The pope did NOT say what the media claims (“walls”)—told ya you can’t trust the med

The pope did NOT say what the media claims (“walls”)—told ya you can’t trust the media

Trump says the pope (Waaaaah!) said he was not a Christian:shocked:

This is SO UNtrue! The pope made a PHILOSOPHICAL statement. Gee, that’s strange-- coming from a pope, of all people!

But anyway, here are what I believe are the pope’s exact words (yeh, I kn0w, truth is just SO boring—compared to lies & twisted truth, but here goes):

IF [key word there] someone is always talking about building walls, wherever they may be located, and not bridges, that person is not a Christian.

Whoa, how wicked of the pope to say such a thing! Unbelievable! :shocked:

Do you see Trump’s name in there anywhere? But of course, it is always about him. So of course he took it and ran with it, showing himself once again to be the mega-narcissist that he is... Why—the pope couldn’t possibly have been talking about someone else! absolutely not!

And of course, the pope just HAD to be talking about an actual, physical wall, couldn’t possibly have been using the word metaphorically. Nope… But Trump needed another moment in the sunshine of media attention (plus "Winning is everything") and so… he ran with this LIE. And of course, the truth-distorting, conservative-hating media let him get away with it. They needed a good story, ya know

we should all take a lesson from this: the Church has been lied about all through history.

The devil hates the Church (which includes anyone who loves Jesus and attempts to live as He said), hates nothing more than the Church --



Active member
we should all take a lesson from this: the Church has been lied about all through history.

The devil hates the Church (which includes anyone who loves Jesus and attempts to live as He said), hates nothing more than the Church --


I see you describe yourself as right-winger it possible you are actually 'yikes' ROMAN CATHOLIC!!!!!:confused::confused::confused:


New member
IF [key word there] someone is always talking about building walls, wherever they may be located, and not bridges, that person is not a Christian.

Whoa, how wicked of the pope to say such a thing!
Walls are to keep the wrong people out.

John 10:1
1 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber.​

I guess this means that the Pope thinks Jesus is not a Christian?

Revelation 21:10-12
10 And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God,
11 Having the glory of God: and her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal;
12 And had a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel:​

I see you describe yourself as right-winger it possible you are actually 'yikes' ROMAN CATHOLIC!!!!!:confused::confused::confused:

you don't know, obviously, what that even means. I have been Catholic & non-Catholic. I will bet you are scared to even enter a Catholic Church.

your choice. narrow mindedness is not against the law so have at it


Active member
you don't know, obviously, what that even means. I have been Catholic & non-Catholic. I will bet you are scared to even enter a Catholic Church.

your choice. narrow mindedness is not against the law so have at it

Oh I know what that means friend....and yes I am scared to enter a Roman Catholic church if it means being left alone with a "priest"...I'm just not into that...


New member
The pope did NOT say what the media claims (“walls”)—told ya you can’t trust the media

Trump says the pope (Waaaaah!) said he was not a Christian:shocked:

This is SO UNtrue! The pope made a PHILOSOPHICAL statement. Gee, that’s strange-- coming from a pope, of all people!

But anyway, here are what I believe are the pope’s exact words (yeh, I kn0w, truth is just SO boring—compared to lies & twisted truth, but here goes):

IF [key word there] someone is always talking about building walls, wherever they may be located, and not bridges, that person is not a Christian.

Whoa, how wicked of the pope to say such a thing! Unbelievable! :shocked:

Do you see Trump’s name in there anywhere? But of course, it is always about him. So of course he took it and ran with it, showing himself once again to be the mega-narcissist that he is... Why—the pope couldn’t possibly have been talking about someone else! absolutely not!

And of course, the pope just HAD to be talking about an actual, physical wall, couldn’t possibly have been using the word metaphorically. Nope… But Trump needed another moment in the sunshine of media attention (plus "Winning is everything") and so… he ran with this LIE. And of course, the truth-distorting, conservative-hating media let him get away with it. They needed a good story, ya know

Well the Roman Catholic Pope is NOT a Christian to begin with, so I consider the source when I hear these things.

It would have been awesome for Donald to have thrown that back at him.

The Pope also seems to have forgotten that 'Christians' are supposed to obey the law of the land or fear the sword, and these people flooding are borders (most are latino Catholics) are going against scripture and deserve to be punished by the Law.


New member
we should all take a lesson from this: the Church has been lied about all through history.

The devil hates the Church (which includes anyone who loves Jesus and attempts to live as He said), hates nothing more than the Church --


The man that keeps nations in abject poverty has no business calling himself a Christian. He has people spending their last penny/peso to keep their relatives out of purgatory or buy their way out is an abomination.
