The Mueller - Trump sting operation

Gary K

New member
Liz Crokin is an investigative journalist with quite few years of exerience. She reports on political issues and is involved a lot in the investigation of sex crimes and working with the victims of those crimes. This article is about her belief, based upon her journalistic experience and investigation, that Donald Trump and Robert Mueller are engaged in a sting operation against those responsible for the Steele dossier and the smear campaign against Trump.

The following is an excerpt from an article on her website titled How Mueller & President Trump are Pulling the Biggest Sting in History. You can find the rest of the article at the following link.

On the crisp fall night of October 9, 2016, there was an electric energy in the air at Washington University in St. Louis for the second presidential debate. Hillary Clinton ended the first debate with a below the belt attack on Donald Trump accusing him of bullying a former Miss Universe beauty queen. There was a sense in the air that Trump – famous for his counter punches – would swing back with a TKO, and boy, did he deliver.

That night on stage Trump made a shocking promise to Clinton in the event he got elected. “If I win, I’m going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation…we’re going to have a special prosecutor,” Trump said. Clinton responded, “It’s just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country.” Trump then interrupted and said: “Because you’d be in jail.” Trump’s statement was met with cheers and thunderous applause.

Trump’s famous “because you’d be in jail” line is constantly rotated throughout the Internet via memes and videos on social media to this day; however, what many seem to have forgotten is the first part of Trump’s statement: he promised to assign a special prosecutor to look into Clinton’s crimes.

The Barbarian

It was kind of a shock for some people that a president can't just have his political opponents jailed. While that kind of thing goes on in some countries, the Constitution was designed to thwart such corrupt behavior.

Trump’s famous “because you’d be in jail” line is constantly rotated throughout the Internet via memes and videos on social media to this day

Kind of ironic. I can remember Flynn screaming that if he had done a tenth of what Clinton did, he'd be in jail. Now he's hoping he won't have jail time for the crimes he's committed. Someday, someone might actually show that Clinton committed a crime. But this time, the plan backfired. Be careful what you wish for.



The Mueller - Trump sting operation

Apparently we're not allowed to pass judgement on the character of a sitting President who would use his office to punish those who "slighted" him during a Presidential Debate!

I presume that a President instructing his Attorney General to take action legal against his political opponents will go down in American history as just another in a long line of glorious achievements by the Trump Administration!
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The Barbarian

I presume that a President instructing his Attorney General to take action legal against his political opponents will go down in American history as just another in a long line of glorious achievements by the Trump Administration!

To be fair to Trump, he honestly didn't know that a president couldn't just order his political opponents to be jailed. He seems to have thought that being president was like running the family business.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
To be fair to Trump, he honestly didn't know that a president couldn't just order his political opponents to be jailed.

It's going to take a little longer than Trump expected but all of the slimeballs, including the leaders of the Obama Justice Department and the Obama FBI and Obama and Hillary will all end up in prison where they belong!

Won't you be proud then!

The Barbarian

It's going to take a little longer than Trump expected

No kidding. He thought he could just issue an exectutive order and she'd be gone. Doesn't work like that.

but all of the slimeballs,

We're getting there. There have been over a dozen indictments, including some major GOP campaign officials pleading guilty and cooperating with Mueller. So far, just republican campaign officials. But the investigation is early. IIRC, Whitewater took down a few republicans; don't give up hope. It's coming along, albeit slowly.

including the leaders of the Obama Justice Department and the Obama FBI and Obama and Hillary will all end up in prison where they belong!

So far, there's been a bit of a problem with that. The "E" word, to be specific. To get indictments, much less convictions, you need evidence. That's what you're missing that Mueller has for all the perps he caught.

More to come.

Won't you be proud then!

Yep. Our justice system, imperfect as it is, works better than anything else man has been able to do. As you see, it's slow, but it's knocking the bad guys off, one at a time.

Oh, if they catch some democrats, that's fine too. If they broke laws, let them go down along with Manifort, Gates, Flynn, ... (list).

Remember, the "E" word. That's what you need.