family Relationships , , ,

We are capable of loving our family members because God is a Family --
a Family of 3. We are made in His image. If God were 1 in 1, instead of
1 yet 3, we would be incapable of enjoying loving family relationships.

The fact that God is 1 yet 3 is what makes us social creatures who crave love
and friendship and loving family relationships. We were made in the image of

By the way, God, as early as Genesis, said let US make man in OUR image
and in OUR likeness. Genesis 1:26. We understand from the New Testament
that Genesis 1:26 was an early reference to the Holy Trinity.

These three remain: Faith, Hope, and Love. But the greatest of these is Love.


Eric h

Well-known member
Thanks for sharing. Jesus prayed that we we might also be one.

John 17
I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, 21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. 22 I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one— 23 I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.
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Tigger 2

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John 17

Jesus prayed to the Father: 3. "And this is eternal life, that they may know Thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent."


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John 17

Jesus prayed to the Father: 3. "And this is eternal life, that they may know Thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent."

And? This phrase is NOT exclusive of the Son being the only true God, nor is it exclusive of the Holy Spirit being the only true God.

Why are you trying to place a single verse in opposition to literally the entire Bible?


Well-known member
The Trinity is all about Love. The Trinity is heart-warming. It is the Trinity
that makes human loving family relationships possible , , , but first let is
"get the math out of the way."

All orthodox Christians are Trinitarians, that is, we believe there is one God
who exists in three Persons -- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit..

Unfortunately many people get bogged down in the seemingly mathematical
contradiction involved in 1 yet 3.

Forget trying to solve the 1 yet 3 thingy -- that's impossible to solve. Why?
Because there is nothing on this earth comparable to 1 yet 3. Here on the
1 yet 3 truth, we must rely only on revealed truth {revelation .. the Bible}.
God says He is 1 yet 3 and therefore God is 1 yet 3.

Now to the heart-warming elements of the Holy Trinity:
{as a human being you can warmly relate to all that follows}

Within the Holy Trinity there is the following:

■ Family -- the Three separate Persons are Family. They function like a Family.

■ Love -- the Three separate Persons love each other dearly.

■ Communication and conversation -- the Three separate Persons talk to each
other in loving relationships.

■ Family Relationships -- the Three separate Persons immensely enjoy their
I -You relationship.

■ Close friendship and close fellowship -- the Three Persons enjoy their
close friendship relationships. They are Friends.

We were made in God's image and this is why we all crave all that up
there also. God desires all the above. We also desire all the above. We
humans crave love and friendship and loving family relationships because
we are made in the image of God and that image is in us forever.

{By the way, there is a difference in WHAT and WHO.
God is 1 yet 3 in His BEING. His being is WHAT He is.
God is 1 yet 3 in PERSONS. His Personhood is WHO He is.}

Back to Love and Family Relationships , , ,

We are capable of loving our family members because God is a Family --
a Family of 3. We are made in His image. If God were 1 in 1, instead of
1 yet 3, we would be incapable of enjoying loving family relationships.

The fact that God is 1 yet 3 is what makes us social creatures who crave love
and friendship and loving family relationships. We were made in the image of

By the way, God, as early as Genesis, said let US make man in OUR image
and in OUR likeness. Genesis 1:26. We understand from the New Testament
that Genesis 1:26 was an early reference to the Holy Trinity.

These three remain: Faith, Hope, and Love. But the greatest of these is Love.

This is called the social trinity.

Eric h

Well-known member
The Trinity is all about Love.
I wonder if the words of the greatest commandment might apply.

God the Father loves God the Son as he loves himself.
God the Son loves God the Father as he loves himself.

I have only found the following translation in the NIV Bible; where it brings together the Spirit and the Second greatest commandment.

Samuel 1:18:1
After David had finished talking with Saul, Jonathan became one in spirit with David, and he loved him as himself.

Jesus says that he wants us to be one in the same way as he is 'One with the Father'. If we could get the greatest commandments right, then I believe this could happen.

