The poor do not benefit from Democrat policies


New member
The poor do not benefit when they are given a hand out. I heard somewhere that there are several ways to help the poor, the resource-less folks

on the bottom of that list is handouts. However, the Dems don't have a problem handing the poor a fish, rather than teaching them how to fish

so the poor and disabled become dependent on government, which is supported by the taxpayers, who are gouged by the Dems.

Then taxpayers-- especially when taxes are high (which they always are under the Ds)-- get ANGRY (consciously or otherwise) with the poor, start looking at them as leeches and sponges and worthless human beings who are lazy and etc... which in turn plays into the D's hands also.. b/c they like it when there is a veritable caste system...

It always helps to be able to see some people as disposable. B/c then the libs (Dems, wahtever) can continue to promote abortion on demand... and euthanasia so called (should b called State sponsored eugenics... aka Nazism, aka some are more equal than others)

If the rich are given some tax relief, which believe it or not is called for after the lberals have been in charge so many yrs... the wealthy (the haves) will feel free to

1) stay in the country

2) hire the poor, the have nots

3) stop resenting all those "sponges" created by the Left.. (4 one thing, there would be far FEWER of them under R [not rino but true Republican] leadership)

(continued later)



Well-known member
My 84-year-old mother is poor. She has lived for many years on $800/month social security, food stamps, some help with utilities costs, and medicare. She spent 25 years raising kids, and then worked at menial jobs after that, until she was old enough to 'retire' and collect her social security. She has survived because she is very frugal, and because she has had the help of these public welfare programs.

You are a fool.

You think everyone who is benefitting from public welfare programs are able-bodied, able-minded, employable, lay-abouts that should be punished into going to work by denying them any other possible way of surviving. When in reality, the vast majority of people who are collecting welfare, food stamps, medicaid/medicare, social security/disability, and other forms public welfare and public aid are old, sick, crazy, and otherwise unemployable. They are people who would literally die if we didn't help them. And in your blinding ignorance you are helping those among us who would willingly let them die just to keep a few more shekels in their own pockets.

If you had any sense, you would be ashamed of yourself. But you don't.


New member
My 84-year-old mother is poor. She has lived for many years on $800/month social security, food stamps, some help with utilities costs, and medicare. She spent 25 years raising kids, and then worked at menial jobs after that, until she was old enough to 'retire' and collect her social security. She has survived because she is very frugal, and because she has had the help of these public welfare programs.

You are a fool.

You think everyone who is benefitting from public welfare programs are able-bodied, able-minded, employable, lay-abouts that should be punished into going to work 't.

i read this far

and since you have set up a straw man, i cannot answer...

doesn't deserve an answer since you are (very likey) maliciousy

putting words in my mouth



New member
Hall of Fame
it is becoming welfare b/c people live WAY longer than they used to and most peple on SS get FAR more out of it than they put in

the retirement age should be at least 67


No, social security isnt welfare, no matter how long someone lives. We pay into it from our wages. The retirement age to get full benefits from it, IS 67 now and most people never get back even a fraction of what they paid into it.


New member
No, social security isnt welfare, no matter how long someone lives. We pay into it from our wages. The retirement age to get full benefits from it, IS 67 now and most people never get back even a fraction of what they paid into it.

not true

most peple are livng WAY longer than ever b4

if it is 67 now and yet still not solvent.. SS age should be raised to 70

something has to be done to get our debt problem solved. Also, those who work longer live longer... so all benefit



New member
Hall of Fame
not true

most peple are livng WAY longer than ever b4

if it is 67 now and yet still not solvent.. SS age should be raised to 70

something has to be done to get our debt problem solved. Also, those who work longer live longer... so all benefit


So you think people shouldnt be entitled to what they paid into?


Well-known member
i read this far

and since you have set up a straw man, i cannot answer...

doesn't deserve an answer since you are (very likey) maliciousy

putting words in my mouth

My mother isn't made of straw, and neither are the millions of other poor people who benefit greatly from public welfare programs like medicaid, food stamps, social security disability, and welfare. The reason you have no response is because you are just plain wrong, but are too arrogant and/or ignorant to admit it.


