The Mystery:

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In the West, you see the new moon set. However, in the east; they see the resurrection of the new moon; up to a half a day old, or not yet born, or NEW. -- The first day of the first month, is the beginning of the new year of the Jewish calendar.

Genesis 1:14-15 KJV –
God created the sun, moon, and stars ( and planets ), to give light upon the earth. - However, the star of Bethlehem / Venus was not yet created. --- The night Jesus was born, the Star / Venus was created / born and “set in motion” to come to rest in its present place among the system. – Matthew 2:9 KJV – “The star, which they saw in the east, WENT BEFORE THEM, TILL IT CAME AND STOOD OVER WHERE THE YOUNG CHILD WAS”. -- That was the first time that star / Venus was ever seen in the heaven / firmament. -- Jesus called himself the Bright and Morning Star / Venus.
The Muslims still use the symbol with the moon under it, and rightly so. – Just one thing they left out. - The seven sisters / the Pleiades, the little Constellation God calls the seven candlesticks. – Put them together (very, very rare) we have – Revelation 12:1 KJV -- and -- Revelation 1:20 KJV – Thus, the Body of Christ, the Bride, and Christ as the head. It is the Bride of Christ with the moon under her feet and THE Lord and the Bride holding the seven candlesticks, or the seven Angels of the seven Churches in his right hand.
That is the “SIGN” of the Son of Man in heaven, which the Christians / Church saw WHEN THEY FLED OUT of Jerusalem and Judea into the mountains, to flee from the “DEATH and the days of vengeance therein. – Luke 21:21-22 KJV -- That was the Christians crossing the great gulf of DEATH in the final Passover of the Lord. - Thus – Matthew 24:30 KJV –

Paul – 101010
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