John 17
I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, 21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. 22 I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one— 23 I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.
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Eric h

Well-known member
Ephesians 5 also talks about 'Oneness' and the greatest commandments.

28 In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. 29 After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church— 30 for we are members of his body. 31 “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.”[c] 32 This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church. 33 However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.


Well-known member
The Trinity is all about Love. The Trinity is heart-warming. It is the Trinity
that makes human loving family relationships possible , , , but first let is
"get the math out of the way."

All orthodox Christians are Trinitarians, that is, we believe there is one God
who exists in three Persons -- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit..

Unfortunately many people get bogged down in the seemingly mathematical
contradiction involved in 1 yet 3.

Forget trying to solve the 1 yet 3 thingy -- that's impossible to solve. Why?
Because there is nothing on this earth comparable to 1 yet 3. Here on the
1 yet 3 truth, we must rely only on revealed truth {revelation .. the Bible}.
God says He is 1 yet 3 and therefore God is 1 yet 3.

Now to the heart-warming elements of the Holy Trinity:
{as a human being you can warmly relate to all that follows}

Within the Holy Trinity there is the following:

■ Family -- the Three separate Persons are Family. They function like a Family.

■ Love -- the Three separate Persons love each other dearly.

■ Communication and conversation -- the Three separate Persons talk to each
other in loving relationships.

■ Family Relationships -- the Three separate Persons immensely enjoy their
I -You relationship.

■ Close friendship and close fellowship -- the Three Persons enjoy their
close friendship relationships. They are Friends.

We were made in God's image and this is why we all crave all that up
there also. God desires all the above. We also desire all the above. We
humans crave love and friendship and loving family relationships because
we are made in the image of God and that image is in us forever.

{By the way, there is a difference in WHAT and WHO.
God is 1 yet 3 in His BEING. His being is WHAT He is.
God is 1 yet 3 in PERSONS. His Personhood is WHO He is.}

Back to Love and Family Relationships , , ,

We are capable of loving our family members because God is a Family --
a Family of 3. We are made in His image. If God were 1 in 1, instead of
1 yet 3, we would be incapable of enjoying loving family relationships.

The fact that God is 1 yet 3 is what makes us social creatures who crave love
and friendship and loving family relationships. We were made in the image of

By the way, God, as early as Genesis, said let US make man in OUR image
and in OUR likeness. Genesis 1:26. We understand from the New Testament
that Genesis 1:26 was an early reference to the Holy Trinity.

These three remain: Faith, Hope, and Love. But the greatest of these is Love.



Well-known member
The Trinity is all about Love. The Trinity is heart-warming. It is the Trinity
that makes human loving family relationships possible , , , but first let is
"get the math out of the way."

All orthodox Christians are Trinitarians, that is, we believe there is one God
who exists in three Persons -- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit..

Unfortunately many people get bogged down in the seemingly mathematical
contradiction involved in 1 yet 3.

Forget trying to solve the 1 yet 3 thingy -- that's impossible to solve. Why?
Because there is nothing on this earth comparable to 1 yet 3. Here on the
1 yet 3 truth, we must rely only on revealed truth {revelation .. the Bible}.
God says He is 1 yet 3 and therefore God is 1 yet 3.

Now to the heart-warming elements of the Holy Trinity:
{as a human being you can warmly relate to all that follows}

Within the Holy Trinity there is the following:

■ Family -- the Three separate Persons are Family. They function like a Family.

■ Love -- the Three separate Persons love each other dearly.

■ Communication and conversation -- the Three separate Persons talk to each
other in loving relationships.

■ Family Relationships -- the Three separate Persons immensely enjoy their
I -You relationship.

■ Close friendship and close fellowship -- the Three Persons enjoy their
close friendship relationships. They are Friends.

We were made in God's image and this is why we all crave all that up
there also. God desires all the above. We also desire all the above. We
humans crave love and friendship and loving family relationships because
we are made in the image of God and that image is in us forever.