New member
My mother isn't made of straw, and neither are the millions of other poor people who benefit greatly from public welfare programs like medicaid, food stamps, social security disability, and welfare. The reason you have no response is because you are just plain wrong, but are too arrogant and/or ignorant to admit it.

no, i am RIGHT

and you hate the poor

or at best couldn't care less about them

u want them to be dependent on the gov... what a horrible fate

As such, they will feel they have no chioce but to vote D... But yu know... They still DO have a choice... I hope they all get educated

and vote the RIGHT way this time.. (assuming they didn't last time.. but Romney.. ok, i won't digress any further)

many poor folks are Rs already... if for no other reason t han that they (and true Rs) are Christian...



New member
if u truly love someone, you want what is TRULY best for him/her

being dependent on the gov is NOT what is best... What the gov gives, it can take away... and it DOES... Trust me, i know what i am talking about

even people NOT dependent on the gov have todeal w/ the gov taking things from them (property)

the gov is too big and powerful. If you are not scared by that... maybe you just havn't been targeted by the gov yet... You will be...

Vote for Ted Cruz



Hall of Fame
no, i am RIGHT

and you hate the poor

or at best couldn't care less about them

u want them to be dependent on the gov... what a horrible fate

As such, they will feel they have no chioce but to vote D... But yu know... They still DO have a choice... I hope they all get educated

and vote the RIGHT way this time.. (assuming they didn't last time.. but Romney.. ok, i won't digress any further)

many poor folks are Rs already... if for no other reason t han that they (and true Rs) are Christian...

I am just curious. How would support yourself and children IF you were injured on the job and could no longer work? After years of paying taxes, you would have no problem having your home foreclosed on and grabbing a few pieces of clothes and some blankets so you and kids could be warm while living on the streets. Right?


New member
I am just curious. How would support yourself and children IF you were injured on the job and could no longer work? After years of paying taxes, you would have no problem having your home foreclosed on and grabbing a few pieces of clothes and some blankets so you and kids could be warm while living on the streets. Right?

straw man

change of subject



Well-known member
not true

most peple are livng WAY longer than ever b4

if it is 67 now and yet still not solvent.. SS age should be raised to 70

something has to be done to get our debt problem solved. Also, those who work longer live longer... so all benefit
PLEASE stop being so stupid! PLEASE!

Social Security had nothing to do with our skyrocketing national debt. NOTHING AT ALL! Social security is a great system that works just fine, and as it was intended from the start. We just have to stop the politicians (every president starting with Ronald Reagan) from stealing the money that Americans have been paying into it.

As to the other programs, like medicaid and food stamps, they cost us very little and they save many people's lives. Our huge national debt was not cause by welfare and food stamps, nor by medicare and medicaid. It was caused by Reagan's "trickle-down" economics (all the money trickled up, instead of down), two Bush president's pointless wars (costing us trillions of dollars) and the bail out of the Wall Street criminals (costing us hundreds of billions) And "W's" tax cuts for the rich. The poor had absolutely nothing to do with any of these expensive fiascos, and even if we let every poor man, woman, and child in this country go die under a bridge, the money we save still wouldn't make much of a dent in the national debt.

There is only one way to eliminate the national debt, and that is to reverse the policies that created it: make the rich people and corporations pay their (majority) share of taxes, stop policing the world using our military, stop paying countries like Israel billions of dollars for "being our friend", and start investing all that money we are no longer wasting on these pursuits back into the United States, through massive infrastructure upgrades (creating many thousands of good-paying jobs for Americans) huge improvements in the quality and availability of education, and a complete overhaul of both our health care and income tax systems, with universal health care and a progressive flat/reverse tax system as the end result.

We would be out of debt in ten years, and we would be an economic and social powerhouse to light the way for another century.