The Opposition of Marxism To Any Absolute Truth or Morality


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The Opposition of Marxism To Any Absolute Truth or Morality

This is another way of looking at the problem of most Americans not knowing what Marxism is although Transformational Marxism began having some influence from and upon the major universities since the publication of The Authoritarian Personality in 1950 by Theodore W. Adorno, who was then a professor at Berkeley. Adorno was what is called a Frankfurter, an original member of the Frankfurt School of Marxism who were run out of Germany when Hitler came to power. A second Frankfurter who had an influence from within the elite American universities was Herbert Marcuse, who wrote Eros and Civilization, published in 1955. Eros and Civilization had a more direct influence upon young people during the Counterculture. Finally, by the seventies, Transformational Marxism had found its mass of followers, which was not the working class, but the professors and students in the universities. The earlier Counterculture during the sixties came in part out of movements different from the Marxism of the New Left - the LSD and Oriental Religion movement and the Beat Poet and Art Bohemian movements were not necessarily Marxist, though these non-Marxist movements challenged the American culture of the fifties.

Marxism Fundamentally Opposes the Gospel of Christ and Morality

Many people now who are under some influence from the Political Left, which is now the Democratic Party, do not understand what Marxism is.

Christian faith is based upon a belief that Truth as stated in the New Testament Scriptures is absolute. If the belief that scripture is absolute in its Truth can be weakened and done away with, then christian faith is destroyed.

Marxism starts from its own brand of Epistemology. Epistemology is a branch of philosophy which focuses upon the origin, and nature of knowledge. Scripture is the revelation of knowledge from God, which is absolute in nature. Marxism opposes scripture and faith and says no knowledge is absolute and enduring for all time.

The basis for the American doctrine that each individual has rights which cannot be taken away easily is from scripture, specifically from Isaiah 10: 1-2, as well as Lamentations 3: 33-36, and Malachi 3: 5.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,"

"Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees, and that write grievousness which they have prescribed;
2. To turn aside the needy from judgment, and to take away the right from the poor of my people, that widows may be their prey, and that they may rob the fatherless!" Isaiah 10: 1-2

But Marxism is atheistic and teaches that no doctrine or idea should be enduring and valid for all times.

"In the eyes of the dialectical philosophy, nothing is established for all time, nothing is absolute or sacred." Karl Marx

Benjamin Bloom, who wrote the two volume book on the Taxonomy of Educational Goal Objectives, by which all teachers must be certified, said "“We recognize the point of view that
truth and knowledge are only relative and that there are no hard and fast truths which exist for all time and places.” (Benjamin Bloom, et al., Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Book 1, Cognitive Domain). In other words,Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Goal Objectives is basically Marxist.

Dean Gotcher found a footnote in Bloom's Affective Domain book, on
page 166, where Bloom acknowledges the influence of Theodore W. Adorno
and Eric Fromm on the psychological theory, philosophy or ideology
contained in his two volumes, Educational Goal taxonomies. Book II
Affective Domain p. 166.

“1. Cf. Erich Fromm, 1941; T. W. Adorno et al., 1950” Benjamin Bloom,
Book II Affective Domain p. 166. This is Bloom's footnote
acknowledging the influence on his thinking from Erich Fromm and
Theodore W. Adorno. Adorno was an original Frankfurter Marxist who
posed as a personality and social psychologist in writing his 1950
book, The Authoritarian Personality, in which he claimed that the
authoritarian personality and fascism are caused by the family and
Christianity. Erich Fromm was a Transformational Marxist psychologist
and close associate of the Frankfurters.

The Frankfurt School while still in Germany mixed Marx with Freud. Some time after Theodore W. Adorno, Herbert Marcuse, and a few others moved to the United States, the Frankfurters became interested in American personality and social psychology. Adorno's 1950 book, The Authoritarian Personality, reflects that interest in American Social and Personality psychology. The Group Dynamics Movement, under Kurt Lewin in the fifties and then the Encounter Group Movement of the sixties and seventies contributed to the development of a new American collectivism. One of the leaders of the Encounter Group Movement in the sixties and seventies was psychologist Carl Rogers who was a Small Group Facilitator in the Movement. Rogers was not a social psychologst like most in the earlier Group Dynamics Movement. Rogers had been a Clinical Psychologist and psychotherapist.

