The pope is not against CAPITALISM but Greed.. & let's face it..


New member
The pope is not against CAPITALISM but Greed.. & let's face it..

a lot of Rs come across as being into greed.

Many R candidates talk about the economy, but don't mention other issues, some that involve-- literally-- life and death..

And frankly, a lot of Rs, once they get wealthy, look down their noses at poor people... They even (some) have the nerve to imply that if you are poor, you are lazy, irresponsible, stupid... and make all kinds of excuses not to help you..

so that is what the pope is against, NOT Capitalism..

He is NOT a communist... at least not as far as I know.. and I have read interviews w/ him... etc..

In one interview he flat out said that work is good for you and being dependent on the gov is NOT



Capitalism, especially insofar as expressed by Adam Smith, has repeatedly been condemned by the Church. Consider Rerum Novarum by Pope Leo XIII. Note, this is not the same thing as saying that the Church has endorsed socialism or communism (She explicitly has condemned the latter).

Capitalism, however, is not in accord with Church teaching. It offends against human personality. Not everything has a price which can or should be measured at a market value/supply and demand.

Economics exists for man. Not the other way around.

patrick jane

another worthy thread from rc - when she could have one huge one - the biggest ever. instead she splits them up into 1,000,000,000 different threads -


New member
The pope is not against CAPITALISM but Greed.. & let's face it..

a lot of Rs come across as being into greed.

Many R candidates talk about the economy, but don't mention other issues, some that involve-- literally-- life and death..

And frankly, a lot of Rs, once they get wealthy, look down their noses at poor people... They even (some) have the nerve to imply that if you are poor, you are lazy, irresponsible, stupid... and make all kinds of excuses not to help you..

so that is what the pope is against, NOT Capitalism..

He is NOT a communist... at least not as far as I know.. and I have read interviews w/ him... etc..

In one interview he flat out said that work is good for you and being dependent on the gov is NOT

Pure capitalism isn't just inherently about the glorification of the worst form of greed, it's comfortable with limitless bribery and corruption. After all, the most successful people are the most greedy and the most corrupt. Take a look at wall street. How much money do they spend buying the rule of law? How much money do they spend insuring that they get even bigger tax cuts laws that favor their interests even while they pay less than half the tax rate of the middle class and receive bigger subsidies while we provide less support for the poor and those attempting to get an education. Oh, and I have yet to see christian groups decry any of it. They're too busy crying about two dudes kissing.

Don't believe this is what capitalism is? Tell a church congregation that you believe we should double the tax rate of the wealthy to bring it up to be exactly the same as that of the middle class and that we should limit monetary contributions of the wealthy to political campaigns and see how many of them call you a capitalist.


New member
Only Catholics care what the Pope thinks...

If it weren't for the media he would be a nobody to all but Romanized Catholics.


Well-known member
Isn't there some sort of ancient Christian injunction against money-lending?

Just wondering.

Capitalism in the general sense (investing capital in business enterprise) is closely related to money-lending, though I believe is a little more honest, in that the risk is shared a bit more equitably. Money-lenders don't want to assume any risk at all, which is both exploitive and ultimately unreasonable.

Capital investment is good and necessary in any modern economy. But technically, that's not what "capitalism" is. Capitalism is the term we use to define an economic system wherein the capital investor has exclusive control over the business enterprise he's invested in, to the exclusion of everyone else involved in and affected by that business enterprise.

Capitalism is not a healthy or reasonable economic system, and it inevitably leads to abuse, corruption, and economic and social collapse if it's left unregulated. Which is, of course, what's beginning to occur all over the world, right now.


New member
Capitalism, especially insofar as expressed by Adam Smith, has repeatedly been condemned by the Church. Consider Rerum Novarum by Pope Leo XIII. .


from Wikipedia:

Rerum novarum (from its first two words, Latin for "of revolutionary change"[n 1]), or Rights and Duties of Capital and Labor, is an encyclical issued by Pope Leo XIII on 15 May 1891. It was an open letter, passed to all Catholic bishops, that addressed the condition of the working classes.

It discussed the relationships and mutual duties between labor and capital, as well as government and its citizens. Of primary concern was the need for some amelioration of "The misery and wretchedness pressing so unjustly on the majority of the working class."[5] It supported the rights of labor to form unions, rejected socialism and unrestricted capitalism,



New member
Isn't there some sort of ancient Christian injunction against money-lending?

Just wondering.

Capitalism in the general sense (investing capital in business enterprise) is closely related to money-lending, though I believe is a little more honest, in that the risk is shared a bit more equitably. Money-lenders don't want to assume any risk at all, which is both exploitive and ultimately unreasonable.

Capital investment is good and necessary in any modern economy. But technically, that's not what "capitalism" is. Capitalism is the term we use to define an economic system wherein the capital investor has exclusive control over the business enterprise he's invested in, to the exclusion of everyone else involved in and affected by that business enterprise.

Capitalism is not a healthy or reasonable economic system, and it inevitably leads to abuse, corruption, and economic and social collapse if it's left unregulated. Which is, of course, what's beginning to occur all over the world, right now.

Usury was prohibited in the Old Covenant.


New member
Your first Pope believed in equal distribution to all the church.
He did not care about outside the church.

ha ha... YOU are telling ME about Catholicism?

give me a freakin break

I don't listen to anti-Catholics... about anything, but especially the Church, which they fail to do any research about b4 spoutating away on it...

don't listen to such dishonest people


SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
ha ha... YOU are telling ME about Catholicism?

give me a freakin break

I don't listen to anti-Catholics... about anything, but especially the Church, which they fail to do any research about b4 spoutating away on it...

don't listen to such dishonest people


You are biblically illiterate.