The reason Fiorina and Carson's poll numbers increased but Cruz's didn't


New member
There is a very good reason why Cruz's numbers didn't go up or down (from my best info anyhow)

He was already fairly high in the polls... and his supporters are not abandoning him. Otherwise, he would be way down there with Jindal... who is a FINE candidate, i might add...

I (btw) dont know why J is so low in the polls... but then, everyone can't be high up there...

Anyway, Cruz is the only one who never ever endorsed AMNESTY or a pathway to citizenship

That tells us something... along with all the other things we know...

like this:

Cruz was the ONLY one to filibuster Obamacare... The others in Congress? They just did the rino routine...

all we have in Congress these days are Democrats, Socialists (Sanders and others who won't admit it as he does), and

Democrats Lite...

save Cruz (and a few others, but again... Cruz was the only one who REALLY fought against that monster Obamacare... the ONLY one... )

The so called Rs we sent to WA spoutated endlessly about nt supporting amnesty for illegals, ditto Obamacare, but how did they vote when they got there?


Again, Cruz was the ONLY "R" who was never in favor of amnesty

one of the only ones who was TRULY against obamacare -- showed it by his ACTIONS (he is not just a talker but a DOER)

Go Ted!!!!!!!