“The individual accepts the new system of values and beliefs by
accepting belongingness to the group.” Kurt Lewin in Kenneth Benne
Human Relations in Curriculum Change

Transformational Marxism had to get rid of that Christian - and family based - culture which made the individual outstanding, and replace it by a collectivist group oriented culture. Marxism - Transformational Marxism - had to reduce the spiritual power of the Christian Gospel in order to bring in a collectivist group-centered culture.


The Marxist epistemology and system is based upon Karl Marx's atheism.

Hegel's dialectic was not necessarily atheistic. But Marx "stood Hegel on his head" by atheizing the dialectic, and resting it upon philosophical materialism - or a form of Nihilism that rejects morality, especially Christian Morality.

And so Marxists tend to be without common morality.

"Although Marx found Feuerbach indispensable for adopting a thoroughgoing atheist and materialist positions, Marx soon found that Feuerbach had not gone nearly far enough. Even though Feuerbach was a philosophical communist, he basically believed that if man forswore religion, then his alienation from his self would be over. To Marx, religion was only one of the problems. The entire world of man (the Menschenwelt) was alienating, and had to be radically overthrown, root and branch. Only apocalyptic destruction of this world of man would permit true human nature to be realized. Only then would the existing "un-man" (Unmensch) truly become man (Mensch). As Marx thundered in the fourth of his "theses on Feuerbach," "one must proceed to destroy [the] "earthly family" [as it is] "both in theory and in practice."

Marxism arrived partly out of the French Revolution. One influence upon Marx was from Hegel, with his dialectics, and another influence was from the Jacobins, who were the most radical and murderous faction to come out of the French Revolution.

In 1793, during the French Revolution the Jacobin leaders began the Reign of Terror. Under Robespierre, who took over the Revolution. The Jacobins used the Terror of the guillotine not only against counterrevolutionaries, but also against former Jacobins, and Jacobins themselves, Finally, Robespierre was overthrown in 1794, but the spirit of the Jacobins lived on in Marxism.

Marx first got into politics as a young radical intellectual in the movement called the Left Hegelians or Young Hegelians. Remember that Hegel had brought the Greek philosophy of the διαλεκτική, or dialectic, before the time of Christ, into modern philosophy.

What is now called Identity Politics came down from the Political Correctness doctrine which grew out of the Frankfurt School's interest in anti-semitism, and then expanded into the study of the traits of the Authoritarian Personality which Theodore Adorno claimed cause fascism. Adorno said that Biblical Christianity and the family cause fascism and both must be done away with.

One of the founders of the Frankfurt School of Transformational Marxism, Georg Lukacs, talked about "Abolishment of Culture." Lukacs knew that Christianity had created a dominant culture in the West which made the individual important and that culture saw each individual as being unique, to be honored as such.

Marxism had to get rid of that Christian - and family based - culture which made the individual outstanding, and replace it by a collectivist group oriented culture. Marxism - Transformational Marxism - had to reduce the spiritual power of the Christian Gospel in order to bring in a collectivist group-centered culture.

“The individual accepts the new system of values and beliefs by
accepting belongingness to the group.” Kurt Lewin in Kenneth Benne
Human Relations in Curriculum Change

Here is a quote that is more specific about the ideas of Transformational Marxist Georg Lukács (1885-1971):

"Lukacs identified that any political movement capable of bringing
Bolshevism to the West would have to be, in his words, "demonic"; it
would have to "possess the religious power which is capable of filling
the entire soul; a power that characterized primitive Christianity."

