The real mount Sinai and mount Horeb in Arabia


Well-known member
A detail presentation by Jim and Penny Caldwell of The real mount Sinai, mount Horeb, the rock of Horeb that Moses struck, the Golden calf altar, the pillars of the tribes and much more:



New member
Jim and Penny Caldwell went there in 1992 and found out much more than Bob Con-u-okay ever did when he finally went there in 2000. They also never tried to make money out of it unlike your murderous lying hero Bobby boy is trying to.
Your lying hero Derek Walker has 43 books he is promoting on a couple dozen topics. A real jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none con-artist. How much money have you "donated" to him? Did he teach you how to slander?
Caldwell had a camera, they were tourists, on vacation with their kids.
By 2004, and backing by astronaut Jim Irwin, the high-tech equipment came with the Larry Williams and Bob Cornuke expedition. A vast amount of historic archeology has been clandestinely, a fact that you are ignorant of.

Obviously you are driven by a HUGE EGO.
Do you know the origin of the EGO?


Well-known member
Your lying hero Derek Walker has 43 books he is promoting on a couple dozen topics. A real jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none con-artist. How much money have you "donated" to him? Did he teach you how to slander?
Caldwell had a camera, they were tourists, on vacation with their kids.
By 2004, and backing by astronaut Jim Irwin, the high-tech equipment came with the Larry Williams and Bob Cornuke expedition. A vast amount of historic archeology has been clandestinely, a fact that you are ignorant of.

You're a wind up artist! I read your comments on your other thread where you honestly say Ron Wyatt found the real Mt. Sinai first and the Caldwells etc. I don't deny bob went there after them but he makes out he found them first and does not give credit to those who went before him. He makes me and others sick. Just read the comments on Youtube about him under his self promoting videos. He is not humble and I can't ever remember him praising Jesus or giving thanks to God for anything, I do remember him boasting about faking letters to get a visa and how he had killed a man in the 80's.


New member
Ron Wyatt discredited himself by promoting outrageous and phony archeological "finds".
The Caldwells were just a family on vacation and had no sophisticated equipment with them.
By the backing of astronaut Jim Irwin, the Williams-Cornuke expedition gained valuable info on Midian.
There have been no additional outside expeditions. The Saudis claim that the site has nothing to do with Moses.


Well-known member
Ron Wyatt discredited himself by promoting outrageous and phony archeological "finds".
The Caldwells were just a family on vacation and had no sophisticated equipment with them.
By the backing of astronaut Jim Irwin, the Williams-Cornuke expedition gained valuable info on Midian.
There have been no additional outside expeditions. The Saudis claim that the site has nothing to do with Moses.

Ron claimed to have found the following:

Burial pots off the coast of Ashkelon
Noah's Ark (the Durupınar site, located approximately 29 kilometres (18 mi) south of Mount Ararat)
Anchor stones (or drogue stones) used by Noah on the Ark
The post-flood house, grave markers and tombs of Noah and his wife
The location of Sodom and Gomorrah and the other Cities of the Plain: Zoar, Zeboim and Admah
Sulfur/brimstone balls from the ashen remains of Sodom and Gomorrah
The area of Djoser's pyramid complex believed to be the remains of Joseph's grain distribution bins used during the seven-year famine
The site of the Israelites' crossing of the Red Sea (located in the Gulf of Aqaba)
Chariot wheels and other relics of the army of Pharaoh at the bottom of the Red Sea
The site of the biblical Mount Sinai (in Saudi Arabia at Jabal al-Lawz)
The site of the Crucifixion of Jesus
A chamber at the end of a maze of tunnels under Jerusalem containing artifacts from Solomon's Temple,

All the above is confirmed by millions of people who have now also seen and tested them for themselves.

All you and a minority really doubt are the following:

The Ark of the Covenant
Christ's blood in an "earthquake crack" beneath the crucifixion site, the DNA of which, according to Wyatt, contained 24 chromosomes, rather than 46

Even then the blood has been tested and confirmed by others who have testified on camera which can be seen on youtube;

Just because he didn't smash the Ark up and drag it out for all to see you think he's lying. Ron was the greatest archaeologist in human history and was led by God because God could trust him to not do such stupid things.