The Mechanics of Deception

Gary K

New member
The following article is the most thorough analysis of the Russia hoax that I have seen. The title of the article is the same as the title of this thread, and it most surely does expose the mechanics of the deception in the Russia hoax that has been foisted on the US public. It does so extremely thoroughly. There are no assertions except those for which the author has multiple pieces of evidence which he uses to support his hypotheses. It's not a short article and must have taken him months of research to find and assemble into a cogent article.

Much has been said and written about Christopher Steele’s authorship of the notorious document that alleges Russia-Trump collusion. According to Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS (who plead the Fifth and only spoke through his lawyers), Steele was hired by them in June 2016 to gather information about “links between Russia and [then-presidential candidate] Donald Trump.” Pursuant to that business arrangement, Steele prepared a series of reports styled as intelligence briefings, some of which were later compiled into a collection of documents and published by a number of media outlets and later become known as the “Trump dossier.”

On the face of the dossier, it appears that Steele gathered his data from multiple sources in Russia, former Soviet union (FSU) countries, and the US. He then edited the raw intelligence—which seems to be a combination of conversations and notes—organized it in a summarized brief format, and published/leaked it in parts or in its entirety on a spiraling schedule.

Christopher Steele ClaimsTimeline - Christopher Steele ClaimsTimeline

Image 1: The Dossier events and publication schedule

My initial impression reading the dossier was that the writing was sloppy and that it did not resemble an intelligence report. It exhibited multiple writing styles and writers, both English and non-English speakers, and it was assembled in haste. I also thought that in many ways, it paralleled the plot line of the Dreyfus Affair. As in the case of the “dossier” and the Bordereau from the Dreyfus case, the Trump dossier was presented as undeniable proof of collusion. Yet, it’s uncertain who composed it, how it was collected, or even if the document is genuine.

Just like its nineteen century French predecessor, the Trump dossier too had a powerful social and political impact in the US. Its content has dominated the news and has raised substantial questions about the rule of law, the political impartiality of senior federal career bureaucrats, and the true extent of the separation of powers in government.

Yaacov Apelbaum-Russia issues vs. Non-Russia issues - Yaacov Apelbaum-Russia issues vs. Non-Russia issues

Russia vs. Non-Russia issues on MSNBC’s news coverage

Considering all of the dossier’s unusual aspects, I decided to take a little time and do a deeper dive into its structure and content. In this post, I’ll demonstrate how by using readily available OSINT tools and techniques, video analytics, and writing style analysis, we can pinpoint the likely sources, methods, and the individuals involved in the creation and distribution of this document.

The rest of this article can be found here.

This is the beginning of what is probably the equivalent of a 30 or 40 page booklet. You can't read it in a short time, and can't really understand it unless you take the time to trace out the links and the reasoning. It is, though, well worth the time it takes to thoroughly understand it as it lays out the deception and corruption very well. I first read this article in mid 2018 but had forgotten about it or I would have posted it earlier.

I posted this here because the current Ukrainian hoax is nothing more than a replay of the Russia hoax and this article demonstrates how these scams are put together.