They go on to say that "What differentiated the West from Russia, Lukacs identified, was a
Judeo-Christian cultural matrix which emphasized exactly the
uniqueness and sacredness of the individual which Lukacs abjured. At its core, the dominant Western ideology maintained that the individual, through the exercise of his or her reason, could discern the Divine Will in an unmediated relationship. What was worse, from
Lukacs' standpoint: this reasonable relationship necessarily implied that the individual could and should change the physical universe in pursuit of the Good; that Man should have dominion over Nature, as stated in the Biblical injunction in Genesis. The problem was, that as long as the individual had the belief—or even the hope of the belief—that his or her divine spark of reason could solve the problems
facing society, then that society would never reach the state of
hopelessness and alienation which Lukacs recognized as the necessary prerequisite for socialist revolution."

Lukacs was aware of protestant individualism and its affirmation of an individual's
personal relationship with God, as Jesus Christ the Son. The West had
affirmed the individual and his spiritual rise above the mere flesh of
man through Christ and the Holy Spirit. But Marxism affirms the
collective, the group. and hence the phrase "It takes a village to
raise a child" of Hillary and other Marxists."

Gary K

New member
Outstanding post, northwye. You did a good job of tracing out a lot of Marx's philosophical background.


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Timothy 6: 20-21 says in the Tyndale New Testament, "O Timothy save that which is given ye to keep and avoid ungodly vanities of voices and oppositions of science falsely so called
21 which science while some professed they have erred as concerning the faith. Grace be with the Amen."

Tyndale translates γνωσεως, or gnosis, as science, but it should be translated as knowledge.

The key part in Greek says "και αντιθεσεις της ψευδωνυμου γνωσεως,or "and anti-thesis of falsely called knowledge."

αντιθεσεις, or anti-thesis, is a technical term in the early Greek philosophy of the διαλεκτική, or dialectic, before the time of Christ.

In the dialectic, there is a direct opposition between the thesis and the anti-thesis, or a strong division between the thesis and the anti-thesis. In the conflict between the false prophets (Matthew 24: 5, 11, 24, II Peter 2: 1-3) and a small remnant who have a love for the Truth,the false prophets try to overthrow the thesis, which is the Truth of Christ's Gospel, with another Gospel, which in the dialectic is the anti-thesis. The false prophets operate through deception. Deceive is a word which is used of false prophets in Matthew 4,5, 11 and 24.

Two interesting instances of the dialectic in Scripture are in Genesis 3: 1-6 and in the dialogue between Christ and the Pharisees in John Chapter 8..............................

"Dialectic (also dialectics and the dialectical method), from Ancient Greek διαλεκτική, is a method of argument.....The word dialectic originated in ancient Greece, and was made popular by Plato in the Socratic dialogues."

"In classical philosophy, dialectic (Greek: διαλεκτική) is a form of reasoning based upon dialogue of arguments and counter-arguments, advocating propositions (theses) and counter-propositions (antitheses)."

"Aristotle said that it was the pre-Socratic philosopher Zeno of Elea who invented dialectic, of which the dialogues of Plato are the examples of the Socratic dialectical method."

The dialectic is a form of deception and the Marxist version of the Hegelian dialectic has been developed into a belief and attitude change procedure, which also infiltrated the major institutions,including the churches, in the 20th century. Carl Rogers and other Encounter Group Facilitators used forms of the Marxist version of the Hegelian Dialectic. Apparently the Marxist dialectic was made into an attitude and belief changing procedure by American psychologists, who did not always identify themselves as Marxists. Dean Gotcher has written and talked about this work by American social, personality and clinical psychologists. Gotcher goes so far as to say that "Psychology is Marxism - Psychotherapists are Marxists." On Carl Rogers Gotcher says "Psychology is a political system. Like Marxists, psychotherapists are dedicated to 'liberating' children from the father's/Father's authority—coming between the father/Father and the children, "encouraging" the children to dialogue, i.e., to share with one another their desire for the carnal pleasures of the 'moment' which the world stimulates........."Prior to therapy the person is prone to ask himself, 'What would my parents want me to do?' During the process of therapy [dialogue] the individual comes to ask himself, 'What does it mean to me?'" (Carl Rogers, on becoming a person: A Therapist View of Psychotherapy)"

