The Rat Patrol



The Rat Patrol

"Life is a stage, and when the curtain falls upon an act, it is finished and forgotten. The emptiness of such a life is beyond imagination."
—Alexander Lowen describing the existence of a narcissist

Traits Associated with NARCISSISM
- An obvious self-focus in interpersonal exchanges

- Problems in sustaining satisfying relationships

- A lack of psychological awareness

- Difficulty with empathy

- Problems distinguishing the self from others (see personal boundaries)

- Hypersensitivity to any insults or imagined insults (see criticism and narcissists, narcissistic rage and narcissistic injury)

- Vulnerability to shame rather than guilt

- Haughty body language

- Flattery towards people who admire and affirm them (narcissistic supply)

- Detesting those who do not admire them (narcissistic abuse)

- Using other people without considering the cost of doing so

- Pretending to be more important than they actually are

- Bragging (subtly but persistently) and exaggerating their achievements

- Claiming to be an "expert" at many things

- Inability to view the world from the perspective of other people

- Denial of remorse and gratitude
When you're dealing with a "narcissist" there is no telling as to the lengths this President will go to remain in power!
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New member
You forgot one, JG...

The narcissist is ever vulnerable to being taken in by flattery.

Donald Trump meet your "mirror mirror on the wall" Vladimir Putin.

I've seen that in some on here by the way.

They are all full of themselves and ever over impressed with themselves and those they consider their own.

And they are ever spitting on anyone they conclude is not of their own and at the slightest whim, and yet they themselves are overly sensitive to any form of criticism, and just as quick to lash out, and vindictively so.

Some smart guy comes along, kisses up to them for a while; appearing to never allow their looking down their noses at him to get to get to him.

Next thing you know, said individual has them eating out of his hand.

And often, even as said individual has all along been posting to me away from public view, how they really feel about said fool and or fools.

Reminds of the need that line in one if The Godfather movies - "always keep your friends close; and your enemies closer."

All this - on a "Christian" forum.

Never mind that because life is short - one might as well both find out right off where one stands with others, as well let others know where they stand with one.

All the while keeping one's eyes at those three remaining fingers ever pointing back at oneself, as pride ever easily goeth before one's own fall.

But all of this is far too late for a Trump and or that kind of person's drones to ever admit, let alone, become aware of, and or self-correct.

And if history has taught us anything, it is that behind the history of every major downfall was the self-inflicted collapse of a narcissist and his drones - various kings and empires in and outside of Scripture - King Solomon; that once vast, astounding mighty Roman Empire; General Custer's self-inflicted disaster; Hitler's; Nixon's; you name the narcissist and his drones - the story is the same; and the lesson is never learned.

It is what it such.

patrick jane

Who has been posting to you "all along" out of public view? Name names. So we all know where each other stands. You whine more than anybody I've ever seen.

Is this a call out thread or just another Trump hating thread? Or a thread to preach, to show everybody how terrible they are?

Speak up for a change without all the mystic innuendo.
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Who has been posting to you "all along" out of public view? Name names. So we all know where each other stands. You whine more than anybody I've ever seen.

Is this a call out thread or just another Trump hating thread? Or a thread to preach, to show everybody how terrible they are?

Speak up for a change without all the mystic innuendo.

- Name names

- You whine more than anybody I've ever seen

- just another Trump hating thread


"Patrick jane" like most conservatives, has a short memory!

For months he's been dismissing detailed criticisms of Trump as "fake news!"

We should all know by now that "patrick jane" isn't the least bit interested in debating the facts - he's just trying to supress all criticism of the President, banning anyone from the thread who refuses to dance to his tune!


patrick jane

- Name names

- You whine more than anybody I've ever seen

- just another Trump hating thread


"Patrick jane" like most conservatives, has a short memory!

For months he's been dismissing detailed criticisms of Trump as "fake news!"

We should all know by now that "patrick jane" isn't the least bit interested in debating the facts - he's just trying to supress all criticism of the President, banning anyone from the thread who refuses to dance to his tune!


You call your bunk detailed? You drank the liberal mainstream Kool-Aid, there is nothing to take Trump down as you'll find out.