The Republican health-care bill, oppressing the poor again?


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Hall of Fame
:kookoo: Washington Post seems to think all the government cares to do is malign poor people

the proposed legislation would repeal virtually all of the taxes created by Congress in 2010 to finance the ACA as of 2018. The ACA imposed taxes on insurers, pharmaceutical manufacturers and medical-device manufacturers, and imposed Medicare tax surcharges on Americans earning a quarter of a million dollars a year and more. The AHCA gets rid of them.

Why should those who have earned the most and paid the most into social security then have to pay higher premium just because they were more successful?

Look at this holy cow!
It leaves untouched most of the ACA’s insurance reforms, including its bans on preexisting-conditions exclusions, health status underwriting, and lifetime and annual coverage limits, as well as its requirements that health plans cover adult children to age 26

Now people cannot see persons at age 21 are adults in every why , yet even the Republicans fear getting rid of parents babying their 'children' until they are age 26. When do young people grow up today?


New member
:kookoo: Washington Post seems to think all the government cares to do is malign poor people

the proposed legislation would repeal virtually all of the taxes created by Congress in 2010 to finance the ACA as of 2018. The ACA imposed taxes on insurers, pharmaceutical manufacturers and medical-device manufacturers, and imposed Medicare tax surcharges on Americans earning a quarter of a million dollars a year and more. The AHCA gets rid of them.
The taxes you are talking about only affect households making over $250.000 a year. At the same time the ACA tax breaks and credits apply to those making less than $25,000 a year

Why should those who have earned the most and paid the most into social security then have to pay higher premium just because they were more successful?
everyone pays 6.2% of their earnings.


Trump's making a plan that is in the best interests of the whole country, like a President is supposed to do.

So accordingly, the wealthy conservatives disparage it just like the baby liberals have done with everything else :doh:

Stop being hypocrites.
I'm telling you, everyone in this country better get a grip real fast, or 'melting pot' is going to be a bit more literal :plain:


like marbles on glass
The taxes you are talking about only affect households making over $250.000 a year.

Yep. Trumpcare is a tax break for the wealthy.

The Tax Policy Center finds that repealing the tax would amount to an average tax cut of $0 for households in the bottom 90 percent — those making $208,500 or below. A handful of people in the 80th to 95th percentiles would see cuts, but the vast majority wouldn’t.

By contrast, members of the top 0.1 percent, who each on average make more than $3.75 million annually, would get an average tax cut of $165,090.


The Republican health-care bill, oppressing the poor again?

Strategically, the Republicans should have started with the infrastructure bill because despite having control of the White House, House and Senate, there's no guarant6ee that this group can agree on anything.

The 3rd stage of the bill will require 60 votes in the Senate - the Democrats aren't going to help them repeal and replace Obama's signature program so the GOP will be lucky if they get 50 votes!


The process has just begun, so the sky has not yet fallen.
Beyond repealing "Obamacare" there is little consensus amongst Republicans on how to replace it - or whether to replace it at all!

The "moderates" aren't happy about the proposed capping of numbers and cuts in the funding of Medicade = while the "right-wingers" don't want the federal government involved in the private sector subsidizing insurance payments!


New member
The Republican health-care bill, oppressing the poor again?

Strategically, the Republicans should have started with the infrastructure bill because despite having control of the White House, House and Senate, there's no guarant6ee that this group can agree on anything.

The 3rd stage of the bill will require 60 votes in the Senate - the Democrats aren't going to help them repeal and replace Obama's signature program so the GOP will be lucky if they get 50 votes!

i disagree, filibustering is not a slam dunk issue for the Democrats just look at what happened to Ted Cruz's filibuster it eventually fell through because of moderates pressure, if Republican pass phase 1 and 2 successfully there will be immense political momentum which will break liberal moderates away from grassroots activists