"You can deny it all you want (practice "denial"), but it will not change the facts or the truth. Psychotherapists, like Marxists, make all participants common-ists, i.e., of the world only, negating the father's authority in the home in order to negate God the Father's authority over man, i.e., negating individualism, under God, i.e., negating nationalism, i.e., negating rule of law, negating the guilty conscience for doing wrong, disobeying, sinning in the process—accomplishing what Georg Hegel, Karl Marx, and Sigmund Freud all had in mind, socialism-globalism..."

Gotcher says "Psychotherapists, i.e., Marxists see your children as being theirs, shaping them in their image (children of disobedience), making them 'liberals,' i.e., hostile toward authority, ruling, as children over you. Talking to 'liberals,' i.e., psychotherapists is like talking to a snake, they never answer a question honestly—which would expose them and their agenda, i.e., taking control over you and your children, i.e., over the nation and the world. Do you really want a psychotherapist, i.e., a Marxists defining the "mentally ill," as is being done today? You would more than likely be on the list, as mentally ill, or potentially mentally ill, unless you were, of course a Marxist, i.e., one of them, doing psychoanalysis on everyone else, i.e., filling out portfolios, writing out the list of who's in (Marxists) and who's not (individuals, under the father's/Father's authority, i.e., the mentally ill)—like them, questioning, challenging, disregarding, defying, attacking, i.e., negating the father's/Father's authority so you can do wrong, disobey, sin without having a guilty conscience, i.e., so you can do wrong, disobey, sin with impunity."

"And he said unto them, Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God." Luke 16:15

In Marxism the dialectic is used to overthrow absolute Truth and absolute Morality.



"The Biblical paradigm is known as didactic and is built upon the view that black is black and white is white and that there are pre-set rights and wrongs.The humanistic paradigm is known as dialectic and is built upon the view that feelings of human relationship must determine what is right and wrong. Therefore, right and wrong are relative to the attitude, which promotes or detracts from human relationships. A rational person is one who will compromise for the common good.It is important to understand that a person cannot go straight from didactic to dialectic.There must be a middle zone of transition.

The dialectic is explained in Genesis 3:1-6. The thesis is God’s statement to Adam in an absolute didactic format, “Thou Shalt Not.” The language of thesis is known in socio-psychology (humanistic thinking) as limiting if not outright blocking to human relationship, it holds us to the promises of the past and standards given by a higher authority. Statements with an “I Know” attitude or “can not,” “must not,” “Thou shalt not,” or “it is the law,” “it is a fact,” “it is the truth,” or as Jesus stated in the wilderness, “It is written” are considered negative, divisive, hateful, intolerant, or prejudice since they interfere with, if not block, social harmony. The didactic or patriarch paradigm is a way of thinking, which requires faith, obedience, accountability as well as responsibility under a higher authority. Those who think this way, according to the dialectic, global, humanistic paradigm, are maladjusted, lower order thinkers, inadaptable to change and are in need of counseling for the sake of world peace. If they are not converted they must be neutralized and marginalized and eventually removed from policy setting environments, such as the home, the work place, government or the church. Didactic thinking focuses upon truth, not on feelings, or one’s ability to justify what “seems to be” another solution. God’s Word is didactic, it is not written by private interpretation, with “I feel,” or “I think.” It is God breathed, and all God’s prophets and apostles spoke with such language, as did the early church martyrs. The antithesis, or opposing position, is found in the Bible with Satan’s statement to Eve that she would not die if she disobeys God’s thesis statement, “Thou Shalt Not.” Antithesis is a point of view which counters the original thesis. The antithesis paradigm is know as matriarch in the language of socio-psychology since two people with opposite or differing positions may have the common desire to relate with one another. Feelings, or the desire to relate, now interfere with the desire to maintain an opposing position. "

Gary K

New member
The collapse of Marxism in China and the Soviet Union must have been a severe disappointment for you guys.

