The Military-Industrial Virus


like marbles on glass
Long but informative read.

The Military-Industrial Virus

Largely out of sight, our gargantuan military machine is also increasingly out of mind, especially when it comes to the ways in which it spends, and misspends, our money. Three decades ago, revelations that the military was paying $435 for a hammer and $640 for an aircraft toilet seat ignited widespread media coverage and public outrage. But when it emerged in 2018 that the Air Force was now paying $10,000 for a toilet-seat cover alone, the story generated little more than a few scattered news reports and some derisive commentary on blogs and social media. (This was despite a senior Air Force official’s unblushing explanation that the ridiculous price was required to save the manufacturer from “losing revenue and profit.”) The Air Force now claims to have the covers 3-D–printed for $300 apiece, still an extravagant sum. . . .

. . . . At a time when defense spending accounts for fifty-three cents out of every dollar appropriated by Congress. . . .

[FONT=CaslonTwoTwentyFour_Bold]. . . [/FONT] our military-industrial complex has become, in Spinney’s words, a “living organic system” with a built-in self-defense reflex that reacts forcefully whenever a threat to its food supply—our money—*hits a particular trigger point. The implications are profound, suggesting that the MIC is embedded in our society to such a degree that it cannot be dislodged, and also that it could be said to be concerned, exclusively, with self-preservation and expansion, like a giant, malignant virus. This, of course, is contrary to the notion that our armed forces exist to protect us against foreign enemies and impose our will around the globe—and that corruption, mismanagement, and costly foreign wars are anomalies that can be corrected with suitable reforms and changes in policy. But if we understand that the MIC exists purely to sustain itself and grow, it becomes easier to make sense of the corruption, mismanagement, and war, and understand why, despite warnings over allegedly looming threats, we remain in reality so poorly defended.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Who wrote that, Chomsky?

Fact is the American military keeps the world much safer than it otherwise would be, ceteris paribus, and the world owes our troops not only a debt of gratitude, but an actual financial debt. The world owes the American armed forces money.

And President Trump has begun to try to collect on that debt.

Gary K

New member
Isn't it interesting that all but one Democrat president in the 20th century has either involved the US in a war or continued a war?

1. Woodrow Wilson got the US into WW1 after pledging to the voters to stay out of it.

2. FDR got us into WW2 after pledging to stay out of it. Fact is, his administration orchestrated the manipulation of the Japanese government to the point of their declaring war on us while at the same time making sure their attack on Hawaii would succeed. Then they tried blaming both the admiral of the navy in the Pacific and the general of the army in Hawaii of dereliction of duty for not being ready after making sure the army and navy were not ready by withholding intelligence reports about the coming attack from both of them. FDR wanted a successful attack by the Japanese.

3. Harry Truman got us into the Korean War.

4. JFK got us fully involved in Vietnam by escalating it far beyond Eisenhower's involvement of only 10000 advisers.

5. Lyndon Johnson escalated the Vietnam war even more.

6. Bill Clinton got us into an air war with Kosovo.

7. Obama got us into Libya to oust Ghadaffi in a regime change war, and continued the involvement in Afghanistan and Iraq.

8. Carter tried to get us into a war with Iran, but was so inept he even failed at that.


like marbles on glass
Isn't it interesting that all but one Democrat president in the 20th century has either involved the US in a war or continued a war?

1. Woodrow Wilson got the US into WW1 after pledging to the voters to stay out of it.

2. FDR got us into WW2 after pledging to stay out of it. Fact is, his administration orchestrated the manipulation of the Japanese government to the point of their declaring war on us while at the same time making sure their attack on Hawaii would succeed. Then they tried blaming both the admiral of the navy in the Pacific and the general of the army in Hawaii of dereliction of duty for not being ready after making sure the army and navy were not ready by withholding intelligence reports about the coming attack from both of them. FDR wanted a successful attack by the Japanese.

3. Harry Truman got us into the Korean War.

4. JFK got us fully involved in Vietnam by escalating it far beyond Eisenhower's involvement of only 10000 advisers.

5. Lyndon Johnson escalated the Vietnam war even more.

6. Bill Clinton got us into an air war with Kosovo.

7. Obama got us into Libya to oust Ghadaffi in a regime change war, and continued the involvement in Afghanistan and Iraq.

8. Carter tried to get us into a war with Iran, but was so inept he even failed at that.

Isn't it interesting that's your response to the OP?

Gary K

New member
Isn't it interesting that's your response to the OP?

Not really. I haven't seen you post anything political that wasn't an attack on Trump, if only indirectly. If you were even handed in your politics and got after both parties for their failures my response would have been far different.


like marbles on glass
Not really. I haven't seen you post anything political that wasn't an attack on Trump, if only indirectly. If you were even handed in your politics and got after both parties for their failures my response would have been far different.

Lame. I posted this because I thought it was extremely informative. YOU saw it as an attack on Trump, and responded with a completely partisan take on it that wasn't in the OP. That's on you, don't try to blame it on me. I didn't even mention Trump, you did. :chuckle:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
So you've given up on your paranoid claim that trump was engineering a war with Iran to insure his re-election?

Gary K

New member
Lame. I posted this because I thought it was extremely informative. YOU saw it as an attack on Trump, and responded with a completely partisan take on it that wasn't in the OP. That's on you, don't try to blame it on me. I didn't even mention Trump, you did. :chuckle:

Very, very lame. You haven't criticized anyone on your side of the political aisle in any post of yours that I have read. Go look at your McConnell thread and see if I've criticized a Republican. It was a very harsh criticism of a Republican too as it exposed his sell out to a foreign government. Go look also at the posts where I've criticized Trump for signing off on the FASAB 56 rules. You know the post in which you stated I said nothing factual. Go look where i've criticized House Republican leaders and Senators for not keeping campaign promises. I've been critical of both parties, and you haven't even come close to that. So don't pretend you are not a political hack for the Democrats. Your projection gets nowhere with me.


like marbles on glass
Very, very lame. You haven't criticized anyone on your side of the political aisle in any post of yours that I have read. Go look at your McConnell thread and see if I've criticized a Republican. It was a very harsh criticism of a Republican too as it exposed his sell out to a foreign government. Go look also at the posts where I've criticized Trump for signing off on the FASAB 56 rules. You know the post in which you stated I said nothing factual. Go look where i've criticized House Republican leaders and Senators for not keeping campaign promises. I've been critical of both parties, and you haven't even come close to that. So don't pretend you are not a political hack for the Democrats. Your projection gets nowhere with me.

No, I'm not going to go searching through your posts elsewhere. I'm talking about your post in this thread, in which you brought up Trump while claiming I was 'indirectly' attacking Trump, so... you decided to counterattack with a list of Democratic presidents. :chuckle: If I want to attack Trump I'll do it directly, do you not know that by now?

Now do you have anything interesting or compelling to post about the military-industrial complex?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame

My, but these people are obsessed, aren't they?
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Gary K

New member
No, I'm not going to go searching through your posts elsewhere. I'm talking about your post in this thread, in which you brought up Trump while claiming I was 'indirectly' attacking Trump, so... you decided to counterattack with a list of Democratic presidents. :chuckle: If I want to attack Trump I'll do it directly, do you not know that by now?

Now do you have anything interesting or compelling to post about the military-industrial complex?

What is there to speak to? That both sides of the swamp are hopelessly and doggedly corrupt? That I can agree with.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

My, but these people are obsessed, aren't they?
