The Most Embarrassing President Ever?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The farce after Helsinki underlines just how much of a dope Trump is. A "very stable genuis" who can't get the difference between two words with distinctly opposite meanings and needs to make the feeble excuse of a transcript error? What, do most folk need to have some help when they say "would or "wouldn't", "do" or "don't" in conversation and even think it would fly?!

He's not just embarrassing at this point, he's dangerous because of how completely inept, incapable and malleable he is. A puppet on a string.
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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Eh, there's good reason for slating Trump after Helsinki as his excuses are embarrassing beyond words and plenty Republicans are cringing over it so if I get banned then whatever. I'd sooner be in the red than live under a bridge.


like marbles on glass



New member
Eh, there's good reason for slating Trump after Helsinki as his excuses are embarrassing beyond words and plenty Republicans are cringing over it so if I get banned then whatever. I'd sooner be in the red than live under a bridge.

Yep - if anyone has assassinated Trump's "character" it's been Trump himself.

For decades, now.

I greatly suspect, though, that that is the least of his worries.

In a secret recording seized by FBI, Trump and Cohen discuss buying rights to model’s account of alleged affair...

...In the brief recording made in September 2016, Cohen can be heard telling Trump that AMI had recently purchased the rights to McDougal’s account of a 10-month affair that allegedly took place soon after he married Melania...

...He asks Cohen how they would pursue buying the rights. The two men discuss whether to use a check, rather than cash, which would create a record, according to the people. A Trump adviser said Trump suggested using a check, while a person close to Cohen claimed Cohen was the one who advised that route...

What low-lifes those two have been.


like marbles on glass
Yep - if anyone has assassinated Trump's "character" it's been Trump himself.

For decades, now.

I greatly suspect, though, that that is the least of his worries.

What low-lifes those two have been.

In WSJ’s initial story from November 2016, then-Trump campaign spokesman Hope Hicks denied all knowledge of AMI’s payment to McDougal to effectively suppress her story shortly before the presidential election — a payment that could constitute an illegal campaign contribution if it was meant to help Trump’s chances of becoming president. “We have no knowledge of any of this,” she told the outlet.

Here's the thing: Evangelicals, Trump's biggest supporters, already gave him a mulligan for past affairs. But do they also give him a mulligan for current, ongoing, and unrepented lies? And it's the lying that will affect ordinary people, like Trump lying about not being able to do anything about separated children and parents seeing asylum at the border when it was his policy which implemented it.

Trump's secret 2-hour meeting with Putin - how will we know he's not lying about what was said, given his non-stop pathological lying about everything and anything under the sun? (Lordy you know Putin has a tape.) When he lies about everything, how can we the citizens trust him on anything?

The Barbarian

From FOX:

Trump tries a do-over as bipartisan criticism of Putin fiasco grows louder
As the searing criticism of President Trump grows even hotter, the latest leaks suggest that an old and damaging pattern is repeating itself.

With The Washington Post reporting that "everyone around Trump" was urging him to be tough on Vladimir Putin—and that he largely ignored 100 pages of briefing materials—it's reminiscent of a phrase that his own advisers coined for him long ago.

As I detail in my book Media Madness, they call it "defiance disorder," when he blows past his advisers' urgent warnings and says whatever he wants to say. This is what happened after Charlottesville (more on that in a moment), and inevitably leads to corrosive leaks from frustrated aides and allies.

Axios, for instance, reports that a former senior White House official texted: "Need a shower." And a former national security official said: "Dude. This is a total [bleep] disgrace. The president has lost his mind."

These people are being disloyal, of course, but the question of the moment is how and whether the White House can control the damage. Trump wasn't backing down yesterday, tweeting that "the Fake News is going Crazy" over his meetings with Putin and NATO leaders.

By the afternoon, though, Trump attempted a partial walk-back. Reading from notes, he said what he wouldn't say in Helsinki, that he accepts the findings of U.S. intel agencies that Russia interfered in the election—while hastening to add there was "no collusion." He said at first he didn’t realize what the big deal was. But it seemed stiff and not especially convincing when Trump said that he had misspoken and meant to say "I don't see any reason why it wouldn’t be Russia," as opposed to would.

Meanwhile, what used to be a sort of fringe theory is now being openly debated, as in this New York Times news analysis:

"His statements were so divorced from American policy goals, so at odds with the rest of his administration, so inexplicable on so many levels that they brought to the surface a question that has long shadowed Mr. Trump: Does Russia have something on him?"



The Most Embarrassing President Ever?

"Although we live in a democracy, cult behavior manifests itself in our unwillingness to question the judgment of our leaders, our tendency to devalue outsiders and to avoid dissent."
- Lucy Patrick, 1990

- unwillingness to question the judgment of our leaders

- tendency to devalue outsiders

- avoid dissent

The "Donald J Trump" phenomena can best be understood as a form of cult behaviour whereby converts suspend their critical judgment to follow the often irrational dictates of an authoritarian, charismatic leader!
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Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
:mock: TDS fools.

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