LOL. Wow. What a refutation. It's incredible. It also confirms how Marxists react to criticisms of Marx's writings. They never argue the facts. They just do what Marx did. They use scorn and mockery to attack the person who tells the truth. Way to go. I do understand why you don't want to argue Northwye's position though. It's the same reason Marx and Engels never wanted to dispute his critics. They knew they couldn't.

The Barbarian

Barbarian chuckles:
The collapse of Marxism in China and the Soviet Union must have been a severe disappointment for you guys.

LOL. Wow. What a refutation. It's incredible.

Yep. I can remember when the Soviet Empire collapsed, and the Command Economy with it. A lot of people took years to come to grips with the fact that the boogyman died. Apparently, a few of you still haven't done that.

It also confirms how Marxists react to criticisms of Marx's writings.

I don't think you're a Marxist. I just think you're grieving for the loss of such a wonderful boogyman.

You never argue the facts. You just do what Marx did. You use scorn and mockery to attack the person who tells the truth.

Way to go. I do understand why you don't want to argue Northwye's position though.

I'm just bemused by your inability to move on. Marxism has been utterly discredited as a viable political/economic system, but you don't seem to be able to let go of it.

Gary K

New member

There's a book you might be interested written by F. A. Hayek. It's titled The Counter Revolution of Science. It's available through in paperback for $9.95, and available as a download from in multiple ebook formats. Their epub format has a bunch of problems as it looks to be a conversion from a pdf file. The mobi format has some problems that way too, but fewer than the epub version. They also have it in pdf format, and that is the most error free of all of them.

Another good book is a collection of 5 speeches by Ludwig Von Mises titled Marxism Unmasked: From Delusion to Destruction. In it he talks about how Marxist philosophy is so common today that most people accept it without even realizing what they are accepting, as they do not understand the origins of what they are hearing.

The Barbarian

dīˈdaktik/ the manner of a teacher, particularly so as to treat someone in a patronizing way.

the art of investigating or discussing the truth of opinions.
synonyms: discussion, debate, dialogue, logical argument, reasoning, argumentation, polemics; formalratiocination
"feminism has of course contributed to this dialectic"
inquiry into metaphysical contradictions and their solutions.


New member
Romans 1: 28-29 King James Version: "And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; 29. Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,"

The key Greek word, translated as debate, is ἔρις, or eris.Strong's Exhaustive Concordance for eris, translated as Debate, Number 2054 in the Strong's Exhaustive Concordance says says "Eris. A quarrel. i.e, by implication wrangling, contention, debate. strife, variance."

And Strong's Greek: 2054. ἔρις (eris) -- strife defines eris as "literally quarrel, strife; properly, a readiness to quarrel (having a contentious spirit), affection for dispute."

But in contrast see the definition of debate in the Online Oxford Dictionary.

The Online Oxford Dictionary defines debate as : "a formal
discussion on a particular topic in a public meeting or legislative
assembly, in which opposing arguments are put forward. verb: argue

So, what is defined as a quarrel by Strong's Exhaustive Concordance and by Strong's Greek: 2054. ἔρις (eris) -- strife as " quarrel, strife; properly, a readiness to quarrel (having a contentious spirit), affection for dispute." becomes in the Oxford Dictionary "a formal
discussion on a particular topic in a public meeting or legislative
assembly, in which opposing arguments are put forward."

Yet the English word quarrel comes closer to the meaning of eris in Romans 1: 28-29 than does the definition of debate in the Oxford Dictionary.

Debate: "Origin: Middle English: via Old French from Latin dis-
(expressing reversal) + battere 'to fight'"

Originally the word debate meant to fight (with words). And, since the
first definition of the Greek word eris is "a quarrel, by implication
wrangling" (Strong's Exhaustive Concordance) the English word quarrel
for debate could be used as a translation of eris.

