The Romans Road


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The Romans Road

This is the show from Thursday March 7th, 2013


* The Bible Gets Easier to Understand: This book is Bob Enyart's life's work. Apparent contradictions plague many Bible students. In The Plot, Enyart set out to demonstrate how hundreds of such contradictions disappear when the reader applies the big picture of the Bible to its details. Tunnel vision focuses so narrowly on a problem that the solution often lies just out of view. As the pastor of Denver Bible Church, Bob Enyart teaches Christians how to use the whole counsel of God to understand the plot of the Bible and solve biblical mysteries. As with all of our BEL resources, The Plot comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. And as we become proficient in the big picture, that is, the overview of the story of the Bible, then countless details, including as one small example, about the cities of refuge, become increasingly clear!

* The Plot on Audio: Far better than an audio book, for those who prefer to listen (while they walk, job, drive, or work) rather than reading, you can listen to Bob Enyart teach through the fascinating topics in his book in this Plot Audio Set.

* The Plot Boys: For kids ages eleven and up (and their parents :), check out The Plot Boys! Bob Enyart recorded these wonderful programs with two young Bible students, Josh and Stephen, ages 11 and 12, both of whom are being used of God to promote a Christian, biblical worldview! (There's enough material in The Plot Boys for a home-school family to listen to these studies for an entire year's Bible course.

Today's Resource: Please consider getting Bob's life's work: The Plot!

March is BEL Telethon Month

We're at $2,300 of our $25,000 goal. Thank you! Please consider one or more of our monthly subscriptions that will not only help support BEL, they will also help to better understand the Bible and equip you to be a better witness to those around you.

1. Monthly Sermons on audio CD. For many years we have offered the sermons on MP3-CD, but now you can get the Monthly Sermons on standard audio Compact Disc that will play on any CD player, including the one in your car. All of the sermons from the month will be sent to you in a multiple CD album.

2. Monthly Bible Study Videos - You will receive a months worth of weekly Bible studies each month. These video Bible studies are great for starting a family Bible study of even a neighborhood study.

3. Monthly Sermon Videos - You will receive all sermons from the month will be sent to you on DVD. Video is a great way to watch the sermons with your family.

4. Monthly Bible Study Audios on MP3- CD.

5. Monthly Sermon Audios on MP3-CD.

6. Monthly Topical Videos - Each month your will get one of Bob's great topical videos.

7. Best of Bob - Each month you get the best 8 shows of the month on MP3-CD.

8. Monthly TV Classics

9. Monthly Donation

* Free Gift: When you subscribe to any monthly subscription or monthly donation, or a one time donation of $50.00 or more, we will send you as a gift your choice of any BEL video or audio resource from our KGOV Store.

Order online or call 303-463-7789 or 1-800-8Enyart.