The Reichstag Backfire

patrick jane

Since a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Va., on Saturday, news developments have continued at a torrid pace.

If you are just catching up on the aftermath of the weekend’s events, or are overwhelmed by the volume of news, here is an overview of The New York Times’s coverage.
Thanks, we needed another thread from another liberal, you just can't get enough anti-Trump propaganda


Well-known member
The alt-right protesters attacked by antifa are actually leftists. They're not older Tea Party types but bused-in college aged kids dressed up and parading around like they're in 1930s Berlin. They laid the act on too thick and gave away the scam.

They're also headed up Kessler, the guy who was with Occupy but supposedly "turned right" last year. Yeah, sure he did.

Project Veritas already caught Obama buddy Creamer on video saying agitators are paid. This is more from the same playbook. That's why the police stood down. That's why antifa were allowed in the area with weapons. The whole thing is Soros-paid theater designed for one purpose: to smear Trump no matter what he says or doesn't say in response, as they've already tried to do. The MSM can screech all it wants but it isn't going to stick. Too many people now believe nothing the MSM tells them to believe anymore.

Oh, and...


Well-known member
Oh, and...


Of course you can't. You're an actor. Instead of being on stage or in film, your medium is politics. You're just a well-paid lying whore.


Well-known member
Snopes is run by a hard Left lover of pornography and a whoremonger. By all means, keep that as your go-to source of information.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Yep, the old "they aren't really Nazis, Hillary Clinton is paying leftists to ram cars into innocent people" excuse.

That's a believable story, Musty.

"Cars"? :freak:

How many cars was that?

I heard about one in Charlottesville

Are you suggesting that hillary was behind the one in spain too?
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