Quarreling is an accurate English word for eris. Some kinds of
statements invite a quarrel more than other kinds of statements. And
quarreling is an indication of a reprobate mind in Romans 1:28-29.

In translating a Greek word used in scripture in the First Century, the English word with the closest meaning now to the Greek word used in the First Century must be used. Because the English word debate is now defined differently than as being a quarrel does not mean that we are free to define eris, the Greek word, as having the same meaning now in 2017 as we give to the English word debate.

There is more in scripture on the topic of quarreling or making arguments, word fights, or contentiousness.

Romans 14: 1 in the English Standard Version says "As for the one who
is weak in faith, welcome him, but not to quarrel over opinions."

I Corinthians 11: 16, says "If any man be contentious, we have no such custom." And look
at II Corinthians 12: 20. Here Paul says he fears that when he comes
back to his people at Corinth that he will find them in debates,
envyings, wraths, strifes, backbitings, whisperings, swellings,

Paul uses another Greek word which also carries with it
contentiousness in I Timothy 6: 3-4,
logomachia, "If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome
words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine
which is according to godliness; He is proud, knowing nothing, but
doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy,
strife, railings, evil surmisings."

This is a significant text, because what Paul is saying is that those
who get off into doctrines that were not taught by Christ and the
Apostles tend to get into logomachia, or strifes of words." Lets see
what Strong's says about logomachia.

Logomachia is number 3055 in Strong's and is said to mean
"disputations, strife of words." Logomachia might be translated as
"word fights."

The doctrine given in Romans 1: 28-29, Romans 2: 8, I Corinthians 11:
16, II Corinthians 12: 20 and I Timothy 6: 3-4 says that to engage in
contentious quarreling is a trait of the reprobate mind. It is also a
trait of the person in the condition of the natural man of I
Corinthians 2: 14, who cannot discern the things of the spirit.

Look at Acts 15: 1-2: "And certain men which came down from Judaea
taught the brethren, and said, Except ye be circumcised after the
manner of Moses, ye cannot be saved. When therefore Paul and Barnabas
had no small dissension and disputation with them, they determined
that Paul and Barnabas, and certain other of them, should go up to
Jerusalem unto the apostles and elders about this question."

Luke did not use eris or logomachia in Acts 15: 2, which would have
carried a meaning closer to contentiousness than suzetesis.
Nevertheless, Paul and Barnabas did make strong disputation with the
Pharisees who taught that Christians must observe the ceremonial law
of Moses to be saved.

Note that I Timothy 6: 3-4, where Paul uses logomachia, is in the same chapter - I Timothy 6 - where Paul briefly mentions in Greek, the word αντιθεσεις, or anti-thesis, which brings up a type of argument which Paul warns that should be avoided. That is, the "anti-thesis of falsely called knowledge" Paul says to avoid.

An αντιθεσεις, or anti-thesis, is a technical term in the early Greek philosophy of the διαλεκτική, or dialectic, before the time of Christ. The dialectic is a way of making an argument by use of a thesis which opposes and attacks a antithesis, and an ongoing dialectic involves arguments and counter arguments. The Truth in scripture can be seen as the thesis while a false doctrine is the anti-thesis.

While an argument against the absolute truth of scripture can be called
the dialectic, and is of the reprobate mind as Paul teaches in Romans
1; 29, about making a quarrel, and of the condition of the natural man (I Corinthians 2:
14),questioning false doctrine and defending the absolute truth of
scripture is not an act of the reprobate mind. It is an act of
obedience to Christ and his truth. " should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints." Jude 1: 3

The Barbarian

I once had a pretty interesting debate with a theologian named Thomas Woodward, over evolution. He was kind enough to send me a copy of his latest book, with a nice note therein about me being his friend in dialectic, so your take on dialectic seems to be the correct one from a Christian standpoint.