The problem with being an adulteress is that you get accused of being a whore as well


The problem with being an adulteress is that you get accused of being a whore,
as well.

wife files suit against blogger, Daily Mail over 'escort' reports MSN Reuters by Jim Young] "Melania Trump filed suit today in the state circuit court for Montgomery County, Maryland against Mail Media, Inc. which publishes the Daily Mail Online, and against Webster G. Tarpley who publishes a weblog in Montgomery County, Maryland," Melania Trump's attorney, Charles Harder, said in a statement. "These defendants made several statements about Mrs. Trump that are 100% false and tremendously damaging to her personal and professional reputation." (Reporting by Alana Wise; Editing by Leslie Adler)" Story Lev. 20:10–12


Divorce & Re marriage: A Position Paper by John Piper


I accused Trump's latest squeeze of being a mail-order bride. Do I need to raid my piggybank and hire an attorney in the event the adulterous slut gets wind of my post?


I accused Trump's latest squeeze of being a mail-order bride.
He's already got a bride, Ivana Trump (Rom. 7:2, 3). The Donald :greedy: makes it up as he goes along (Heb 13:4). :burnlib:

"Pr 6:20–35 A call to avoid adultery because it costs so much

We return to the familiar form of the sermon, with its opening call to attentiveness (20–21) and associated promises (22–23). These pass imperceptibly into urging to avoid adultery, by being wary of enticing words and of attractive looks (24–25; see on 2:16–19; 5). There follows a long account of the reasons for that, which occupies the bulk of this section (26–35). It focuses on the financial cost and the public shame, not to say the wrath of the offended husband, all of which make an affair simply not worth it.

The point is made by means of three comparisons. First, you can compare having an affair with going to see a prostitute—rather an insult to someone with a romantic view of their affair (26). It may be that the woman is being called a whore (though she is not literally that) or it may be that she is being unfavourably compared with a whore (!), since she costs much more; everything, in fact. Secondly, having an affair is like playing with fire; you will not escape getting burned (27–29). The verses play on the fact that in Hebrew fire and wife are very similar. Thirdly, having an affair is like theft (30–35): taking something that belongs to someone else because you are starving. With ordinary theft you pay the penalty; all the more with stealing someone’s wife. The ‘property’ view of marriage is taken for granted here, because that was how people thought of the matter, though the strength of the husband’s reaction perhaps implies the feeling that adultery involves more than interference with his property." Goldingay, J. E. (1994). Proverbs. In D. A. Carson, R. T. France, J. A. Motyer, & G. J. Wenham (Eds.), New Bible commentary: 21st century edition (4th ed., p. 591). Leicester, England; Downers Grove, IL: Inter-Varsity Press.


Trump was free to re-marry after the death of his wife (Rom. 7:2, 3, Matt. 19:6). She happens to still be alive (Heb 13:4).


Divorce & Re marriage: A Position Paper by John Piper

Ivana Trump was free to divorce and remarry after her husband Donald committed adultery and physically abused her.

I'm glad that I don't belong to a cult that has so much hatred towards women claiming that the Bible says that women can't be happy by divorcing and remarrying after they've been terribly mistreated by their previous husband.


Ivana Trump was free to divorce and remarry after her husband Donald committed adultery and physically abused her.
According to Sodom's law or God's law? Rom. 7:2, 3, Matt. 19:6 Ivana Trump was free to re-marry after The Donald's death. :greedy: This country didn't put him to death (Lev. 20:10–12, Jer 16:2). Sodom :5020: prefers instead to make him president (Is 5:20, Heb 13:4). :BRAVO:


The Bible's Criminal Code

I'm glad that I don't belong to a cult that has so much hatred towards women claiming that the Bible says that women can't be happy by divorcing and remarrying after they've been terribly mistreated by their previous husband.
:yawn: Mt 19:11


Divorce & Re marriage: A Position Paper by John Piper


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I'm glad that I don't belong to a cult that has so much hatred towards women claiming that the Bible says that women can't be happy by divorcing and remarrying after they've been terribly mistreated by their previous husband.

According to Sodom's law or God's law? Rom. 7:2, 3, Matt. 19:6 Ivana Trump was free to re-marry after The Donald's death. :greedy:

This country didn't put him to death (Lev. 20:10–12, Jer 16:2). Sodom :5020: prefers instead to make him president (Is 5:20). :BRAVO:

Find a new pastor, one that understands the simple meaning behind Matthew 19:9, and for that matter one that doesn't embrace old Jewish/current Muslim laws of stoning to death sexual sinners.


Find a new pastor...
Mt 19:11, Jn 8:37, 2 Ti 4:3 that understands the simple meaning behind Matthew 19:9...
Marriage is a permanent bond (Matt. 19:6) dissolved by death (Rom. 7:2, 3).

...and for that matter one that doesn't embrace old Jewish/current Muslim laws of stoning to death sexual sinners.
When did God nail do not murder, do not commit adultery to the cross?

Queue jeopardy theme (right click, open).


Divorce & Re marriage: A Position Paper by John Piper


I'll give ya this much aCW. You might be a gay obsessed crank but you're not quite in the same league as SD where it comes to being a complete fruitloop....

You hand out the nicest compliments Art, you must be in one of ole moods today.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You hand out the nicest compliments Art, you must be in one of ole moods today.

See, this is why you just wanna drop your whole "mockery" thing dude. That's just lame and only smacks of projection man...

You need wit, elan ya know? You ain't got them. Saying "ahem" like that? That's just...silly.

Anyways, it wasn't exactly a compliment as you're bonkers for the most part but you're right to take SD's complete insanity apart here.