The salvation of self, by oneself.


New member
Auto' self-propelling
autocrat; ruling by oneself, absolute. A monarch ruling with unlimited authority

Auto salvation does not move a man from Adam and place him in the Last Adam.

Auto salvation does not remove condemnation.

Auto salvation does not justify and so there is no genuine, lasting peace. The fruit of justness (righteousness) is peace.

Auto salvation requires sincerity, but man is never 100% sincere and he knows it. There will always be doubt as to whether you have been sufficiently sincere.

Auto salvation hates to be tested, questioned or brought to the light of the word.

Auto salvation does not provide direction.

Auto salvation does not provide repentance. The thought process is enmity unto Elohim because the thoughts are wicked.

In auto salvation the man does not become a new creation. The archaic (old things) have not passed away; all things have not become new.

Does the auto salvationist recognize and experience this? ''And the work of justness shall be shalom; and the service of justness resting and confidence eternally''? Isaiah 32:17kjv No they don't and it’s evident when you face them. No shalom, no rest and no confidence.

The sinner, through auto salvation, arrogantly presumes to reestablish himself, with Elohim, by his own free will.

The sinner through auto salvation takes out divorce proceedings against the first marriage to the law of sin and death. But the first marriage is only annulled by death.
Auto salvation leaves a man under the law of sin and death. Alive to the law and the necessity to keep the law, but unable to do so because of the weakness of the flesh. This man will be in turmoil and despite his seeking his own justness via works. He shall not know peace.

The old marriage to sin produced fruit unto death, so our* second marriage to Messiah produces fruit unto Elohim the Eternal Almighty Father. Auto salvation produces fruit unto death, because it does not produce death, unto the law of sin.

Heb 5::8,9 Though being a Son, yet learned he obedience by those which he suffered; And being completed he became the causer of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him; Addressed of Elohim an archpriest........

Having coined the phrase auto-salvation, because I recognized the connection between biography and auto-biography and connected to Messiah being the author of eternal salvation. I then did an exegeses on the word aittios I realized it meant more than just author.

noun 159 aitios, one who causes to be, basis, reason or cause ( for legal charges) , source, author.

I could meditate on each of those words for a very, very long time and would not be able to pick a favorite. As I was typing my mind was pausing on each one . Messiah is all these things and more.
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