{By the way, there is a difference in WHAT and WHO.
God is 1 yet 3 in His BEING. His being is WHAT He is.
God is 1 yet 3 in PERSONS. His Personhood is WHO He is.}

Back to Love and Family Relationships , , ,

We are capable of loving our family members because God is a Family --
a Family of 3. We are made in His image. If God were 1 in 1, instead of
1 yet 3, we would be incapable of enjoying loving family relationships.

The fact that God is 1 yet 3 is what makes us social creatures who crave love
and friendship and loving family relationships. We were made in the image of

By the way, God, as early as Genesis, said let US make man in OUR image
and in OUR likeness. Genesis 1:26. We understand from the New Testament
that Genesis 1:26 was an early reference to the Holy Trinity.

These three remain: Faith, Hope, and Love. But the greatest of these is Love.

And I had it explained to me , about 40 years ago .

An egg has 3 parts , A SHELL , THE WHITE , THE YOLK and need all three to make and EGG .

Also , BULLINGER wrote a book about NUMBERS , beginning with the number ONE and ending wit 666 .

We are BODY , SOUL and SPIRIT , are we not !

I see 1 Cor 13:13 , that FAITH will done away wth because our FAITH WILL BE MADE TO SIGHT when we see CHRIST .

And our HOPE will also be done away with at Christ COMING .

Only LOVE will remain FOREVER , because Christ is LOVE and HE LOVES US !

dan p
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"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
... orthodox Christians are Trinitarians, that is, we believe there is one God
who exists in three Persons -- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit..

Orthodox and Catholic Christians are Trinitarians.

You can see the whole world through the lens where the Father is God.

You can see the whole world through the lens where the Son is God too, and the same with the Holy Spirit.

I mean, ignore the idea of the other Persons, just see the world as if just the Holy Spirit is God. You can see how He commands creation. You can see how the Father commands creation too, it's not exactly in the same way, and the same for the Lord Jesus, each Person completely commands creation, each in a distinct way, and the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are distinct.


Well-known member
The Trinity is all about Love. The Trinity is heart-warming. It is the Trinity
that makes human loving family relationships possible , , , but first let is
"get the math out of the way."

All orthodox Christians are Trinitarians, that is, we believe there is one God
who exists in three Persons -- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit..

Unfortunately many people get bogged down in the seemingly mathematical
contradiction involved in 1 yet 3.

Forget trying to solve the 1 yet 3 thingy -- that's impossible to solve. Why?
Because there is nothing on this earth comparable to 1 yet 3. Here on the
1 yet 3 truth, we must rely only on revealed truth {revelation .. the Bible}.
God says He is 1 yet 3 and therefore God is 1 yet 3.

Now to the heart-warming elements of the Holy Trinity:
{as a human being you can warmly relate to all that follows}

Within the Holy Trinity there is the following:

■ Family -- the Three separate Persons are Family. They function like a Family.

■ Love -- the Three separate Persons love each other dearly.

■ Communication and conversation -- the Three separate Persons talk to each
other in loving relationships.

■ Family Relationships -- the Three separate Persons immensely enjoy their
I -You relationship.

■ Close friendship and close fellowship -- the Three Persons enjoy their
close friendship relationships. They are Friends.

We were made in God's image and this is why we all crave all that up
there also. God desires all the above. We also desire all the above. We
humans crave love and friendship and loving family relationships because
we are made in the image of God and that image is in us forever.

{By the way, there is a difference in WHAT and WHO.
God is 1 yet 3 in His BEING. His being is WHAT He is.
God is 1 yet 3 in PERSONS. His Personhood is WHO He is.}

Back to Love and Family Relationships , , ,

We are capable of loving our family members because God is a Family --
a Family of 3. We are made in His image. If God were 1 in 1, instead of
1 yet 3, we would be incapable of enjoying loving family relationships.

The fact that God is 1 yet 3 is what makes us social creatures who crave love
and friendship and loving family relationships. We were made in the image of

By the way, God, as early as Genesis, said let US make man in OUR image
and in OUR likeness. Genesis 1:26. We understand from the New Testament
that Genesis 1:26 was an early reference to the Holy Trinity.

These three remain: Faith, Hope, and Love. But the greatest of these is Love.

Great guesswork!