The problem with the big socialist American government


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Fraud. Big governments tend to promote waste and fraud. That is why Marxism will never work in America, it cannot be sustained with money created by Marxism. America is suffering greatly from fraud in welfare, fraud in elections, fraud in schools, fraud in medicines, fraud in commerce, fraud in government, and so forth.

The federal government blew at least $163 billion on bogus pandemic unemployment benefit payments and has recaptured less than $1 billion of it, the program’s inspector general told Congress on Thursday.

Labor Department Inspector General Larry D. Turner said the states that doled out the federal money weren’t prepared for the massive infusion of cash in their unemployment systems and relied on outdated networks that fraudsters easily exploited.

The result was that of $872.5 billion in federal unemployment money, at least 18.71% — or about $163 billion — was misspent. Mr. Turner said he expects further data will increase that number.

Some of the bad payments were checks going out too big or too small, but chiefly it was what Mr. Turner called “a perfect storm” for fraud.

“This created a situation where fraudsters had a high-reward target where an individual could make a fraudulent claim with relatively low risk of being caught, at least initially, due to the lack of basic anti-fraud measures,” he said. “As time went on, one fraudster could have been issued several UI debit cards, with tens of thousands of dollars on each card.”